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ICTU Housing and Homeless Seminar 23rd January 2018

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Presentation on theme: "ICTU Housing and Homeless Seminar 23rd January 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICTU Housing and Homeless Seminar 23rd January 2018

2 184 5508 1408 ? 400 ? ? No number on DV in 2016 or 2017 but TUSLA were able to say that 1,736 women and 2,621 children were forced to leave their homes as a result of domestic violence and were accommodated in domestic violence accommodation. 600 people leave care each year but none into homelessness ….. Substandard accommodation SILC data: unweighted sample (5608pax) Shortage of space: 18% Inadequate electrical installation: 9% Inadequate plumbing installation: 6% Not equipped with heating: 2% Not comfortably warm in winter: 4% Not comfortably cool in summer 8% 45,760 units 85,799 ?


4 Total Number of children in homeless families - nationally




8 Causes of Family Homelessness
Compiled from 2016 telephone surveys 72% first time homeless 69% - last stable accommodation in the private rented sector Most common reason for leaving last stable accommodation = landlords selling (23%) Plus landlords leaving the market generally – moving back in, giving to family member, bank repossession 23% other rented sector issues – rent affordability, rent arrears, landlord renovating, substandard property Social causes: DV, relationship breakdown, ASB etc

9 Key responses Preventing homelessness
End Section 34 evictions for buy-to-lets Target groups known to be at risk Supporting exits from homelessness Accelerate delivery of social housing – 10,000 per annum Cost rental housing Set series of timelines and targets to end homelessness

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