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Chapter 3 Sec. 2 Notes September 7-8 2016.

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1 Chapter 3 Sec. 2 Notes September

2 China Limits European Contacts
All the European voyages have led to opportunities for??? Made tons of $$$ from Indian Ocean countries and wanted to expand trade so they set their eyes on trade with China and later Japan. By the time Portugal landed on Chinese coast, China had driven out Mongol rulers and united under a new dynasty

3 China Under the Ming Dynasty
China had become the dominant power under the Ming dynasty in Asia. ( ) Other countries out of (fear/respect???) paid the Ming dynasty tribute money. China expected Europeans to do the same

4 The Rise of the Ming Hongwu- Commander of rebel army that drove out Mongols in Was given title Emperor. Began to establish reforms all throughout china. (Agricultural, erase past, promote China’s power) Agricultural reform increased rice production, made irrigation systems better, encouraged fish farming, sugar cane growing, and cotton.

5 His death leads to a power vacuum/struggle in 1398.
His son Yonglo emerged victorious Had curiosity for the outside world Personally launched 7 Chinese voyages sent to all different countries in Europe and Asia. Wanted to showcase China’s power especially the Ming dynasty. Also wanted to expand tribute countries.

6 Voyages of Zheng He He was a Chinese Muslim admiral that led all 7 voyages. Everything about the voyages was large and grandeur. Everywhere he went he distributed gifts such as spices, women, silver, jewels. WHY??? In return 16 other countries contributes to the Ming Dynasty. After the 7th voyage in 1433 China withdrew into isolation.

7 Ming Relations with Foreign Countries
China’s official trade policies in the 1500’s reflected isolation. To minimize outside influence only the Chinese govt. could conduct foreign trade and did so through only 3 ports. What was the reality of trade??? Because of this there was a high demand for Chinese goods especially silk and ceramics!

8 This will greatly effect supply and demand which does what to the manufacturers and economy?
Due to this taxes will stay very low on agriculture but sky rocket on who/what?

9 Manchus Found the Qing Dynasty
By 1600 Ming Ruled China for over 200 yrs. BUT their hold was weakening. Had 99 problems but a girl wasn’t one. (Ineffective rulers, corrupt officials, running out of money) Things got worse because went through bad harvests and increased taxes! This is going to lead to what? (Think poor people + Starvation = ?

10 In 1644 the Manchus invaded China and the Ming dynasty collapsed.
Their leader seized Beijing and became the new emperor. Re named the dynasty and called it the “Qing Dynasty” Would rule for a little over 260 years and would greatly expand China’s borders.

11 China Under the Qing At first people resisted the dynasty but eventually grew to trust them. Made China’s frontiers safe and resorted the economy! 2 important powerful rulers contributed to the restoration of China under this dynasty. 1) Kangxi- Emperor in 1661 ruled for 60 years reduced gov. expenses and lowered taxes. Supported the arts. Gave out government positions to intellectuals

12 2nd big ruler that took over was his grandson Qian-Long
2nd big ruler that took over was his grandson Qian-Long. Made the empire even stronger. Was known for rising at dawn each day to solve the problems of the empire. Helped bolster the economy like his grandfather. In 1800 China still tried to remain isolated but the British, Dutch, and others attempted to chip away piece by piece Chinas trade restrictions until the empire itself would eventually crack.

13 Life in Ming and Qing China
In 1600 & 1700’s there was general peace and prosperity throughout China. Many lives were overall improved. Most Chinese families farmed their family’s land the way their ancestors did. But during the Qing dynasty food production increased as well as the use of improved farming methods. (Irrigation, fertilizer)

14 If you have plenty of food, a good economy, and good standard of living what's most likely going to happen to the population? Traditionally favored sons over daughters. Only son could perform vital religious rituals. Son would raise his family under his parents roof. Families were not very well valued, many female infants were killed.

15 Women's responsibilities were to upkeep the house as well as work in the fields.
Give the children an education and be the financial guru of the household. Those that were lucky found outside jobs as textile workers or midwives.

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