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Welcome Fourth Grade Families!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Fourth Grade Families!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Fourth Grade Families!
Khin (Multi-subject Classroom teacher) (Response hours: 8:20-5:00) Christina (Math)- Cristine (Social Studies) Maura (Science)

2 Goals for Fourth Grade Developing perseverance and stamina in order to think critically Fostering responsibility and independence Promoting growth through enrichment and extra support

3 Language Arts with Khin
Different Components 1. Shared/Close Reading- 3 times a week Scholastic Storyworks Magazine, Junior Great Books, past state exams. 2. Independent or Guided Reading- meet with a teacher 1-3 times a week. (Leveled books) 3. Interactive Read Aloud- daily 4. Writing - Strengthening informative writing and literary essays. 5. Cursive Handwriting- once a week

4 Homework Purpose: Foster independence, responsibility and extra practice. Assignments will be posted daily on pupil-path, grades will be posted the week after. One assignment will be given Monday through Thursday. (vocabulary, reading response, 2 days of math). Any unfinished classwork Reading log and book response for extra credit

5 Language Arts Grade Weekly in class reading responses (independent/guided reading books) Passage based responses Monthly vocabulary exams Participation Homework Projects Grades will be on Pupilpath the following week.

6 Eureka Math Curriculum
Grade 4- Module 1 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 2/ Module 7 Units Place Value, Rounding, Fluency with Addition and Subtraction Algorithms of Whole Numbers Multiplication and Division of up to a 4-Digit Number by up to a 1-Digit Number Using Place Value Order and Operations with Fractions Addition and Subtraction of Angle Measurements of Planar Figures Decimal Fractions Unit Conversions: Addition and Subtraction of Length, Weight, and Capacity with an emphasis on Multiplication Duration September- November November- January February-March April May May- June Standards 4.OA.3 * 4.NBT.1 * 4.NBT.2 * 4.NBT.3 * 4.NBT.4 * 4.OA.1 4.OA.2 4.OA.3 * 4.OA.4 4.OA.5 4.NBT.5 4.NBT.6 4.MD.3 4.NF.1 * 4.NF.2 * 4.NF.3 * 4.NF.4 * 4.MD.2 4.MD.4 4.MD.5 4.MD.6 4.MD.7 4.G.1 4.G.2 4.G.3 4.NF.5 * 4.NF.6 * 4.NF.7 * 4.MD.2 4.MD.1 4.MD.2 4.OA.1 4.OA.2 4.OA.3 * 4.NBT.5 Math In the City Number Strings- Graph Paper Arrays/ The Open Array Book- The Teacher’s Lounge Number Strings The Open Array The Double Number Line Ration Tables Book- Field Trips and Fund-Raisers Number Strings- Clock &Money Models Number Strings: From: Minilessons for Extending Multiplication and Division: (Orange Book) The Open Array (A36-A62) The Double Number Line and the Ratio Table Spiral Topics- (Forms: Khan, Zearn, Task Cards, Math Games, Number Strings, Projects, Math Boxes, Word Problem etc.) -Multiplication Fluency -Bar/ Picto/Line Plots -Rounding -Place Value -Fractions on a Number Line/Kits -Comparing Fractions - Area & Perimeter -Place Value to Millions -Factor and Multiples -Geometry: Polygons/ Angles/ Symmetry -Mult/ Division - Place Value to Millions - Mult/ Division Word Problems -Multistep Problems - Measurem -Fractions: Equivalent, Comparing, Add/Sub/ Mult. - Multi/ Division Strategies -Measuring Angles -Classifying Quadrilaterals -Decimal Fractions

7 Math with Khin and Christina
Monday & Friday- whole group lesson with independent work. Wednesday- word problem solving to promote critical thinking, discussions and perseverance. Monday & Friday- Centers Khin- new lesson Christina- spiral review or enrichment Independent work- fluency games, practice problems Computer- practice with Khan Academy or Dreambox (review)

8 Math - Grading Homework- twice a week
About 5-8 problems in their workbooks. Assessments- quizzes (every 2 weeks) Classwork – practice work during centers, math workbook, projects. End of unit exams Participation- discussions, perseverance Extra practice- refer to

9 Science with Maura and Khin
Main Focus- Analyzing data, graphing, scientific vocabulary through hands on lab activities. Grading- on Pupilpath Classwork- biweekly grade based on participation, notebook, daily work Assessments- End of Unit Exams (4-5 throughout the year) Other assignments- lab reports, projects Test Prep- weekly review questions from units, mock test through Kaplan Dismissal at 3:10.

10 Social Studies with Cristine and Khin Main Focus- New York History through songs and analyzing how New York changed throughout the years. Grading Projects- content, effort, writing, organization Culminating libretto through partnership with The Metropolitan Opera Guild.

11 If you have not turn in the following, please do so, ASAP
$30 class dues (subscription to Scholastic Storyworks, class supplies and celebrations) - Unused class funds travel with your child to 5th grade Contact sheet, parent survey

12 Thank You for Coming! Khin’s email
Response hours: (8:30 A.M.- 5:00 P.M.)

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