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Modern Control Systems (Pr)

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1 Modern Control Systems (Pr)
Lab-2:Development of Characteristics of D.C Motor Dr. Imtiaz Hussain Associate Professor URL :

2 Characteristics of D.C Motor
Motor Characteristics (Armature control Mode)

3 Characteristics of D.C Motor
Motor Characteristics (Field control Mode)

4 Characteristics of D.C Motor
com +15 Experimental set up (Armature Control Mode)

5 Characteristics of D.C Motor
Connect the voltmeter across the tacho outputs and switch on the power. Turn the slider on the potentiometer till there is a reading of 1V on the voltmeter. Count the turns of the geared 30:1 low speed shaft in one minute. Tabulate your result in following table. S. No Tachogenerator Volts (Vg) Vin No. of rotations of low Speed Shaft (a) Speed in rev/min N=30×a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10

6 Characteristics of D.C Motor
Plot the graph of your results, as in following figure, of speed against Tachogenerator volts. The calibration factor should be about 2.5V to 3V per 1000 rev/min. calibration factor =

7 End of Lab-2 To download this lecture visit
End of Lab-2

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