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5,500 High School students 7,000+ seats daily at High Schools

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1 5,500 High School students 7,000+ seats daily at High Schools 2,603 Middle School students in 3 courses 8 Career Academies 19 Pathways-many replicated at all 3 comprehensive High Schools

2 “It is an inescapable fact that our society is based on work
“It is an inescapable fact that our society is based on work. Those who are not equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to get-and keep-good jobs are denied full social inclusion and tend to drop out of the mainstream culture, polity and economy.” Greyson V.- NHS Anthony P. Carnevale Research Professor and Director The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce

3 Granger-opportunities for students

4 Self-Assessment for High Quality CTE
We’ve read about how too many young people today finish school lacking in both practical, marketable skills, as well as the professional skills needed to secure a job, collaborate on a team, make a presentation, and successfully navigate in the real workplace. NISD has made a commitment to state of the art equipment and educational environments that provide hands-on learning experiences that go beyond traditional factory model education. We are no longer focusing on the misconceptions that the only path to career success requires 4-6 years in a collegiate academic setting. We are focused on re-establishing the rich learning environments that provide experiential learning with a defined focused of being Skilled, Credentialed, & Ready for whatever path life takes our students. Self-Assessment for High Quality CTE Work-Ready Industry Certifications Strong Pathway Content Huddles Post-Secondary Opportunities


6 Biomedical Science- E-portfolio’s

7 Health Sciences pathway has may of the same career outcomes, however the intensity and focus on research is lessened within this program and a more hands-on clinical approach is applied. Therefore students are more prepared for a variety of jobs. However, there are plenty of places where we see overlap at each level.

8 Building a strong root system is essential to the career tree
Building a strong root system is essential to the career tree. Students need to know they have to work to become a well rounded career focused student. It takes more than robust academics, however you do need to have academic knowledge. Students who are focused on their goal setting can being building goals around the root worksheet. We encourage students to utilize their portfolio to document their professional skills and what they have done each day to get themselves one step closer to their career goals.





13 11 (full time, benefits, & tuition reimbursement)
Student Interns Number of Student Interns 201/600 seats Number of intern hours 72,360 Work ready certificates earned 314 Number of unpaid internships that turned into paid positions 11 (full time, benefits, & tuition reimbursement) Number of Industry Partners 28 Career Preparation Number of Students 128 Average number of hours worked 67,200 Average income earned $ 537,600.00 192 Number of work locations 85 (9/1/17-present) Course completion certificates 1,623 Video hours viewed 6,154 Videos viewed 98,802

14 “The ultimate relevance of education is when it empowers people to do work in the world rather than retreat from it.” Anthony P. Carnevale Research Professor and Director The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce


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