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The VTARNG Deployment, ESGR and USERRA Overview

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1 The VTARNG Deployment, ESGR and USERRA Overview
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve The VTARNG Deployment, ESGR and USERRA Overview For Human Resources Professionals This briefing provides a review of ESGR programs and services and an overview of Reserve Component (RC) member rights and responsibilities under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). It is designed to help employers and military members understand their role in employer relations (ER) and how to improve employer-employee relationships. By improving the employee-employer relationships we improve readiness of our military forces. Note To Instructor: Department of Defense Directive (DODD) and Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) require the Secretaries of the Military Departments to provide initial and recurring USERRA and ER training to all RC members. These instructions also require ESGR to inform and educate employer and service members. DoD Directive also requires ESGR to provide a mediation service (ie. Ombudsman Program). 11/9/2018

2 Agenda VT Army Guard deployment ESGR Vision – Mission
ESGR Programs and Services USERRA Overview Points of Contact 11/9/2018

3 The 86th Brigade Mission CJTF Phoenix (86TH BCT) trains and mentors the Afghan National Security Forces (Army, Border Patrol, Police) to conduct independent, self-sustained counterinsurgency and security operations in order to defeat terrorism and provide a secure, stable environment within the borders of Afghanistan. End State: A trained National Security Force that is well respected; multi-ethnic; sustainable; and capable of effectively conducting law enforcement, counter-insurgency, and border security activities without the support of the International Community. 11/9/2018

4 Current Permanent Garrision
ANA Garrison Locations XXX X 209 1 209 Konduz MeS 209th Corps XXX X 207 X 1 207 2 201 Kabul 201st Corps Herat XXX X Jalalabad 207th Corps 203 XXX X X 203 1 3 203 201 Kabul Gardez Shindad 2 201(-) Ghazni Khowst 203rd Corps 3 201 X XXX X X 1 201 Farah 205 2 205 X Daruleman PeC 3 205 1 205 Qalat Kandahar Tombstone 205th Corps Current Permanent Garrision Future Permanent Garrision 11/9/2018

5 ANP District Locations

HQ IBCT VT 1-102 IN CT 3-172 IN VT, ME, NH 1-172 CAV VT 1-101 FA MA, VT 186 BSB VT, CT, MA 86 BSTB VT, MI, CO 11/9/2018

Jericho Newport Northfield Vergennes Williston Rutland Windsor Berlin Colchester Lyndonville Bennington Bradford Morrisville Swanton Westminster Winooski Enosburg Falls St. Albans 11/9/2018

An alert order directs a unit to prepare for a potential deployment based upon the needs of the nation, it does not guarantee that the alerted unit will actually deploy On 13 May 2008, 86th IBCT (MTN) received an alert order to prepare to assume the mission of CJTF Phoenix X in 2010. 11/9/2018

A MOB order is the next step in the deployment process If approved, HQDA will publish the MOB order which will contain: Mobilization Date Designated MOB Station Other specific mobilization information We have not received a MOB order at this time. It is normally published 3 to 6 months from the mobilization date At this point we do not have any exact dates. We are waiting on the mobilization dates for the unit that goes before us, which will lock in our mobilization dates. 11/9/2018

Units must complete the following tasks prior to mobilization: 32 Army Warrior Tasks and 11 Battle Drills Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) Squad Live Fire Exercise Platoon External Evaluation Brigade/Battalion HQs must complete two separate Staff Exercises 11/9/2018

11 Brigade Planning Calendar

12 What’s next? We will proceed with our training plan in accordance with the alert order Continue to improve our readiness level (personnel, equipment, training) Wait for a Mobilization order to give us more specific information on when we will mobilize Encourage soldiers to notify their supervisors and discuss plans for their deployment 11/9/2018

13 ESGR Vision & Mission Statement
Develop and promote a culture in which all American employers support and value the military service of their employees. Mission Statement We will gain and maintain employer support for Guard and Reserve service by recognizing outstanding support, increasing awareness of the law, and resolving conflicts through mediation. 11/9/2018

14 ESGR Structure National Defense Advisory Board
Provides guidance, direction and oversight National Committee/Staff (Arlington, VA) Develops programs and services and provides support to the Field Committees Field Committees Implements programs, comprised of over 4,500 volunteers in every State, Territory and Europe Subcommittees Serves as advisory committees to NCESGR

15 Programs and Services Proactive Reactive
Employer and Military Outreach through Statements of Support, Employer Awards, Briefing with the Boss, Boss Lifts, Military Liaison Reactive Ombudsman Services 11/9/2018

16 Employer Outreach National Local
Strategic partnerships w/industry associations (SHRM) Direct Outreach to service members and known employers National public affairs / media relations activities Local Employer Recognition, Employer education, Briefings with the Boss, Statements of Support, Boss Lifts Ombudsman Services 11/9/2018

17 Statement of Support A statement signed by the employer to show their support for the Guard and Reserve and willingness to comply with USERRA All Guard and Reserve members should encourage their employer to sign this statement to display their support Employers can request a SoS at 11/9/2018

18 Employer Awards Employer Awards recognize the outstanding support America’s employers are providing our service members Employer recognition starts with the military member nominating their employer Military members can nominate their employer at 11/9/2018

19 Briefing with the Boss An exchange of information between employers, unit leaders and ESGR Volunteers Educate employers and unit leaders Opens up communication Builds relationships, develops partnerships Coordinate briefings through the State Committee July 30th employer event 11/9/2018

