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FHIR Implementation Guide for Data Exchange for Quality Measures

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1 FHIR Implementation Guide for Data Exchange for Quality Measures
CQI – Da Vinci FHIR Implementation Guide for Data Exchange for Quality Measures Project Update Viet Nguyen | Linda Michaelsen Robert Dieterle| Bryn Rhodes | Eric Haas June 29, 2018

2 Summary from PSS Payers and providers need common exchange process to share the data required to complete quality measures. This PSS focuses on both the standard for exchange and the specific use case of medication reconciliation attestation and the underlying process from which the attestation is created that support information for transitions of care, and care management plans involving medication changes. Proof of 30 day medication reconciliations is increasingly required for value based care incentives. Providers and care coordinators face the challenge of collecting accurate and complete patient medication records across care settings. Today’s manual and ad hoc processes are costly and will not scale.

3 Status Update FHIR resources and profiles for general measures identified. FHIR operations for general measures outlined FHIR resources and profiles for MRP use case drafted (90% complete) FHIR operations for MRP use case drafted (50% complete) Draft Implementation Guide started

4 Base Resources for Quality Measures
Library (canonical) Measure CQL Measure MeasureReport 6/27/18

5 Measure/[id]/$submit-data
Operations 1. Retrieve measure data requirements Query Measure/[id]/$datarequirements Provider System Payer System Return data requirements 2. Push measure data from Provider to Payer On event, POST Measure/[id]/$submit-data Payer System Provider System 3. Retrieve measure data from Provider by Payer Query Measure/[id]/$collect-data Provider System Payer System Return Operation Response with MeasureReport and evaluated resources

6 Publish-Subscribe - TBD
4. Payer subscribes to measure on Provider system (Definition in progress) Subscribe to Measure/[id] Provider System Payer System On event, Post Measure/[id]/$submit-data

7 Next Steps/To-Do Finalize draft of high level operations
Finalize draft of MRP profiles Finalize draft of MRP operation/operation outcome definition Define components of IG to support STU3 Floyd to confirm with TSC the need for 1 or 2 NIB (STU3 and R4 IG versions) Add narrative information to Draft IG and complete IG IG Proposal template due to FMG 7/11 NIB submission review at CQI meeting 7/6 IG Ballot Submission mid-August Review QI Core profiles may also be appropriate for MRP use case

8 FHIR Gap Analysis for MRP Use Case - Draft
Double-click on chart to see other resources/profiles (tabbed worksheets)

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