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Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Estimation from Field and Submaximal Exercise Tests Chapter 7.

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1 Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Estimation from Field and Submaximal Exercise Tests
Chapter 7


3 Reasonable and Expected Values for VO2
Category or Level ml.min-1 METS Male (75 kg) Female (60 kg) Rest 3.5 262 210 1 Maximal 20 yrs Old 45-60 35-50 13-17 10-14 60 yrs Old 30-40 25-35 8-11 7-10 Elite Endurance Athlete 80 70 6000 4200 23 20


5 Textbook, Fig. 7.7, P. 126

6 Terminology VO2R HRR VO2 reserve capacity
VO2R = (VO2max – VO2 Resting) HRR Heart Rate Reserve HRR = (HRmax – HR rest)

7 Mode of Activity Use of large muscle groups
Legs or legs + arms When small muscles are used the HR response is exaggerated Different modes are equivalent if HR is raised to same level for same period of time or total calories are the same

8 Factors Determining Best Mode
Enjoyable Accessible Orthopedic limitations Body Mass Motor Skill Must do activities that are at least tolerable

9 Fitness and Health

10 ACSM/AHA Current PA Recommendations
Moderate intensity aerobic exercise (3-6 Mets, brisk walking, 50% HRR) for minimum of 30 min, 5 days per week OR, vigorous intensity aerobic exercise (>6 Mets, jogging, 70% HRR) for minimum of 20 min, 3 days per week. Any combination that accumulates Met.min per week kcals for 70 kg person Strength training

11 What Counts? Intermitten bouts of at least 10 minutes
Occupational tasks (above and beyond typical ADL’s) that meet the intensity criteria

12 Expected Improvement in Fitness
VO2max improves 10-30% Lactate threshold improves 10-20%

13 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Characterized by brief, intermittent bursts of vigorous activity, interspersed with periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. Typical work bouts range from sec with variable rest periods from 1-4 min. The combination of length of work bout and intensity will determine the appropriate rest interval.

14 Advantages of HIIT Reduced exercise time with equivalent or better metabolic and cardiovascular benefits Increased skeletal muscle oxidative capacity Increased VO2max Increased resting glycogen content Reduced rate of glycogen utilization Reduced rate of lactate production Increased lipid oxidation Enhanced peripheral vascular structure & function

15 Clinical Advantages of HIIT
Improved endothelial function Reversing left ventricular remodeling in heart failure Reducing central body fat and fasting plasma insulin

16 Disadvantages of HIIT Some will perceive it as too hard
Increased trauma with weight bearing activities Must condition the soft and connective tissues before exposure to HIIT Optimal dosage is unknown Long-term benefits/effects are unknown

17 Maintenance Consistency is the key Health Benefits Fitness Benefits
Met.min per week forever Consistency is the key Fitness Benefits Maintaining intensity will maintain VO2max IF training is stopped Loss of up to 50% after 1-3 months Loss of 100% after 3-8 months

18 Metabolic Equations for Estimating Gross VO2 (ACSM 2000)
Exercise mode Gross VO2 (ml∙kg-1∙min-1) Resting VO2 Comments Walking VO2 = (Sa x 0.1) + (S x Gb x 1.8) + 3.5 1. For speeds of m/min-1 ( mph) ml∙kg-1∙m-1 = O2 cost of walking horizontally ml∙kg-1∙m-1 = O2 cost of walking on incline (% grade of treadmill) Running VO2 = (Sa x 0.2) + (S x Gb x 0.9) +3.5 1. For speeds >134 m∙min-1 (>5.0 mph) 2. If truly jogging (not walking), this equations can also be used for speeds of m∙min-1 (3-5 mph) ml∙kg-1∙m-1 = O2 cost of running horizontally ml∙kg-1∙m-1 = O2 cost of running on incline (% grade of treadmill) Leg ergometry VO2 = (Wc/Md x 10.8) + 3.5 1. For work rates between 50 and 200 W ( kgm∙min-1) 2. kgm∙min-1 = kg x m/rev x rev/min 3. Monark and Bodyguard = 6 m/rev; Tunturi = 3 m/rev ml∙kg-1∙W-1 = O2 cost of cycling against external load (resistance) ml∙kg-1∙min-1 = O2 cost of cycling with zero load Arm ergometry VO2 = (Wc/Md x 18.0) + none 1. For work rates between 25 and 125 W ( kgm∙min-1) ml∙kg-1∙W-1 = O2 cost of cycling against external load (resistance) 4. None = due to small mass of arm musculature, no special term for unloaded (zero load) cycling is needed Stepping VO2 = (Fe x 0.2) + (F x htf x 1.8 x 1.33) 1. Appropriate for stepping rates between 12 and 30 steps/min and step heights between 0.04 m (1.6 in.) and 0.40 m (15.7 in.) ml∙kg-1∙m-1 = O2 cost of moving horizontally ml∙kg-1∙m-1 = O2 cost of stepping up (bench height) includes positive component of stepping up (1.0) + negative component of stepping down (0.33) [a] S= speed of treadmill in m∙min-1; 1 mph = 26.8 m∙min-1. b G= grade (% incline) of treadmill in decimal form; e.g., 10% = 0.10. c W= power output in watts; 1 W = 6 kgm∙min-1. d M= body mass in kilograms; 1 kg = 2.2 lb. e F= frequency of stepping in steps per minute. f ht= bench height in meters; 1 in. = m.

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