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Research Investments People, time, and money Leni Oman

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1 Research Investments People, time, and money Leni Oman
Director, Office of Research & Library Services AASHTO RAC/ TRB State Representatives Meeting Burlington, VT July 25, 2012

2 Funding is declining and our workforce is shrinking
_ab Funding is declining and our workforce is shrinking Less time and money for research activities Legislative mandate to reduce 800 FTEs in engineering and technical services by 2015 At WSDOT, two transportation taxes are sun setting. Revenue is also down due to fuel efficiency and a weak economy affecting fuel sales. All activity is under review for value to the core mission. While our core research funding remains relatively stable, the additional resources WSDOT has put into research are being constrained and the amount of time employees have to serve as technical monitors is also limited. WSDOT has reshaped the Research Executive Committee and Research Advisory Committees. With that, the scope of their work is also changing Research plays a key role in helping us do this. Source: WSDOT 2

3 Squeezing the most value out of every penny
_cr WSDOT innovations provide greater efficiency and benefits Value engineering efforts provide the optimum solution at the least cost. Project cost estimates reduced by $375 million in the last two years. Implemented national best practices, such as expedited bridge delivery, concrete pavement dowel bar retrofits and low-cost safety investments reducing run-off-the-road fatalities. Making investments for the greatest benefits to stream habitats when transportation projects impact the natural environment. New technology for optimum freeway operations efficiency Automated Traffic Management, electronic tolling and ramp metering Real-time traveler information and mobile apps Performance-based management of preservation and maintenance Using technology and research advances on high-performing, lower-cost pavement preservation and repair. Maintenance tracking system and mobile data collection Squeezing the most value out of every penny Ensuring transportation investments are delivered with high quality and value Innovation helps us improve efficiency and derive more benefits from the infrastructure and resources that we have. We aren’t saying no to research. We are looking at what we invest in, how those activities are identified, and what we get for our investments. 3 Source: WSDOT

4 Research Executive Committee Changes
CURRENT Define research goals that are the basis for project selection Establish the selection committees Approve the funded research program Review key research findings Evaluate and finalize recommendations for implementation of research findings Expanded to include Review of Client Sponsored Research funding Review of transportation pooled fund project contributions Identification of WSDOT objectives for national research programs Problem statements submitted Supporting what we submit Pilot Tests and Demonstration Projects Participation in national research committees and panels. REC Chair : Assistant Secretary, Engineering & Regional Operations (Chief Engineer) Members: Division Directors of: Strategic Planning Capital Program Development & Management Development Construction & Materials Traffic Public Transportation Highways & Local Programs Aviation Ferries WSDOT has reshaped the Research Executive Committee and Research Advisory Committees. With that, the scope of their work is also changing to look beyond programming of the SPR-funded projects.

5 11-13 BN Current Budget & Contract Value $13,782,399
Old Research Executive Committee Role SPR, 28% CSR, 37% TPF - WSDOT Contrib., 4% Other State Contrib., 31% 46 Projects 32 Projects 17 Projects A quick look at the research projects we’re talking about. The Office of Research and Library Services manages contracts for research projects funded by other organizations within WSDOT as well as federal earmarks and some local government funds. While the SPR budget funds about $2M of new research and $1M of continuing research, the current contract value is close to $9M due to the Client Sponsored Research activity. The value of research projects will continue to grow throughout the biennium. The Research Executive Committee currently reviews the SPR-funded research activities but that is only a portion of the research investment we make. We are looking at the role the REC should play in supporting strategic investment in research activities from all sources. # of Projects completed, continued, or started TOTAL 104 State Planning and Research projects 46 Client-Sponsored research projects 32 Transportation Pooled Fund projects 17 Synthesis projects 9 TRB: Transportation Research Board TRAC: Washington State Transportation Center NCHRP: National Cooperative Highway Research Program SPR: State Planning and Research TPF: Transportation Pooled Fund Program CSR: Client Sponsored Research

6 More Budget Context Program Funding Trends
Transportation Pooled Fund Project Value by Contribution Source Total Value $26,430,000 Leveraging just under $10 for every WSDOT dollar spent. The Transportation Pooled Fund program – while challenging to manage, is important to us. Note contract value for research projects for SPR has remained steady, Client Sponsored Research funding is diminishing, and our the value of TPF projects we lead increased significantly in 2010 but, the current funding trend is declining. SPR: State Planning and Research TPF: Transportation Pooled Fund Program CSR: Client Sponsored Research

