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Exam Architectural Structures Arch 241 Monday November

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1 Exam Architectural Structures Arch 241 Monday November 20 10. 30-12
Exam Architectural Structures Arch 241 Monday November There will be seven questions- answer only five! Plus Tic Tac Toe, which will not play a part in the final mark

2 Tic tac toe Draw a 3 by 3 grid, and put in each square the number of one of the words that describes the picture best

3 1. Why does it say on the paper shopping bag shown below "Pull handles up, not out"? *What kind of joint is being relied on here? * When the bag is full, what type of force does the bag designer want you to favor and what type to avoid? Choose from: compression, tension, shear, torsion, bending * Can you think of a simple way (or ways) to reinforce the handle-bag joint using a common household tool? *Describe how that would improve the carrying capacity of the paper handle

4 2. Three structures with similar curvilinear form are shown below
2. Three structures with similar curvilinear form are shown below. *Why was one structure built in this form, and why did the other two take on this form? *What single reason makes using this form for actual structures so efficient? *Why does this curvilinear form allow use of materials that have no or very little tensile strength?

5 3. Historically, there have been three ways to span a gap in a masonry wall.(A model of one of those systems, using wood blocks is shown.) *In a few paragraphs and simple sketches show these three methods. *Which one can reach the largest span? *Which culture exploited the large-span system very successfully, in planar as well as in 3D form? *Historically, what was the maximal span using stone? When?

6 4. Shown below are cross sections of (from l to r) The Pantheon, Hagia Sophia, St. John Divine and Florence Cathedral. *Comment briefly on the differences shown in these 4 cross sections (such as materials) and on the process of construction: e.g. scaffolding or no scaffolding

7 5. Wood then and now

8 6. “The Maison Dom-ino was designed by Le Corbusier in 1914 as a housing prototype that would address a Europe-wide housing shortage in the years leading up to the Great War.” (from the AA website) *Why is the wooden replica of the Maison Domino that was, constructed recently at the London AA school of architecture (and displayed at the 2014 Venice biennale)nothing more than a model of the form of the Maison Domino, completely missing the main structural asset of the original design in reinforced concrete ?

9 7. Below are shown plan elevation and construction photos comparing Place Ville Marie in Montreal to the Gherkin in London. (both about the same height) If we had built a model of Place Ville Marie, using reeds for the columns and cardboard for the floors, using a square core, and removed the ‘core’ as we did with Gherkin model, * in what ways would the Place Ville Marie model behave differently?

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