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Living and working in Denmark

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1 Living and working in Denmark
Hungary October 2009 Jan Vleugel EURES adviser

2 this presentation about Denmark danish labour market
job – which jobs, how to find seasonal work jobs questions ?


4 Denmark 43.100 sq. km., coastline 7000 km 5,4 mill. inhabitants
Greenland and Faroe Islands (but not EU) 5 regions 98 municipalities - 91 job centers no € Dkr. 100 = ca. € 13.5

5 labourmarket -facts unemployment rate 3,7% persons (juli 2009) labour force 2,9 mill. positions are occupied every year 37 working hours pr. week, 6 weeks holiday pr. year – 9.5 bank holidays employment rate 78 % 2 incomes in most families - day care facilities for children

6 a danish working place open and informal dialogue between employees and management influence on your work teamwork ! mutual respect, informal manners, sense of humor employer must give you a contract ! occupational injury insurance

7 labour market - wages collective agreements
employees with a high level of education usually negotiate their salaries individually flexible labour market - working hours, overtime, hiring and firing good social security in times of unemployment, illness or occupational injury – the flexicurity model high mobility on the Danish labour market

8 Unemployment insurance
not tax financed, but your own decision! 30 – 40 unemployment insurance funds closely related to trade unions union membership?  !!! right to assistance when problems at the working place E301 to transfer insurance period from abroad

9 practical information
employment?  registration at municipality or tax authorities  personal or tax number and tax card social security – health card you benefit from the Danish welfare system many welfare services are tax financed: kindergartens, education, care for the elderly, access to medical aid and hospitals high taxation in DK


11 Jobs – good possibilities
Building: plumbers, electricians Healthcare: nurses, healthcare assistents, doctors (gp´s, specialists), radiologists Service: cooks, waiters, sales personel

12 how to find a job help in one of the 91 jobcentres (kommune)
other good job sites – links on newspapers friends in DK who can help you


14 danish !




18 May – August  piecework, hard work!
June – August  piecework August – November  pr. hour September – December  piecework

19 more information? Velkommen i Danmark!
Jan Vleugel EURES adviser mobile Velkommen i Danmark!

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