7 WSDOT Research Investments
WSDOT Employees WSDOT Research Investments TRB Standing Committees Sec. Hammond on TRB ExComm 46 Committee Members 2 Meetings/yr Chair travel sponsored for one meeting/yr WSDOT Funding and Employees State Planning & Research (SPR) Projects 46 Projects (Regular & Quick Response) $2,601,876 to date 30 Technical Monitors Synthesis Studies 9 conducted to date for 9 different offices TRB Cooperative Research Project Panels 64 Panel Members (104 Panels) 2 or 3 days of sponsored travel over 2 years/project Washington State Transportation Center $313,000/BN ORLS funding. $75K WSU, $238K UW $ 461,000/BN Congestion Analysis & WSDOT Support Transportation Pooled Fund projects 17 WSDOT-led projects 27 Projects led by others ~27 Technical Monitors $3,252,345 to date TRB SHRP2 9 Program & Panel Oversight Members Beta tests Pilot Projects National Cooperative Highway Research Program Contribution %100 unbudgeted Federal SPR $ 1,431,000/BN A look at WSDOT funding and employee time invested in research Client Sponsored Research 32 Projects $3,562,356 to date ~17 Technical Monitors Other Activities 1 TRB Policy Study Member 1 Special Study Member (LTPP) 1 TRB State Rep/Advisory Panel Member TRB Core Services %100 unbudgeted Federal SPR $ 275,000/BN Data through May 31st, 2012

8 Participation in National Research Programs
Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRPII) Expert Task Group appointments Pilot Tests Demonstration Projects National Cooperative Highway Research Program Provide Funding Contribution Problem Statements Synthesis Topics Panel Nominations AASHTO’s Quick Response Research Projects CEO, SCOE, SCOP, SCOPT, SCOH, SCOTS, SCOHTS Funded by NCHRP (State DOTs) Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis Suggest promising but unproven innovations for Transit, Highways, Safety Transportation Pooled Fund Program Project leadership Project participation Airport Cooperative Research Program Problem Statements Synthesis Topics Panel Nominations Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program (CTBSSP) Topic submittal International Scan Program Topic submittal Participation in Scan Team Transit Cooperative Research Program Problem Statements Synthesis Topics Panel Nominations AASHTO Research Programs Transportation Research Board Programs Domestic Scan Program Topic submittal Participation in Scan Team Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program Panel nominations National Freight Cooperative Research Program Problem statements Panel Nominations Technology Implementation Group Technology submittal National program activity level –a look at where we are currently active so we can determine if that best supports priority business needs. Policy Studies Fund a topic Committee nominations National Cooperative Rail Research Program Problem statements Panel Nominations Technical Services Programs ETAP, NTPEP, APEL, AMRL, DAMS, TRAC, SICOP, AETO, SAFETY, Climate Change, MTAP, NPHQ, LRFD, TSP2 Legal Research Topic submittal for Highways, Transit, and Airports Marine Board Topic submittal Active Semi-Active Inactive

9 FHWA Research Programs
RESOURCES FHWA Research Topics Corporate Master Plan (CMP) for Research and Deployment of Technology & Innovation R&D Topics  Infrastructure Operations Safety Innovation Life Cycle Introduction Roadmaps Research Deployment FHWA Priority Technologies Every Day Counts Initiative Highways for LIFE program 24 Priority, Market Ready Technologies and Innovations Briefs Exploratory Advanced Research Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research Program Highways for Life Program Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment Program International Visitor Program Coordination of U.S. International Road Activities International Highway Technology Scanning Program Global Technology Exchange Program Emerging Markets/Opportunities AND – there are several other programs we participate in – but that our Research Executive Committee members don’t necessarily see. Our purpose in highlighting this is to show and prepare for opportunity and to increase awareness of activity that is underway and how that fits into the research objectives of WSDOT.

10 FTA Research Programs National Research and Technology Program
RESOURCES FTA Research Funding Applying for FTA Research Funding    FTA Research Projects  Research Reports  Public Transportation Research Digest FTA Public Transportation Research Digest  Priority Areas supported by Research Environmental Sustainability  Livable and Sustainable Communities  Safety  State of Good Repair    Bus Rapid Transit  Related Programs Training and Workforce Development  National Research and Technology Program  Intelligent Transportation Systems for Transit  National Fuel Cell Bus Program  University Transportation Centers  International Public Transportation Program  Transit Cooperative Research Program  Small Business Innovative Research  Bus Testing Program  Transit Investments for Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (TIGGER) 

11 More USDOT Research Programs
MARAD Research and Development Ballast Water and Aquatic Invasive Species National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Marine Board Transportation Research Board (TRB) National Maritime Enhancement Institutes (NMEIs) Research Opportunities University Transportation Centers (UTCs) FAA Advanced Pavement Design Airport Design Technology Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Technology Airport Wildlife Hazard Abatement National Airport Pavement Test Facility Nondestructive Pavement Testing Pavement Materials Operation of New Large Aircraft Visual Guidance & Runway Incursion Reduction Runway Surface Technology Field Instrumentation and Testing

