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National Needs Assessment and Summit 2017 Summary (Part 1)

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1 National Needs Assessment and Summit 2017 Summary (Part 1)
Linda McDowell, Ph.D. NCDB Executive Director Linking Year 4 and Year 5 activities to Future TA planning. The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education #H326T However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Teaching Research Institute, nor the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jo Ann McCann.

2 Objectives for Today and Next Drop in Call
Connect DB Network Vision to other information in the state portal Child specific TA Reference Guide resources ( The National Needs Assessment with state DB TA projects and the National Family Needs Assessment ( Examples of collaboration States reported in the State Portal data base Within the national Initiative home page resources and tools Recommendations from Summit Day 2 topical discussions Individual state DB TA planning – potential partnerships with other state DB projects, NCDB and other partners DB Summit 2018 – planning of collaborative activities for future TA

3 National Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Network Vision Statement
Children and youth who are deaf-blind receive supports and services that allow them to experience full integration and participation in society including education, employment, community, and social relationships. Our Mission is to provide families, professionals, and the community with: Opportunities for shared leadership and collaboration A national network of supports and services across the age range Personnel who are qualified and knowledgeable Systems with improved capacity

4 Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Children Who Are Deaf-Blind: A TA Reference Guide
This guide, a synthesis of research based TA practices, and a companion guide under development intended to inform systems-change efforts to improve outcomes for children who are deaf-blind, helps the national deaf-blind TA network in the following ways: Provides a common vocabulary and organizing principles that enable us to increase our level of collaboration Informs our practice so we become more purposeful, structured, and effective in providing TA Shares and organizes resources and tools  Defines how national and state TA intersect Helps orient new TA providers to the field

5 TA Reference Guide: Phase 1 & 2 Similar to our networking activities
Exploration Phase (Gathering Information) Gather information about the needs – identify desired outcomes Begin building relationships Assess readiness to engage in implementing practices Identify specific practices to implement Preparation Phase (Planning and Agreements) Extensive planning based on information gathered during Exploration Phase – including evaluation plan Forming agreements to clarify roles and responsibilities Confirm necessary resources Ensure supports are in place

6 TA Reference Guide: Phase 3 & 4 Similar to our networking activities
Initial Implementation Phase (Building Skills) Use new skills, implementing selected practices Deliver training and use TA strategies (e.g., consultation, support for team collaboration, peer-to-peer TA) Full Implementation Phase (Using Effective Practices) Team members use practices with fidelity Evaluate and apply to future work

7 DB TA Network Year 4 and Year 5 Activities
As a DB TA Network we can engage in similar phases during Year 5, based on the work begun during Year 4 – collaboratively preparing, planning and implementing our technical assistance. Sources of information for this planning: National Needs Assessment – state project and family responses Examples from State Portal data base reporting – in state collaboration, across state collaboration, collaboration with NCDB Recommendations from Summit 2017 – shared ideas, planning collaborative efforts Tools and Activities from National Initiative work

8 Goal of Final Phase of TA (Phase 4)
Wrapping Up and Learning from Experiences Wrapping up a TA relationship Sustain and share the knowledge and skills gained (by the team and the school/agency) Continue evaluation and responding to the need’s (of the child)

9 Wrapping Up Activities
Evaluation data used for identifying strengths and needs (of the team) Organized information used for moving forward (information on the child) Success sharing communicating accomplishments to all who were involved in the current effort - motivating sustained use of skills team members communicating what was learned - to others

10 Goals of Learning from Experience
Retrospective analysis and reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation process Identifying factors that enhanced or impeded the ability of team members to implement new practices

11 Learning from Experience Activities
Reviewing evaluation data to shed light on what increased or what hindered success Using the knowledge gained (to improve your project’s TA processes) Considering implementation of systemic intervention, if there is a common pattern of need Using the knowledge gained to inform colleagues in other state deaf-blind projects

12 Final Phase of TA (Phase 4) – for the Network
One of the deaf-blind network’s greatest assets is the combined knowledge and expertise of its members. State project personnel can share insights, strategies, planning tools, evaluation tools, and forms via: The State Portal, a private group on the NCDB website The TA Reference Guide (contribute to the Advice from Colleagues and Tools & Resources) Plan for collaboration in our TA implementation

13 Stages of Collaboration
Collaboration between state DB TA projects and parent centers Working Together (for Families) Consider when evaluating instate, across state lines, and national collaboration Collaboration stage varies, based on desired outcome for your project TA efforts

14 First Stage of Collaboration
Networking stage Very informal interacting Organizations aware of each other, general understanding of what each does Communication limited, no joint decision making taking place (Frey et al., 2006)

15 Second Stage of Collaboration
Cooperation stage Organizations beginning to establish professional relationships (e.g., know each other well enough that they feel comfortable calling to ask for help) Communication becoming more formal (Frey et al., 2006) Share information, exert some effort to limit duplication of similar resources Gaining a better understanding of the services offered by each other’s organization and strengths of personnel Descriptors: attend each other’s events, share materials

