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The Physics Program of Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV
Elton S. Smith Jefferson Lab Orsay, 2007 Gluonic Excitations 3-dim view of the Nucleon Quarks in nuclear matter Project Status
Nuclear Physics with Energy Upgraded JLab
Understand how hadrons are constructed from the quarks and gluons of QCD Understand the QCD basis for the nucleon-nucleon force Explore the limits of our understanding of nuclear structure The transition from the nucleon-meson to the quark-gluon description JLab’s Scientific Mission We know that QCD works, but we still need to understand how. Must address critical issues in “strong” QCD Do quarks and gluons play any direct role in Nuclear Matter?
JLab accelerator CEBAF
Continuous Electron Beam Energy 0.8 ─ 5.7 GeV 200 mA, polarization 75% 1499 MHz operation Simultaneous delivery 3 halls A B C
Upgrade magnets and power supplies
CHL-2 Upgrade magnets and power supplies 12 6 GeV CEBAF add Hall D (and beam line) Enhance equipment in existing halls
Overview of 12 GeV Physics Program
Hall D – exploring origin of confinement by studying exotic mesons Hall B – understanding nucleon structure via generalized parton distributions Note BSM not included in project Hall C – precision determination of valence quark properties in nucleons and nuclei Hall A – short range correlations, form factors, hyper-nuclear physics, future new experiments 5
Gluonic Excitations Dynamical role of Glue Confinement
Quarks are confined inside colorless hadrons
Quarks combine to “neutralize” color force q q q q q mesons baryons glueball meson hybrid meson Configurations outside the standard quark model q pentaquark molecules
Bonding of hydrogen molecule
Electronic energy levels in molecules are created by stable configurations of electrons between the atoms
Molecular binding and configuration of electrons
ground state excited state “Cloud” of electrons creates potential which bonds H2 atoms into diatomic molecule. Excited electronic states correspond to excitations of the electron cloud.
Normal Mesons – qq color singlet bound states
Spin/angular momentum configurations & radial excitations generate the known spectrum of light quark mesons. Starting with u - d - s we expect to find mesons grouped in nonets - each characterized by a given J, P and C. Spin 0 Spin 1 K0 K+ K* r w f p0 h’ p− p+ h K− K0 JPC = 0– – – 1+ – 2++ … Allowed combinations JPC = 0– – 0+ – 1– – … Not-allowed: exotic
Quark binding and configuration of gluons
JKM, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 63A-C (1998) 326 Confinement arises from flux tubes and their excitation leads to a new spectrum of mesons From G. Bali
Hybrid Mesons Hybrid mesons 1 GeV mass difference Normal mesons
Quantum Numbers of Hybrid Mesons
Excited Flux Tube Quarks Hybrid Meson like Exotic Flux tube excitation (and parallel quark spins) lead to exotic JPC like
Mass Predictions Lowest mass expected to be p1(1−+) at 1.9±0.2 GeV
Lattice GeV GeV GeV
How do exotics decay? Possible daughters: L=1: a,b,h,f,…
simple decay modes such as ,, … are suppressed. The angular momentum in the flux tube stays in one of the daughter mesons (L=1) and (L=0) meson, e.g: Example: p1→b1p flux tube L=1 quark L=1 wp → 4p
Hybrid Decays Sensitivity to a variety of decay modes removes dependence on model predictions. For example, for hybrids: favored Measure many decay modes! not-favored To certify results, checks will be made among different final states for the same decay mode, for example: Should give same results
Strategy for Exotic Meson Search
Use photons to produce meson final states tagged photon beam with 8 – 9 GeV linear polarization to constrain production mechanism Use large acceptance detector hermetic coverage for charged and neutral particles typical hadronic final states: f1h KKh KKppp b1p wp pppp rp ppp high data acquisition rate Perform partial-wave analysis identify quantum numbers as a function of mass check consistency of results in different decay modes
Coherent Bremsstrahlung
12 GeV electrons Incoherent & coherent spectrum flux This technique provides requisite energy, flux and polarization tagged with 0.1% resolution 40% polarization in peak photons out collimated electrons in spectrometer diamond crystal Eg (GeV)
Coherent Bremsstrahlung
GlueX / Hall D Detector Lead Glass Detector Solenoid Coherent Bremsstrahlung Photon Beam Tracking Target Cerenkov Counter Time of Flight Barrel Calorimeter Note that tagger is 80 m upstream of detector Electron Beam from CEBAF
Finding an Exotic Wave An exotic wave (JPC = 1-+) was generated at level of 2.5 % with 7 other waves. Events were smeared, accepted, passed to PWA fitter. Mass Input: MeV Width Input: 170 MeV Output: /- 3 MeV Output: /- 11 MeV Double-blind M. C. exercise Statistics shown here correspond to a few days of running.