12 More USDOT Research Programs
NHTSA Biomechanics & Trauma Behavioral Research Crash Avoidance Crash Injury Research (CIREN) Crashworthiness Databases and Software Driver Simulation (NADS) Enhanced Safety Vehicles (ESV) Event Data Recorder (EDR) Human Factors Child Seat Research Public Meetings Vehicle Research & Testing (VRTC) RITA RITA Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office University Transportation Centers 12 Tier 1 Centers 10 Regional Centers (including PacTrans) FRA Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Research and Development PHMSA PHMSA Research & Development

13 Schedules to be determined Research Activity Event/Due Dates
Research Decision Calendar Research Schedule & Possible REC Meeting Schedule Decisions Anytime WSDOT Quick Response Research Schedules to be determined National Cooperative Rail Research Program Need to add Panel selection for other CRPs Transportation Pooled Fund Contributions SCOHTS Research Program EDC, EAR, UTCs, SHRP2 Pilot Tests & Demonstration Projects Client Sponsored Research Research Activity Event/Due Dates TRB Annual Meeting 13-17, 2013 NCHRP Synthesis Topics Due TCRP Synthesis Topics Due ACRP Problem Statements Due CTBSSP Topics Due NCHRP SCOTS Problem Statements Due NCHRP SCOE Problem Statements Due July 15 TRB Annual Meeting Paper Submittals Due Aug 1 NCHRP problem statements due Sept 15 ACRP Synthesis topics due Oct 1 Domestic Scan proposals due Nov 15 WSDOT RFI distributed NCHRP rating process begins WSDOT Response to RFI Due NCHRP CEO Problem Statements Due WSDOT TPF Travel Plan due TCRP problem statements due NCHRP SCOPT problem statements due July 1 WSDOT problem statements due Sept 28 Fall SCOR meeting NCFRP Panel nominations TRB committee nominations (selection is variable) NCHRP SCOH Problem Statements Due Nominations for NCHRP Panels TRB Annual Meeting Travel Plan TCRP Transit Legal Research needs due July 1 NCHRP Legal Research needs due Sept 15 HMCRP Panel nominations STEP Project Concepts Due (spring) HfL Technology Partnerships proposals due NCFRP problem statements due July 30 SCOTS Panel nominations NCHRP 8-36 SCOP Problem Statements Due Universities must have made offers to grad students International Scan proposals due Federal Discretionary Programs due - includes research activities NCFRP Panel nominations Apr 1 WSDOT TPF contribution plan prepared Decision SCOR selects NCHRP problem statements 20-07 and projects selected at AASHTO Spring Meeting. NCRRP projects selected AASHTO CEO NCHRP ballot 20-07 and projects selected at AASHTO Spring Meeting WSDOT RAC selects research projects WSDOT REC plan review & approval Month January February March April May June July August September October November December REC Meetings Spring Meeting Summer Meeting Winter Meeting ACRP Problem Statements TCRP Problem Statements NCHRP Problem Statements WSDOT Research SPR Funding Decision & Technical Monitors SCOH Problem Statements NFCRP Problem Statements NCHRP Legal Research AASHTO CEO Problem Statements SCOE Problem Statements ORLS TPF Contribution Plan Review STEP Research Needs SCOPT Problem Statements NCHRP Synthesis Needs TRB Committee nominations SCOTS Problem Statements International Scan interests TCRP Synthesis Needs CTBSSP Topics Transit Legal Research Domestic Scan interests TRB Annual Meeting FYI NCHRP Panel Nominations ACRP Synthesis Topics Quick Response Research TRB Annual Meeting Travel AASHTO Award Nomination for Research & Innovation It’s easy for those not involved with research to think it’s one program moving on the same schedule. As you know, it’s not. We’re trying to map when program decisions are needed so we can set reasonable meeting dates. Unfortunately, it’s a moving target as not all program action dates are set.

