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Female Reproductive System

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1 Female Reproductive System

2 Essential & Accessory Organs
Gonads - ovaries Accessory Organs Ducts - uterine tubes, uterus, vagina Sex glands - bartholin’s and breasts External genitals - vulva

3 Ovaries Pair of them Uneven surface Weight: 3g
Attached to ligaments in pelvic cavity Each side of uterus 1 million ovarian follicles in baby girl

4 Follicle development Each follicle contains an oocyte
By puberty 400,000 develop into primary follicle During lifetime, will develop into mature follicles These ovulate and release an ovum for pot’l fertilization - Graafian follicle


6 Primary follicle to Ovulation
Granulosa cell layer around oocyte increases Forms hollow chamber (antrum) & secondary follicle is formed Mature follicle (Graafian follicle) ruptures during ovulation Remaining follicle is transformed into hormone secreting glandular structure (corpus luteum)

7 Oogenesis Production of female sex cells via meiosis
Two meiotic divisions reduce chromosome number in half but cytoplasm is divided unequally b/t 4 cells One large ovum & 3 small polar bodies

8 Estrogen and Progesterone
Granulosa cells around oocyte produce estrogen Female sex characteristics Stimulates growth of epithelial cells lining uterus Initiates 1st period Secreted by Corpus luteum Stimulated by pituitary gland to last for 11 days Stimulates proliferation and vascularization of epithelial lining of uterus Initiates menstrual cycle with estrogen

9 Reproductive Ducts Uterine tubes (fallopian tubes or oviducts) - serve as duct for ovaries Uterus - small, but strong organ

10 Fallopian Tubes Outer end has fringelike projections called fimbriae
Fimbriae produce wavelike movement to “catch” the ovum Ovum travels toward uterus

11 Uterus Size of a pear Extremely strong Holds baby during pregnancy
2 parts - body & cervix 3 layers - endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium Functions in menstruation, pregnancy and labor

12 Vagina Distensible tube about 10 cm long
Smooth muscle and lined with mucous membrane Sperm enters on journey to reach ovum Also called birth canal

13 Accessory and supportive sex glands
Bartholin’s glands - secretes mucuslike fluid to genetalia Breast - lie over pectoral muscles 15-20 lobes that contain milk-secreting glandular cells

14 Menstrual Cycle Days Menses (menstrual) period - small patches of dead cells of uterine lining slough off, leaving torn blood vessels Days Proliferative phase - epithelial cells reproduce, repairing uterine lining Day 14 - Ovulation - ovum is released from ovary and moves into fallopian tube for possible fertiliaztion Days Secretory phase - uterine lining prepares for pregnancy by growing thicker, secreting, more blood supply. On last day, blood supply goes down, causing cells to die.


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