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Energy Efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Efficiency

2 Efficiency of Energy Conversion
If we are more efficient with the energy we already have there will be less pollution, less reliance on foreign oil and increased domestic security. EGEE S. Pisupati

3 EGEE 102 - Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection
Energy Efficiency Energy Conversion Device Useful Energy Output Energy Input Energy Dissipated to the Surroundings Energy is put into a device in one form or the other and that energy exits in two streams EGEE S. Pisupati 5. Energy Efficiency

4 Illustration An electric motor consumes 100 watts (a joule per second (J/s)) of power to obtain 90 watts of mechanical power. Determine its efficiency ? = W x = 90 % 100 W EGEE S. Pisupati

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