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Nanking (“The Silent Holocaust”)

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Presentation on theme: "Nanking (“The Silent Holocaust”)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nanking (“The Silent Holocaust”)
The Japanese invade China

2 Japanese begin their Invasion
The fight between the Japanese and Chinese began with a battle in Summer 1937 From here they started their trek towards Nanking In their wake they left destruction Killed people and animals Set fire to houses Violence against women


4 The City of Nanking 225,000 Japanese troops advanced on Nanking
Nanking fell to the Japanese on December 12, 1937 Now the true “horrors” would begin


6 The Horrors Murder Torture Arson and Looting Violence against women
Murder for Entertainment Death Toll -approximation “more than 300,000”

7 The Holocaust

8 The Beginning Anti-Semitism – the hatred of Jewish people demonstrated through the persecution German beliefs: Germans were “racial superior” Jewish people were “racial inferior” Jewish people were not the only “race” targeted (Gypsies, Blacks, communists, disabled and homosexuals)



11 The Holocaust The systematic persecution and execution of the Jewish people by the Nazis in World War Two “Holocaust” – destruction, especially by fire 6 million Jewish people were murdered during this time (2 out of 3 in Europe, there used to be 9 million Jewish people)


13 The Camps Concentration Labor Extermination
Establish prior to the war to hold Jews, Communists, Gypsies and those who opposed Nazism Labor Forced to work for Nazis Many died of exhaustion or starvation Extermination “The Final Solution” First opened in 1941 – Chelmo Jews were gassed and killed in various ways Auschwitz



16 Discovery of the Camps Rumors about the heinous crimes of the Nazis were beginning to permeate the world No truly understood how bad they were until the concentration camps in Germany was liberated in 1945 The Red Army had found two smaller camps in 1944 The Nazis attempted to hide the evidence by burning down the camps and abandoning the people who were still alive




20 Oscar Schindler

21 Denmark

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