20 ESGR volunteers who provide assistance to military units
Military Outreach ESGR volunteers who provide assistance to military units Provide training and guidance to the unit appointed employer support representative Promote and assist with unit employer outreach activities Assist with employer relations / USERRA training during pre and de-mobilization 11/9/2018

21 Ombudsman Services Ombudsmen are specially trained Volunteers and national staff members Ombudsmen are neutrals who assist civilian employers and service members resolve disputes related to military duty An Ombudsman’s goal is to help the parties reach an agreement that meets the tenets of USERRA 11/9/2018

22 Ombudsman Process Overview
1. DISAGREEMENT Between Employee & Employer 4. OMBUDSMAN ACTION Possible Outcomes: - Resolved: Agreement reached - Not resolved: provide options to file w/DOL(VETS) – private attorney Document resolution & Close 2. SOMEBODY CALLS CSC: Our “Gateway to ESGR” at - Is it USERRA related? - Is an Ombudsman Needed? Open/Assign Case 2a. Online Form 2b. Directly to FC Ombudsman 3A. QUESTION ANSWERED Information only inquiry National Case Managers Regionally aligned Track cases Assist Ombudsmen OR 3B. Ombudsman Assigned Normally based on Employer location 11/9/2018

23 USERRA Overview (USERRA) - Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Enacted in 1994, but its roots date back to U.S.C. §§ Covers virtually every U.S. employer, regardless of size, both here and overseas Applies to U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCP) Applies to the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Does not apply to Guardmembers on State active duty, self-employed individuals, partners or students Includes discrimination against employment, reemployment, termination, promotion and benefits Applies to Voluntary as well as Involuntary Service 11/9/2018

24 Code of Federal Regulations
20 C.F.R. Part 1002 Written in “plain-English” in a question-and-answer format Covers all aspects of USERRA as it relates to private employers, federal, state and local governments 5 C.F.R. Part 353 Provides additional guidance related to Federal agencies. 11/9/2018

25 USERRA Protections An employer must not deny:
initial employment reemployment retention in employment promotion or any benefit of employment to an individual on the basis of his or her membership, application for membership, performance of service, application for service, or obligation for service in the uniformed services. 38 U.S.C (a) 11/9/2018

26 Military Leave of Absence
Service Member Rights Military Leave of Absence 20 CFR § Prompt reinstatement back into job 20 CFR § Accumulation of seniority as if never left Escalator Principle 20 CFR § – 11/9/2018

27 Immediate reinstatement of health insurance
Service Member Rights Immediate reinstatement of health insurance 38 USC 4317 20 CFR § Training or retraining of skills as necessary 38 USC 4314(a) 20 CFR § 11/9/2018

28 Protection against Discharge
Service between 31 – 180 Days Protected against discharge without cause for a period of 180 days 20 CFR § Service greater than 180 Days Protected against discharge without cause for a period of 1 year Employer Has Burden of Proof 38 USC 4316 (c) 20 CFR § – 11/9/2018 11/9/2018 28 28

29 Reemployment Position
Does the employer need to give the returning service member their very same job back? Not always. Options: Pre-service position, or Escalator position, or Position of like seniority, status and pay 20 CFR § – 11/9/2018 11/9/2018 29 29

30 Reasonable Accommodations for Disabled Veterans
Employer is obligated to make reasonable efforts to accommodate disability If cannot become qualified, employee must be reemployed in position: Equivalent in seniority, status and pay Nearest approx to the equivalent position May be higher or lower than escalator position 38 USC 4313 (a) (3) 20 CFR § 11/9/2018 30

31 Five-Year Limit Maximum period of military service to maintain reemployment rights under USERRA 20 CFR § Numerous exemptions including; required professional development training, all involuntary service and some voluntary service for critical missions 20 CFR § Change employers – the 5-year limit resets 20 CFR § 11/9/2018

32 Service Member Responsibilities
Provide prior notice to employer (preferably in writing) Serve under honorable conditions Return to work in a timely manner: Service Time Requirement 1-30 Days………….. Report next scheduled work day after service, safe transportation, and 8 hours rest Days………. Apply within 14 days 181+ Days…………. Apply within 90 days 20 CFR §  Hospitalization or convalescence Up to 2 years 20 CFR §  11/9/2018

33 Assistance and Enforcement
Employer leadership Employer Human Resource Unit Chain of Command ESGR Customer Service Center / Ombudsman US Dept of Labor/VETS Dept of Justice or US Special Counsel Private counsel Statute of limitations? 38 USC 4321 – 4326 20 CFR § – 313 11/9/2018 33

34 Action Items for HR Reach out to identify individuals to deploy
Discuss organization and position needs with employee; prepare for transition out and back into organization Know employer-employee rights under USERRA Stay in touch with employee and offer support to the employee’s family Sign and display an Employer Statement of Support 11/9/2018

35 Is there a potential USERRA violation?
Scenario Employee has been with the organization for 4-years and leaves for 1-year mobilization. During that time absent for military duty, annual evaluations are due. The employer includes comments about the mobilization and decreases the grades from the prior year. Is there a potential USERRA violation? 11/9/2018

36 Contact Information Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Free Education, Consultation, and Mediation (Option 1) Department of Labor, Veterans Employment and Training Service (DOL/VETS) Formal Investigation and Assistance USA-DOL ( ) 11/9/2018

37 Vermont Committee for ESGR:
Local Resources Vermont Committee for ESGR: (802) or Online at (robust USERRA information) 11/9/2018

38 Office of Special Counsel
Contact Information (con’t) Office of Special Counsel Protect Federal Employees from prohibited personnel practices 11/9/2018

39 Serving Our Nation - Together

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