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Jewish students being ridiculed in class.

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Presentation on theme: "Jewish students being ridiculed in class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jewish students being ridiculed in class.
1.Anti-Semitism: Acts or feelings against Jews; takes the form of prejudice, dislike, fear, discrimination, and persecution. Jewish students being 
ridiculed in class.

2 2. Holocaust: The systematic, planned extermination of 
six million European Jews by the Nazis during World War II. Millions of non-Jews 
(Roma gypsies, the disabled) perished in 
the Holocaust, but only the Jews were 
marked for complete annihilation. The 
word is derived from the Greek term 
meaning ‘’Burnt Whole.’’


4 3. Propaganda: A concerted set of messages aimed at 
influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people.

5 4. Concentration camp: Prison camps established beginning in 1933 soon after the Nazis assumed 
power. The Nazis sent people considered by them to be ‘’enemies of the 
state’’ to these camps. These groups included Jews, communists and other political opponents, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Roma (Gypsies) The disabled or 
otherwise impaired. Arriving at a 
camp for 



8 5. Genocide: Term created after World War II to describe the deliberate 
and systematic murder of an entire political, cultural, or religious group. The Nazis used the phrases “Final Solution’’, “special treatment’’, and “settlement’’ as 
euphemisms for genocide. Holocaust of Jews Birkenau Open Air Burning of Bodies

9 6. Persecution: The systematic mistreatment of an 
individual or a group by another group.

10 Hitler at Nürnberg 7. Nazi: A member of National 
Socialist German working 
Party under control of Adolph Hitler’s 
totalitarian government.

11 8. Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass (Jewish businesses + shops destroyed).

12 9. Gestapo: German secret police-during Nazi time, noted for brutality.

13 10. “SS” or Schutzstaffel:
Elite and powerful Nazi force also called the 
“Shield Sqadron”. The SS was primarily 
responsible for the crimes against humanity and implementing “The Final Solution”. Members shared Hitler’s vision of an “Aryan Identity” or 
master race. The SS was led by Heinrich Himmler.

14 Heinrich Himmler "One basic principal must be the 
absolute rule for the SS man: we 
must be honest, decent, loyal, and 
comradely to members of our own 
blood and to nobody else".

15 SS Leader Reinhard 
Hyedrich: ( ) was second in importance to 
Heinrich Himmler in the Nazi 
SS,Heydrich had insatiable 
greed for power and was a 
cold, calculating manipulator 
without human compassion. 
The lead planner of Hitler's 
Final Solution in which the 
Nazis attempted to exterminate 
the entire Jewish population of 
Europe." From: "The Blond Beast"

16 11. Dehumanization: is a process by which members of a group of 
people assert the "inferiority" of another group through acts or statements.

17 12. Ghetto: A ghetto is described as a "portion of a city" in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic 

18 13. “Selektion”: selection of inmates for execution or slave labor at an extermination or concentration 
camp. Selection of Hungarian Jews 
on the ramp at Auschwitz, 
spring 1944

19 14. Yellow Star: a patch (representing the yellow 
start of David) that Jews were told they had to wear and sew on their clothing to mark them as Jewish in public. It is one of the signs associated 
with anti-Semitism.

20 15. Crematorium:the process of reducing dead bodies to the form of gases and bone fragments. 
This is accomplished through burning—high 
temperatures, vaporization and oxidation. This was 
an extremely offensive way of disposing of bodies because the Jewish law forbids cremation.



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