Summary of Exotic Hybrid Mesons
The physics goal of GlueX is to map the spectrum of hybrid mesons starting with those with the unique signature of exotic JPC quantum numbers. Study hybrid mass with masses up to 2.5 GeV Expected sensitivity to exotic signals is at the level of a few percent of the production of normal hadrons
3-dimensional view of the Nucleon Deep Exclusive Scattering
1-dim view from Deep Inclusive Scattering
What have we learned? nucleon has a substructure made of quarks quarks are spin ½ objects Longitudinal momentum distribution of quarks q(x), Dq(x) 50% of the nucleon momentum is carried by quarks, the remainder by gluons less than 25% of the nucleon spin is carried by quark helicity
Generalized Parton Distributions
GPD’s provide access to fundamental quantities such as the quark orbital angular momentum that have not been accessible
Interpretation of the GPD’s
Analogy with form factors Charge ↔ Form Factor å ò = × - M r m R to relative measured e d q F i cm ) ( 3 Parton Distribution ↔ GPD’s Ref. Burkardt CM i b iq R from distance a at x fraction momentum with quarks of density parton is f where r to relative measured e d q H ^ × - = å ò ) , ( @ 2
3-dim picture Elastic Scattering Deep Inelastic Deep Exclusive
from Belitsky and Mueller Elastic Scattering Deep Inelastic Deep Exclusive
Measurements of the GPDs are now feasible
Measuring the GPD’s Key experimental capabilities include: CW (100% duty factor) electron beams permits fully exclusive reactions Modern detectors permit exclusive reactions at high luminosity Adequate energy 10 GeV to access the valence quark regime Measurements of the GPDs are now feasible
Kinematics for deeply exclusive experiments
no overlap with other existing experiments compete with other experiments
Deep Exclusive Scattering
Inclusive Scattering Compton Scattering Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) Probes the nucleon quark structure and correlations at the amplitude level
) ( DVCS Bethe-Heitler + 2 Beam Spin Asymmetry e e’ p g dydtd dx d = T
GPD’s B dydtd dx d = ( ) BH DVCS T * 2 + Q e y x 3 1 8 p a f s Beam Spin Asymmetry ~
CLAS12 - DVCS/BH- Beam Asymmetry
Ee = 11 GeV Q2=5.5GeV2 xB = 0.35 -t = 0.25 GeV2 Luminosity = 720fb-1
CLAS12 - DVCS/BH Beam Asymmetry
e p epg E = 11 GeV DsLU~sinfIm{F1H+..}df Selected Kinematics L = 1x1035 T = 2000 hrs DQ2 = 1 GeV2 Dx = 0.05
Meson Production as a Filter
Use quantum numbers of meson to select appropriate combinations of parton distributions in nucleon. Pseudoscalers (polarized) p0: Duv - ½ Ddv h : Duv - ½ Ddv + 2Dsv Vector Mesons (unpolarized) rL0: u + u + ½ (d + d); g wL0: u + u - ½ (d + d); g fL0: s + s; g g* Y(z)GjY(y) Y(z)GiY(y) p p
Summary of Nucleon Structure
These measurements of exclusive reactions will be possible due to the increased luminosity available at Jefferson Lab. The Q2 range will double in the region of valence quarks over that accessible today. Insight into the structure of the nucleon will be obtained by studies of the Generalized Parton Distribtuions which provide information about the transverse position distribution of quarks within the nucleon.
Quarks in Nuclear Matter
EMC Effect
Nucleons and Pions or Quarks and Gluons?
From a field theoretic perspective, nuclei are a separate solution of QCD Lagrangian Not a simple convolution of free nucleon structure with Fermi motion ‘Point nucleons moving non-relativistically in a mean field’ describes lowest energy states of light nuclei very well But description must fail at small distances In nuclear deep-inelastic scattering, we look directly at the quark structure of nuclei This is new science, and largely unexplored territory New experimental capabilities to attack long-standing physics issues
The QCD Lagrangian and Nuclear “Medium Modifications”
vacuum Long-distance gluonic fluctuations Lattice calculation demonstrates reduction of chiral condensate of QCD vacuum in presence of hadronic matter Leinweber, Signal et al.
