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Area 42 - District 20 Secretary’s Workshop and Potluck John F

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Presentation on theme: "Area 42 - District 20 Secretary’s Workshop and Potluck John F"— Presentation transcript:

1 Area 42 - District 20 Secretary’s Workshop and Potluck John F
Area 42 - District Secretary’s Workshop and Potluck John F. and Chris S. Trainers Extraordinaire Saturday, July 22nd, Noon to 3:00 Lassen Senior Center Sunkist Drive Susanville, CA BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND A FRIEND OR TWO ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED: What types of meetings are there? Open-Closed-Speaker-AA Approved-Literature-Men’s-Women’s-Newcomers-Birthday Is it always necessary to read “How it Works” and “Twelve Traditions”, etc.? What is a Home Group and why is it important to attend the business meeting? Should the first meeting of the month following the monthly business meeting include the treasurer report and a reading of the monthly business meeting minutes? Should or can Non-AA literature be used in an AA meeting? How many people do you need to have an AA meeting and is it ok to close early? How does a secretary open a closed meeting? How long should you secretary a meeting? Can a Non-Alcoholic attend a closed meeting? When should a Non-AA share in a meeting? Can they contribute? Why is it important to keep the meeting on time? How do you handle the long winded member in a large meeting and cross talk? How do you handle a disruptive member? Should a secretary call on a member who has decided not to talk? How much time is needed to chair a meeting? Why? How do you get the newcomer involved? Should you encourage members to attend other meetings outside our area? If your group has other topics they would like to discuss, please, bring them!


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