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Welcome to 3rd Grade! Room 7 Mrs. Shearn

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3rd Grade! Room 7 Mrs. Shearn"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3rd Grade! Room 7 Mrs. Shearn

2 Curriculum Sacraments Saints 5 step writing process
Informational Text; Expository Writing Multiplication/ Division Place Value Geometry Earth’s Resources Life Science Community History/Geography

3 Simple Solutions Math and Language Arts review of previously learned skills and some new concepts Lessons done 4 nights a week Quiz on Friday (Alternate)

4 Common Core Balance between informational text and literature
Comprehending complex texts Writing in response to texts Conducting and reporting on research Language and grammar skills Speaking and listening Cross-content literacy (Science Binder and Social Studies Story)

5 Homework Always due next day unless noted
Write daily in assignment notebook (planner) Missing Homework Slips-Please sign Take Home folder-Home & School Did In Class

6 Grading Papers will just have a number grade. Checks
and plusses are reserved for report cards. Simple Solution quizzes and math minutes will be noted in comment section of report cards.

7 Discipleship We will sponsor a sister from Saint Mary of the Springs. Usually students are assigned to a week in which they reach out to our sister.

8 Projects Business Project Heritage Quilt Biography Bonanza Book Report
Animal Research Reports

9 Communication School Website:
s are great! Phone calls- please give at least 24 hours for return call Note basket on my desk Daily transportation notes

10 Field Trips C.O.S.I Walking Tour of Westerville
We will send home advance notice. Chaperones are great!

11 Rewards Classroom Coupons Pom Poms Read & Relax

12 Children “Children are one third of our population and all of our future.”  ~Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health

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