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Information Governance Webinar

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1 Information Governance Webinar
ISA² action : promoting semantic interoperability among EU Member States 06/10/2017 Project Officers: Susanne Wigard, Ana-Maria Murarasu

2 AGENDA Introduction Information Governance
Mandate of information governance Principles Roles & responsibilities Reference, metadata and master data management Information quality management Information security Raise awareness, training and communication Supporting tools Wrap up

3 Introduction

4 Technical organisation
Mute option Raise hand Polling

5 Objectives Allow the experienced participants to contribute, help others, and gain visibility; Help the participants who are implementing or will implement information governance to learn from others and contribute with their own experiences; Introduce the topic to the participants who have little or no experience.

6 Information Governance

7 Definition “The exercise of authority and control (planning, monitoring, and enforcement) over the management of data assets.” DMBOK (2009), p.19.

8 AGENDA Introduction Information Governance
Mandate of information governance Principles Roles & responsibilities Reference, metadata and master data management Information quality management Information security Raise awareness, training and communication Supporting tools Wrap up

9 Background “Report on information governance for public administrations” Case studies: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control European Food Safety Authority National Data Strategy for Malta EUROCONTROL European Commission

10 Key outcomes of the report
“Information governance” known by different names already happens in every organisation Structured approach to help improve the outcome of using information Data, information and knowledge are foundation, scope is paramount It does not have to be expensive Executive buy-in is necessary

11 Information Governance| Roles & responsibilities
Three levels: Strategical Tactical Operational Assigned at the organisation body level or individual level Examples of commonly encountered roles: chief data officer/information governance officer, information stewards/custodians, information managers, information owner, etc.

12 Information Governance| Roles & responsibilities
Are there specific needs with respect to skills and competences for the various roles, both for members of oversight and management committees and for the roles of steward, architect and data manager? Should the various roles related to IG be full-time dedicated job descriptions or be integrated into existing job descriptions?

13 Information Governance| Reference, metadata and master data management
Describes how appropriate management of reference data, metadata and master data contributes to achieving higher information quality, lower costs and complexity due to reuse of information, and support of interoperability. European Commission, Report on information governance for public administrations (not published) p.5.

14 Information Governance| Reference, metadata and master data management
Reference Data - any data used to organise or categorise other data, or to relate data to information both within and beyond the boundaries of the enterprise. European Commission, Governance and management of data specifications (2017) p.6. Master Data - consistent and uniform set of identifiers and extended attributes that describes the core entities of the enterprise including customers, prospects, citizens, suppliers, sites, hierarchies and chart of accounts. Gartner IT glossary Metadata – Information about the physical data, technical and business processes, data rules and constraints, and logical and physical structures of the data, as used by an organisation. DAMA DMBOK (2009), p.261.

15 Information Governance| Reference, metadata and master data management
Should there be a canonical data model within your organisation? Or, can different business domains use their own models, and concepts are mapped between different domains and data repositories are synchronised? How could the effects of good management be measured and reported? How could it open up opportunities to enhance efficiency and collaboration? Should reference data, metadata and master data be based on (international) standards, e.g. ISA² Core Vocabularies, W3C standards? Do you see any need for additional standards to be created, or which enhancements to existing standards would you find desirable?

16 Information Governance| Information security
Standards, policies and procedures ensuring that the right people use information in the right way, and inappropriate access and use of information is prevented. European Commission, Report on information governance for public administrations (not published) p.5.

17 Information Governance| Information security
Is all staff aware of your information security policies? Should responsibilities for information security be integrated or separated with other roles of IG? How can measures and processes be designed to counter threats and ensure emergency response?

18 Information Governance| Mandate
Authority given by the executive level of an organisation for the implementation of information governance. European Commission, Report on information governance for public administrations (not published) p.5. The executive level of an organisation formally delegates its authority through a mandate for the implementation of information governance. Usually, to an organisational body which becomes fully accountable for the success of implementation.

19 Information Governance| Mandate
Who within an organisation is best positioned to receive the mandate for IG? Should it be more on the IT side? Business side? Central? Should IG committees be self-standing or should these roles be integrated in other, already existing committees? Should the Information Governance Framework be formal and detailed about activities or should it leave flexibility to be adapted to changing circumstances? What are the main dimensions for measuring the benefits of Information Governance? How often should this be measured?

20 Information Governance| Principles
Fundamental statements used to evaluate and guide all actions with potential impact on information assets Examples: Information is a valuable asset, and information quality should be the responsibility of everyone Legal Basis and Data Ownership: data should be linked to legal sources from which it originates; data ownership, data custodianship and data control should be put in place; Collaborative working practices should be the preferred working method

21 Information Governance| Principles
How important is the embedding in existing practices versus business process re-engineering? Should IG focus primarily on making internal processes more efficient, or should it look primarily at benefits for external users? How are principles defined and put in practice in your organisation? Do you, generally, check your actions against a set of principles to ensure a coherent implementation of a long-term vision?

22 Information Governance| Raise awareness, training and communication
The successful implementation of information governance depends on: Awareness raising and involvement of all stakeholders Leadership from IG champions at all levels to support the adoption of principles and practices of data management within an organisation

23 Information Governance| Raise awareness, training and communication
How do you make people aware, engage, and ensure they commit to "treat information as a valuable asset"? How do you define your target staff groups? How can issues raised by staff be taken into account in improving policies? How can staff be encouraged to contribute? What can be the role of (distributed) IG champions? What kind of skills and competences should they have?

24 Information Governance| Supporting tools
Examples: Glossary of business terms Information asset inventory Information quality dashboard Etc.

25 Information Governance| Supporting tools
What are the advantages and drawbacks of having a common workflow tool that ensures IG across the whole organisation?

26 Information Governance| Information quality management
Continuous process for defining the parameters for specifying acceptable levels of information quality to meet business needs, and for ensuring that information quality meets these levels. DAMA DMBOK (2009) p.291.

27 Information Governance| Information quality management
Data specifications Data integrity fundamentals Duplication Accuracy Consistency and synchronisation Timeliness and availability Ease of use and maintainability Data coverage Presentation quality Perception, relevance and trust Data decay Transactability Data specifications: a measure of the existence, completeness, quality and documentation of data standards, data models, business rules, metadata and reference data; Data integrity fundamentals: a measure of the existence, validity, structure, content, and other basic characteristics of the data; Duplication: a measure of unwanted duplication for a particular field, record or data set; Accuracy: a measure of the correctness of content (an authoritative source must be identified and accessible); Consistency and synchronisation: a measure of the equivalence of information stored or used in various data stores, and the process for making information equivalent; Timeliness and availability: a measure of the degree to which data are current and available for use as specified and in the time frame when they are expected; Ease of use and maintainability: a measure of the degree to which data can be accessed and used, and the degree to which data can be updated, maintained and managed; Data coverage: a measure of the availability and comprehensiveness of data compared to the total data universe of population of interest; Presentation quality: a measure of how information is presented to and collected from those who use it; Perception, relevance and trust: a measure of the perception of and confidence in the information quality; the importance, value, and relevance of information to business needs; Data decay: a measure of the rate of negative change to the data; Transactability: a measure of the degree to which data will produce the desired business outcome.

28 Information Governance| Information quality management
Do you use a data quality dashboard in your organisation which allows you to do data health checks when you need? Should there be a formalised process to define and monitor quality, and to improve work processes? Is there a role for the external users in reporting quality issues?

29 Wrap up

30 Stay connected! Project oFficerS
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