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Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.

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1 Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
RESPONSIBILITIES Employers/Employees

Provide a Safe Working Environment which is free from hazards as far as is reasonably practical Produce a Health & Safety Policy Statement if the company employs 5 or more persons Provide information, instruction, training and supervision where necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees Carry out Risk Assessments and publish findings if the company employs 5 or more persons Ensure Maintenance of Machines and Equipment provided for employees to carry out their duties

Provide PPE for employees where risks can not be controlled by other means Ensure access to and exit from the workplace is safe Provide adequate facilities and arrangements for welfare such as toilets, washing facilities, rest room etc. Provide adequate First Aid facilities Report Accidents Incident and Diseases to the HSE where required Have adequate insurance to cover any injuries or work related diseases

4 Employees Responsibilities
Take reasonable care of your own Health & Safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do Follow any training you have been given to perform your duties safely Wear any PPE which has been provided for you to carry out your duties safely Report all accidents, incidents or diseases to your employer Bring to your employers attention anything you think represents a serious or imminent danger Bring to your employer’s attention any weakness you might spot in their Health & Safety arrangements Do Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your Health & Safety. (such as Guards and PPE) Co-operate with your employer and the HSE on Health & Safety matters.

5 PERSONAL HYGIENE Keep overalls clean ensure they are washed regularly
Wash hands thoroughly before contact with food Avoid washing with solvents (e.g. white spirits) can dry out skin and cause Dermatitis Use barrier cream provides a protective film against dirt, oil, grease and certain chemicals, also enables easy removal of dirt, oil etc. when washing hands

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