16 Third Stage of Collaboration
Coordination stage Organizations consistently share information and resources in a way that increases their efficiency, thus reducing duplication of effort with respect to common goals Some shared decision making and frequent communication (Frey et al., 2006) Descriptors: involved in each other’s activities, meeting regularly, disseminating materials for each other, sharing of expertise and staff development

17 Collaboration Characterized by thorough communication based on mutual trust Organizations have established processes that drive and organize shared work and consensus is reached on decisions related to all joint activities (Frey et al., 2006) Descriptors: working together on activities to achieve mutual goals, on systems change activities, involving other stakeholders, developing a formal work agreement, strong professional and personal relationships, serving on each other’s committees, developing materials together, collaborating on training events, working together on data collection, sharing of financial resources, evaluation of collaboration outcomes

18 Year 4 and 5 DB TA Network Collaboration
National Needs Assessment – state project and family responses Examples from State Portal data base reporting – in state collaboration, across state collaboration, collaboration with NCDB Recommendations from Summit 2017 – shared ideas, planning collaborative efforts Tools and Activities from National Initiative work

19 DB TA Network Collaboration Next Steps for TA Focus
Connect DB Network Vision to other information in the state portal Child specific TA Reference Guide resources & Systems Guide Resources The National Needs Assessment with state DB TA projects and the National Family Needs Assessment Examples of collaboration States reported in the State Portal data base Within the national Initiative home page resources and tools Recommendations from Summit Day 2 topical discussions Individual state DB TA planning – potential partnerships with other state DB projects, NCDB and other partners DB Summit 2018 – planning of collaborative activities for future TA

20 Summary of Needs & Recommended TA Focus: The Children
Needs of Children (Initiative Linkage) Communica-tion systems  (Literacy) Qualified Personnel  (I/QP) Quality Instruction Comprehensive Assessments Access to Information / Environments Appropriate ID  (EI/R) Adm Support Transition Planning  (Transition) TA focus X + Intervener Awareness + Intervener Support Birth to 2 Preschool School Age Transition

21 Summary of Needs & Recommended TA Focus: The Families
Needs of Children (Initiative Linkage) Communica-tion systems  (Literacy) Qualified Personnel  (I/QP) Quality Instruction Comprehensive Assessments Access to Information / Environments Appropriate ID  (EI/R) Adm Support Transition Planning  (Transition) Needs of Families & TA focus X (knowledge of impact of combined H & V) TA (strategies for home) (support from family network) (transition at all ages)

22 Summary of Needs & Recommended TA Focus: The Service Providers
Needs of Children (Initiative Linkage) Communica-tion systems  (Literacy) Qualified Personnel  (I/QP) Quality Instruction Comprehensive Assessments Access to Information / Environments Appropriate ID  (EI/R) Adm Support Transition Planning  (Transition) Service Providers TA focus X (knowledge of impact of combined H & V) (instructional strategies & modifications to gen. curr. including Math, Inclusive strategies, Academics too) (unique nature of DB)

23 Summary of Needs & Recommended TA Focus: The Systems
Needs of Children (Initiative Linkage) Communica-tion systems  (Literacy) Qualified Personnel  (I/QP) Quality Instruction Comprehensive Assessments Access to Information / Environments Appropriate ID  (EI/R) Adm Support Transition Planning  (Transition) Systems Level TA focus X (knowledge & skill in DB) (awareness of DB) (priority on/ Infra-structure for /resources for DB/Low Incidence)

24 Additional Needs & Recommended TA Focus
Based on Family Needs Assessment Add to Family Engagement Initiative work, to address through partnerships: Advocacy Skills Sibling Support Addressing Complex Healthcare Needs Add to Transition Initiative work (creating opportunity and skill building) Social Engagement and Networking Functional/Independent Living Support

25 Common Initiatives (What should be our TA focus?)
Products or types of TA that address needs: Interveners & Qualified Personnel Literacy EI&R Family Engagement Transition Library/Information Services Child Count

26 Common Initiatives (What to Change?)
Changes in the current national initiatives that would be helpful (top 7): Great/fine as they are Not sure Need to make sure continued support for using OHOA/NICE (Continued next slide)

27 Common Initiatives (What else?)
Although mentioned under “helpful changes in current national initiatives”, these comments are more about NCDB & State Project Networking 4. More culturally appropriate materials (including people with no internet/technology equipment) 5. More field wide (aka OHOA Modules) work in the initiatives 6. More frequent updates like we had at Summit 7. National supports/networks for Teachers of the Deaf-Blind 4. More culturally appropriate materials (including people with no internet/technology equipment)(*)

28 Common Initiatives (What’s new?)
“New” national initiatives that should be developed: Personnel prep-teachers and interveners Assessment for programming (train related service & diagnosticians) Intervener sustainability Opportunities to train project staff Cultural awareness and inclusion, outreach and identification Communication (“Focus on communication came in Dear Colleague Letter from DOE & DOJ Nov 12, 2014”; “link to Speech Path”) Systems Change Initiatives (“connected to each initiative”; “NCDB leadership in this”) Technology (assistive) UDL/inclusive instructional strategies 1. -> already # 1 2. -> expand #2 3. -> already #1 4. (stay informed on research; consultant vs. teaching skills) 5. (see*) Culturally appropriate materials 6. -> expand #2 7. -> see #5 on next slide 8. -> expand #2 9. -> expand #2, include math and science, accessing general curriculum