Does the quark structure of a nucleon get modified by the suppressed QCD vacuum fluctuations in a nucleus?
Quark Structure of Nuclei: The EMC Effect
Observation that structure functions are altered in nuclei stunned much of the HEP community 23 years ago. ~1000 papers on the topic; the best models explain the curve by change of nucleon structure, BUT more data are needed to uniquely identify the origin What is it that alters the quark momentum in the nucleus? x JLab 12 Explain what the EMC effect is. Point out the three regions and their conventional explanations. Cannot be fully explained by conventional nuclear physics Amazing that we still don’t know the answer after nearly a quarter of a century Coverage extends at least to x=1.5 J. Ashman et al., Z. Phys. C57, 211 (1993) J. Gomez et al., Phys. Rev. D49, 4348 (1994)
EMC Effect - Theoretical Explanations
Quark picture Multi-quark cluster models Nucleus contains multinucleon clusters (e.g., 6-quark bag) Dynamical rescaling Confinement radius larger due to proximity to other nucleons Call it an increased confinement radius, not a bigger nucleon. Note connection between clusters and SRC Hadron picture Nuclear binding Effects due to Fermi motion and nuclear binding energy, including virtual pion exchange Short range correlations High momentum components in nucleon wave function
Quarks in a Nucleus Observation that structure functions are altered in nuclei stunned much of the HEP community ~25 years ago r scaling A scaling A=3 EMC Effect A=3 EMC Effect at 12 GeV Effect well measured,over large range of x and A, but remains poorly understood 1) ln(A) or r dependent? 2) valence quark effect only?
Anti-Quarks in a Nucleus
Is the EMC effect a valence quark phenomenon or are sea quarks involved? Tremendous opportunity for experimental improvements! 0.5 1.0 gluons sea valence 0.1 S. Kumano, “Nuclear Modification of Structure Functions in Lepton Scattering,” hep-ph/ x RCa E772 Deep inelastic electron scattering probes only the sum of quarks and anti-quarks requires assumptions on the role of sea quarks Solution: Detect a final state hadron in addition to scattered electron Can ‘tag’ the flavor of the struck quark by measuring the hadrons produced: ‘flavor tagging’
“Free” Neutron Structure – The BONuS Experiment
Goal: Measure Structure Functions F2 on Nearly Free Neutrons Technique: e + D e’ + pS + X With backward going pS as low as 70 MeV/c to guarantee: nearly free neutron struck no complications due to FSI or resonance decay CLAS RTPC p e- Also gives information on nuclear complications = nuclear physics! Also possible to extend measurements to 3He and 4He to measure all electroproduced particles and reconstruct nuclear EMC effects from pieces!
Summary of quarks in nuclei
The properties of nucleons change when they are imbedded inside nuclei High luminosity beams at Jefferson lab and the kinematic range of the 12 GeV Upgrade will allow measurements of the structure of nucleons in nuclei with unprecedented accuracy. The program will be used to understand the reasons for changes in the momentum distribution of quarks in nuclei.
DOE Generic Project Timeline
We are here DOE Reviews Almost half-way between CD1 and CD2
12 GeV Upgrade: Project Reviews
Independent Project Review - June 2006 (DOE) 35% Hall D design review – July 2006 Cryomodule review - September 2006 Superconducting Magnet Review – September 2006 Arc Magnet review - November 2006 60% Hall D design review - January 2007 Project Status Review – January 2007 (DOE): “The 12 GeV Upgrade Project is on track in their preparations and readiness for CD-2 approval in September 2007.” June (?): Baseline Readiness (CD-2) Review, stage I Conducted by Lehman office (DOE - IPR) August: Baseline Readiness (CD-2) Review, stage II Conducted by OECM (DOE – EIR) The project is on track for CD-2 Approval Next
Schedule Overview
Highlights of the CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade Physics Program
Exploration of QCD and confinement: Existence and properties of exotic mesons Totally New View of Hadron (and Nuclear) Structure: Generalized Parton Distributions New Paradigm for Nuclear Physics: Quark structure of nuclei Not covered in this talk: Revolutionize Our Knowledge of Spin and Flavor Dependence of Valence Parton Distribution Functions Finalize Our Knowledge of Distribution of Charge and Current in the Nucleon Precision Tests of the Standard Model Project is on track with construction starting in less than two years!
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