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Communication Models and Advertising Research

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Models and Advertising Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Models and Advertising Research

2 AIDA Model Awareness Interest Desire Action

3 Hierarchy of Effects Unaware Aware Comprehension & Image Attitude

4 New Adopter Hierarchy Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption

5 Lavidge and Steiner model
Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Action

6 Research stream 1 Exposure, Salience, Familiarity – Zazonc
Exposure – Preference is created by mere exposure Salience – ‘TOMA’ for mature brands. Reminder advertising for others Familiarity – Comfort, Security, Ownership, Intimacy – Perceptual Fluency Implications – High level of ad repetition – for low involvement products

7 Research stream 2 Low Involvement Learning- Krugman,Ray
For normal products Cognitive Attitudinal Behavioural For L.I. products Cognitive Behavioural Attitudinal Implications – For L. I. products, greater awareness and branding is required to build preference (Wayne D. Hoyer)

8 Familiarity – Attitude Grid
High Imported goods, Endorsement products Popular FMCG Big brands Attitude Recently launched products Paints, Lubricants, etc Low Low High Familiarity

9 Central vs Peripheral routes to processing
Central processing Depth of information processing Rational and logical thinking High involvement Peripheral processing Holistic thinking Associating –ve or +ve cues from ads Cognitive ‘short-cuts’

10 Research stream 3 Elaboration Likelihood Model – Richard E. Petty and John T. Cacioppo Consumers are more likely to process centrally when motivation and ability to process is high. When either or both is low, peripheral processing is likely to take place.

11 Elaboration Likelihood Model to Attitude change
Advertisement No Motivation to Process information Peripheral cue present Yes Ability to process information No Yes Peripheral route Central route

12 Factors that shape motivation and ability
Ad medium Involvement or motivation (ad story) Knowledge level Comprehension Distraction Emotion Need for cognition

13 Research stream 4 The Cognitive Response Model
Advertising exposure and processing leads to consumers forming SAs and CAs. These are the thoughts that go on in the consumer’s mind which are cognitive responses SAs change beliefs and attitudes CAs strengthens existing beliefs and attitudes

14 Cognitive Response Model
CAs SAs SAs CAs Exposure

15 Implications of the CR model
The objective of the advertiser would be to stimulates SAs and minimise CAs Therefore this is to be managed Repetitions. CAs rise and SAs fall with too much repetition. Therefore there is an optimal level beyond which advertising should not take place (ad wearout) Don’t expect to win over a hostile audience easily Strength of argument promotes SAs Emotion – Positive moods generates SAs

16 Research Stream 5 Recall and Persuasion – David W. Stewart and John G. Lynch Recall is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for persuasion For L.I. products, recall is necessary for comprehension and comprehension is necessary for persuasion For H. I. products, message content indicating superiority over competitive products and recall are both necessary

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