29 Common Initiatives (What about NCDB?)
Recommended National Center grant priorities: Personnel preparation and professional development for low incidence populations (“incorporate DB content in existing PP programs”) Maintain current ones Communication Early Intervention strategies Systems change support at state level (tools, TA, etc.) Culturally/linguistically relevant materials 1. -> already #1, #6 2. -> #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #7 3. -> expand #2 4. -> expand #3 5. -> see item 7 on previous slide 6. (*) Cultural awareness

30 Addressing Need through TA (How?) Building on Strengths, (1 of 4)
Build Upon State Internal Assets and External Supports Valuable Assets With-in States (showcase examples) In-state relationships and partnerships with programs and agencies Project staff expertise Project resources Project approach to providing TA (in TA Reference Guide) Existence of other resources in the state to address the needs of individuals with deaf-blindness

31 Addressing Need through TA (How?) Building on Strengths (2 of 4)
Build Upon State Internal Assets and External Supports TA Projects’ greatest Areas of Strength Child Specific TA, (b) TA strategy, (c) Systems TA Providing on-site consultation (b) Planning and conducting training events (b) Identifying effective practices to best meet the child’s needs (a) Assessing needs and outcomes for a child (a) Building relationships with teams (a)

32 Addressing Need through TA (How?) Building on Strengths (3 of 4)
Build Upon State Internal Assets and External Supports Out of State Supports Relied Upon (showcase examples on how)  See Networking comments, next page NCDB Other State Project staff (directors and coordinators) HKNC NFADB Perkins State/National experts CHARGE/other etiology specific organizations

33 Addressing Need through TA (How?) Building on Strengths (4 of 4)
Build Upon State Internal Assets and External Supports Report on Network functioning (top 6 responses): Doing a good job building a network - National Initiatives (1 - happening) DB Summit - opportunity to build relationships (4 - happening) NCDB website (5 – happening)

34 Addressing Need through TA (How?) Areas for Improvement (1 of 3)
Areas for Improvement in TA and Network Partnerships TA Projects Need Additional Development (a) Child Specific TA, (b) TA strategy, (c) Systems TA Facilitating peer-to-peer learning (“coaching skills”) (b) Assessing systemic needs and determining solutions and outcomes – ecological assessment (c) Cultivating Communities of Practice (b) Project Evaluation (“data collection, aggregation, dissemination”; “initiative outcome reporting at state level”) (c) Project dissemination of impact and outcomes (“outcome based TA strategies & systems based outcomes”) (c)

35 Addressing Need through TA (How?) Areas for Improvement (2 of 3)
Areas for Improvement in TA and Network Partnerships Additional Comments: Thank you to NCDB for support, leadership and collaboration States need mechanism to make it easier to exchange $ across state projects to make it easier to collaborate New coordinator, need face to face time with others Etc. – what to write into grant proposal; listing of available experts to come to states or provide webinars, etc.; professional development for project staff in evidenced-based practices; innovative ways to support families; sharing TA info with teachers/teams in a way they will use it (technology connection)

36 Addressing Need through TA (How?) Areas for Improvement (3 of 3)
Areas for Improvement in TA and Network Partnerships What could help strengthen the network and facilitate and support collaboration at the national level and between states (top 6 responses): Coordinating face to face time to work on common things (2 - needed) Support state project collaboration around topic areas (“or in regional cadres”) (3 - needed) Need more information about what states are doing (“highlights on collaboration”; “captured shared products”) (6 needed)

37 In-state Partnerships / Out of State Support
Relevant Activities for TA Initiatives Qualified Personnel (Professional Development, Teachers, Intervener Systems) / Administrative Support Literacy (Learning) / Communication / Comprehensive Assessment for Quality Instruction / Assistive Technology Early Identification and Intervention / Child Count Family Engagement Transition Planning

38 In-state Partnerships / Out of State Support Recommendations per Initiatives (1 of 3)
Examples of Collaboration – from State Portal data base reporting (With Whom?) Instate Collaboration Across State Collaboration National Collaboration

39 In-state Partnerships / Out of State Support Recommendations per Initiatives (2 of 3)
Summit 2017 Recommendations for the Initiative Work (In What Ways?) Brainstorming Defining the Need Common Challenges What’s Under Way Regionally organized for now for Qualified Personnel and Family Engagement Solutions In state Collaborative Opportunities Across state Nationally

40 In-state Partnerships / Out of State Support Recommendations per Initiatives (3 of 3)
National Initiative Resources and Activities (Additional Resources on How) 2017 National and Family Needs Assessment Reports

41 Summit 2017 Recommendations for the TA Work (In What Ways?)
Technical Assistance Implementation Professional Development Updates in Research per Deaf-Blindness Library/Information Services Systems Change Culturally/Linguistically Relevant Materials and Strategies   

42 Questions and Comments prior to Next Drop-in Webinar
Linda McDowell National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) Executive Director The Research Institute/ Western Oregon University (voice)/ (cell)

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