14 Washington’s transportation system future Current issues
Our need for a functioning transportation system continues to grow, while our revenue stream declines Current issues Treating the transportation system like the utility it is Gas taxes built the transportation system of the past. We need to look at new and different revenue sources to keep up with today’s changing technology. Fuel-efficient vehicles Electronic vehicles and charging stations User-based fees are here today and are likely in our future Tolling Mileage-based fees Other sources Trying to put it together with agency needs. There are specific areas in which we need to develop new practices. By providing information on research programs that are available, we can identify the resources that best fit the research need and bring a coordinated agency approach to supporting that strategy. Four slides will show you some issues that we’re working on. Like many agencies, we have agency goals and priority initiatives, but we don’t have a ranked list of agency priority activities upon which to base a strategic research plan. 14

15 Adding capacity strategically Operating roadways efficiently
Moving Washington is our three-pronged approach to fight congestion and combat climate change Adding capacity strategically Operating roadways efficiently Managing demand Adding new capacity to our currently over-stressed transportation system removes choke points and bottlenecks, completing critical corridors; improve reliability, throughput for freight, commuters and transit partners. Maximizing the use of the existing system and using available technology to communicate with and direct traffic, improves the system’s performance and generates revenue through variable pricing and other traffic management tools. Providing more travel choices and options for people and freight helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our transportation system. Another important area of emphasis in our program today is Moving Washington. Moving Washington focuses on first things first. It’s critical to preserve and maintain the infrastructure we have in the best condition possible. And we must continue to improve the safety of the system for the movement of goods and protection of the traveling public. Research plays a key role in in helping us do more with less and has been particularly active in the areas of operating roadways efficiently and managing demand. 15 15

16 Strategic research goals
Safety Preservation Environment Design safety Driver behavior Vulnerability to risks Accident analysis Pedestrian/bicycle safety Construction safety Highway pavement preservation Bridge preservation and replacement Highway and bridge maintenance Ferry maintenance and preservation Airport runway preservation Legacy computer systems Highway practices Fish passage through culverts Wildlife connectivity Protecting species Cultural resources Climate change Noise reduction Mobility Stewardship Economic Vitality Traffic management Traveler information Variable tolling Demand management Highways and ferries operations Non-motorized transportation Project management and delivery Advocate for system needs IT and decision support Accountability and communications Workforce Enterprise risk management Planning and prioritization Equitable access and ADA Sustainability Freight mobility Public private partnerships Contracting Intercity, rural and special needs Within our focus on Moving Washington, we keep the state’s six strategic goals for transportation in mind. State law directs public investments in transportation to support economic vitality, preservation, safety, mobility, the environment and system stewardship.  WSDOT’s Research Office and Advisory Committees have identified areas in which research is needed to advance our strategic objectives. This list is not prescriptive or prioritized but helps identify key areas of interest within our agency. 16

17 WSDOT continues to transform our organization and business practices
_ab Changing our business model Recognize that our business needs in the future will be different than the needs of the past Evaluating our business needs Determine the skills needed to do the work Assess individual employees’ skills Identify the gaps Develop individual training plans to bridge those gaps What do we need to know? What is our base preservation and maintenance model? What are our core competencies? How do we transition to a mobile workforce? How will we manage consultants? What additional quality assurance measures need to be put in place? WSDOT continues to transform our organization and business practices There are many unknowns. This is a work in progress Along with changes in the transportation system, there are changes in the way we deliver projects. We are changing our business model to fit the changing demands. There is a greater focus is shifting on preservation and operations. The competencies needed in our workforce are shifting. 17

18 Collaboration is critical
What we can’t afford to do separately, we can work to achieve together Research collaboration comes in many forms Business needs Potential solutions New technology or techniques Data, information, and technical expertise Field locations and test sites Funding Advocacy We will also take advantage of our ability to leverage our knowledge needs through partnerships. This means that we may engage in activities that aren’t our highest priority – instead, these are activities that are of concern to us and, through partnerships, we’re able to answer the question sooner (and sometimes at a lower cost than we would pay by ourselves). As you’ll see from our investment in the Transportation Pooled Fund program, collaboration is a key part of our research program. But we can still do more. What we can’t afford to do separately, we can work to achieve together. Partnerships come in all forms and we benefit from collaborating on ideas, potential solutions to regional transportation challenges, data to analyze, technical expertise, and field locations to study as well as cold hard cash. For those in the room in leadership positions: don’t underestimate the role you play in research. Your interest in and advocacy for research can unlock doors and lead to productive relationships. WSDOT will be an active partner providing expertise and resources to address critical knowledge gaps that address our priority business needs. It is important to for us to remain conscious of the strategies where collaboration is a key component because they may require a different management strategy – in which timelines and priorities are shared amongst participants and less directed by us. In times of budget scrutiny, the metrics and deliverables may seem less clear and timely but the long-term payoff of the partnership is likely to payoff in unexpected ways. 18

19 Reshaping the Strategic Investment of Research Resources
This is a work in progress Timely support for business needs ensure that actions address the most pressing needs coordinated for the best outcome for our investments support implementation of results  Contribute to the advancement of practice Support employee development Career development Succession planning Don’t disrupt daily agency management Development of future workforce 19

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