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States of the glottis.

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Presentation on theme: "States of the glottis."— Presentation transcript:

1 States of the glottis

2 What is configuration of vocal folds . . .
During a voiceless sound?

3 What is configuration of vocal folds . . .
During a voiceless sound? During a voiced sound?

4 What is configuration of vocal folds . . .
During a voiceless sound? During a voiced sound? During a devoiced or partially voiced sound?

5 What is [h]?

6 What is [h]? Vocal tract completely open

7 Why is [h] a fricative if vocal tract is open?

8 Why is [h] a fricative if vocal tract is open?
Glottis is narrower than trachea This causes friction

9 What is whispering? Difference between breathing and whispering
Time to exhale Time to whisper [ə] is longer

10 What is whispering? Difference between breathing and whispering
Time to exhale Time to whisper [ə] is longer Why?

11 What is whispering? Difference between breathing and whispering
Time to exhale Time to whisper [ə] is longer Why?

12 Creaky voice (Vocal fry)
Similar configuration to whisper except there is vibration

13 Breathy voice (murmur)
Sexy voice video

14 Breathy voice (Murmur)
Sexy voice video Some languages use it contrastively ([bat] [bhat])

15 Aspiration Stops have Closure Release Aspiration (or not)

16 Aspiration Stops have Closure Release Aspiration (or not)
Aspiration is escaping air prior to vowel voicing

17 Aspiration [ba] [pa] [pha]

18 Aspiration The length of aspiration (between release and voicing) is called Voice Onset Time (VOT)

19 Aspiration The length of aspiration (between release and voicing) is called Voice Onset Time (VOT) Poke [phok] Spoke [spok] Take [theik] Stake [steik] Key [khi] Ski [ski]

20 Aspiration Try saying them with reversed aspiration Poke [pok]
Spoke [sphok] Take [teik] Stake [stheik] Key [ki] Ski [skhi]

21 Voiced aspiration is breathy voice
Hindi [bɦal] forehead [bal] hair [dɦar] knife [dal] lentil [gɦal] confusion [gal] cheek [ɦ] is a voiced [h]

22 Stricture Degree of closure Stops-complete closure
Fricatives-small aperture (turbulence) Approximants-large aperture (no turbulence) Vowels-even larger aperture

23 Stricture Degree of closure Stops-complete closure [b]
Fricatives-small aperture (turbulence) [β] Approximants-large aperture (no turbulence) [β̞] Vowels-even larger aperture

24 Stricture Degree of closure Stops-complete closure [ɟ]
Fricatives-small aperture (turbulence) [ʝ] Approximants-large aperture (no turbulence) [j] Vowels-even larger aperture [i]

25 Stricture Degree of closure Stops-complete closure [k]
Fricatives-small aperture (turbulence) [x] Approximants-large aperture (no turbulence) [x̞] Vowels-even larger aperture

26 Stricture Degree of closure Stops-complete closure
Fricatives-small aperture (turbulence) [v] Approximants-large aperture (no turbulence) [ʋ] Vowels-even larger aperture

27 Stricture Degree of closure Stops-complete closure [d̪]
Fricatives-small aperture (turbulence) [ð] Approximants-large aperture (no turbulence) [ð̞] Vowels-even larger aperture

28 Stricture Trill Two or more short occlusions Bilabial trill [Β]

29 Stricture Trill Two or more short occlusions Bilabial trill [Β]
Alveolar trill [r]

30 Stricture Trill Two or more short occlusions Bilabial trill [Β]
Alveolar trill [r] Uvular trill [R]

31 Stricture Tap and flap One short occlusion Alveolar [ɾ] better, city
Flap-tap from retroflex position [ɽ] dirty, furtive

32 Semivowels Also called glides

33 Semivowels Also called glides When [I] and [u] are really short
[w], [j] Yes, way, away, yodel, Mayan

34 Semivowels Also called glides When [I] and [u] are really short
[w], [j] Yes, way, away, yodel, Mayan You can lengthen a vowel, not a semivowel

35 Medial vs. lateral Medial: air flows over center of tongue [z], [tʃ]

36 Medial vs. lateral Medial: air flows over center of tongue [z], [tʃ]
Lateral: air flows around side of tongue [l], [ɬ], [ɮ]

37 Medial vs. lateral Stops are neither
If preceded by a lateral a stop has a lateral approach

38 Medial vs. lateral Stops are neither
If preceded by a lateral a stop has a lateral approach Compare ‘alternate’ and ‘attorney’ Compare ‘halt’ and ‘hot’

39 Medial vs. lateral Stops are neither
If followed by a lateral a stop has a lateral release Compare ‘at’ and ‘atlas’

40 Location of articulation
Three tubes Oral Nasal Pharyngeal

41 Location of articulation
Nasal cavity Velum is valve

42 Location of articulation
Nasal cavity Velum is valve If velum is raised no air enters nasal cavity Sound is oral

43 Location of articulation
Nasal cavity Velum is valve If velum is raised no air enters nasal cavity Sound is oral If velum is lowered and there is closure in mouth Sound is nasal [m, n, ŋ]

44 Location of articulation
Nasal cavity Velum is valve If velum is raised no air enters nasal cavity Sound is oral If velum is lowered and there is closure in mouth Sound is nasal [m, n, ŋ] If velum is lowered and no closure in mouth Sound is nasalized [õ]

45 Location of articulation
Nasalized vowels Alternate between [e] and [ẽ] ‘beat’ and ‘bean’ stay on vowel, don’t pronounce final consonant

46 Location of articulation in mouth

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