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Presentation on theme: "SUCCESS IN INTERVIEW - TIPS"— Presentation transcript:

Friday, November 09, 2018

2 Before Interview- Preparation, Planning & Practice
Do a study of the industry and the organization you plan to interview for. Prepare your CV clearly defining your qualification, skills and past experience and Spell check and proof read. Match your skill set with the position requirement and Strengthen your domain knowledge Be prepared for the aptitude test as many organizations conduct it before the interview. Choose appropriate clothes and keep it ready in advance. It helps save time and Keep extra copies of resumes, certificates ready. Have a sound sleep the night before the interview to feel fresh and energetic. Friday, November 09, 2018

3 On the day of Interview Feel calm, confident and prepared on the day of interview. Dress appropriately and cleanly to look neat and professional. Always arrive minutes before the interview time. Do carry extra copies of resumes. During the waiting time for the interview, read through the CV twice or thrice and interact with the other people present in the waiting room/area. Friday, November 09, 2018

4 For Women: The attire for the day should be ironed and in subtle colors. Avoid frills, ruffles, straps, or low necklines. Low heel or flat footwear can be worn but ensure they are clean and polished. Do not wear flashy jewelry. Be light on makeup. Tied hairstyle is recommended. Avoid using strong fragrance. Friday, November 09, 2018

5 For Men: Clean Shaven, trimmed nails, hair properly cut and combed.
Clothes should be ironed. Shirt should be a solid color, preferably white/cream/pale blue. Trousers/suit should be in dark and solid color. Tie should in subtle colors. Avoid flashy ties. Black/brown leather shoes. They should be clean and polished. Avoid using strong fragrance. Friday, November 09, 2018

6 During the Interview When you walk into the room, greet the interviewer/s by shaking hands with all of them firmly Do not keep your head pointing downwards. Do not nod too much. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer but do not stare. Keep your hands in your lap or on knees. Do not cross your arms. Avoid fidgeting with things around /scratching your neck/touching ears/ rubbing nose or eye. Friday, November 09, 2018

7 During the Interview Be calm, composed, confident and positive. Smile and convey a pleasant outlook. Speak clearly and do not mumble. Listen to the questions carefully before answering. In case of doubt, request the interviewer to repeat the question. Be precise and to the point while answering. Do not elaborate too much. Maintain poise throughout the interview. Do thank the interviewer before leaving the room. Friday, November 09, 2018

8 After the Interview Write down the questions you could not answer or felt you could have answered better. Send out/ the necessary documents if the interviewer has asked for any. Follow up for an update on the interview after ten days in case you do not hear from the organization. Do not lose heart in case you do not clear the interview. Prepare yourself better for the next time. Friday, November 09, 2018

9 Generic Questions Q. Tell us about yourself/Take me through your CV.
A. Talk about relevant facts of your education, family background, professional qualifications, past and current working experience if any. Q. What is your understanding of the position you have applied for? A. Do a thorough research of the position advertised and get to know the roles and responsibilities. Friday, November 09, 2018

10 Generic Questions Q. What do you know about our organization (the employer)? A. Please refer to the website of the concerned organization and read through sections like "About Us", "Products & Services/ Offerings", "Press Releases" etc. In case there is no website, browse for whatever information you can find online about the organization. Q. What are your strengths and weaknesses? A. Strengths: Talk about the personal qualities which will help you project yourself as a good professional. For example: good communication skills ,honest, time management skills, confident, quick learner etc. Weakness: If you are aware, of your weakness, please state it honestly. If your not sure, please say At this point of time, I can't think of anything specific Friday, November 09, 2018

11 Generic Questions Q. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
A. Frame an answer in a way that the interviewer could sense your long term commitment. For example: In next 5 years, I see myself growing to middle level management while continuing to learn and grow. Q. Give us an example of a challenging situation you've overcome. A. If already working, think about all the tough times you have gone through in your career and quote the one you handled successfully. If you are a fresher, think and narrate any related situation. Friday, November 09, 2018

12 Generic Questions Q. Do you have any questions to ask?
A. You can ask about learning opportunities, role and responsibilities of the profile, training programs, any question which suggests that you have studied and researched the industry and the organization will put you in good light. Friday, November 09, 2018

13 THAKING YOU Friday, November 09, 2018


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