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Life in the Industrial Age

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1 Life in the Industrial Age

2 New Industrial Powers Emerge
Britain initially stood alone Belgium emerges Germany, France, United States Had more resources Borrow British Tech *By 1900, USA manufactured 30% of worlds industrialized goods, leading industrial nations

3 New Industrial Powers Emerge
Eastern and southern Europe fall behind Japan modernizes quickly Social change Western powers dominate the world

4 Technology Sparks Industrial Growth
Bessemer Process- make steel from iron Steel-lighter, harder, more durable Used in tools bridges and railroads Chemists develop aspirin, perfume, soaps and Dynamite Electricity replaces steam power Dynamo- machine that generates electricity

5 Technology Sparks Industrial Growth
Thomas Edison-electric light bulb *Interchangeable parts- identical components that could be used in place of each other Assembly Line Made manufacturing faster and cheaper Lowered price of goods

6 Transportation and Communication Advances
Steamships over sailing Railroads Rail lines connected seaports with mining regions Nikolaus Otto, invented gasoline powered engine Henry Ford Made USA leader in automotive industry

7 Transportation and Communication Advances
Orville and Wilbur Wright First planes Passenger flights not available till 1920s Telegraph Undersea cable Alexander Graham Bell-patented the Telephone

8 Business Takes a New Direction
Big Business Stock-Shares in a company Corporations-businesses owned by investors who buy shares stock Monopolies-corporate structure that control and entire industry Rockefeller-Standard Oil Destroyed competition

9 Business Takes a New Direction
Cartel-an association to fix prices, set production quotas, or control markets “Captains of Industry” or “Robber Barons”

10 The Rise of Cities Germ Theory- microbes cause specific infectious diseases Louis Pasteur, showed clear link, went on to develop vaccines against rabies and anthrax Discovered process to pasteurize milk Robert Koch identified tuberculosis and repertory disease Better understanding led to bathing more, changing cloths

11 The Rise of Cities Anesthesia-relieve pain during surgery
Experiment with operations Hospitals dangerous Survive operation die of infection Being admitted to hospital and being poor was death sentence Wealthy treated in homes

12 The Rise of Cities Florence Nightingale-worked on sanitary measures in British hospitals Founded first nursing school Antiseptics discovered-prevented infection

13 City Life Changes Urban renewal-rebuilding of the poor areas of a city
Rebuilt old cities for new age Wide boulevards Paved streets, electric street lights Police forces and fire departments Sewage system

14 City Life Changes Conditions harsh for the poor
Whole families crammed into a single room Crime, alcoholism, slums a big issue Cities attracted tourists, opera houses, theaters, library, sports

15 The Working Class Advances
Mutual aid societies-self help groups to aid sick or injured workers Labor Unions and collective bargaining Strike-work stoppage Often resulted in violence Governments began to regulate working conditions Age requirement, pension, disability insurance

16 The Working Class Advances
Standard of living-measures the quality and availability of necessities and comforts in a society

17 A New Social Order Arises
3 social classes Rich business man and aristocrats Middle class Lower middle class Workers and peasants Cult of domesticity- idealized woman and the home

18 Women Work for Rights Temperance movement-campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages Women couldn't vote Barred from schools little protection under the law fought for Suffrage

19 Growth of Public Education
Elementary schools start primitive Teachers started getting trained Secondary schools expanded wealthy Colleges and universities expand Sciences and engineering

20 Science Takes New Direction
Atomic Theory- all matter was made of tiny particles called atoms Geology, determining age of the earth 2billion Went against biblical accounts Archeology, Neanderthal bones found Charles Darwin, all life evolved over millions of years Natural selection-survival of the fittest

21 Science Takes New Direction
Social Darwinism Used in industry and it encouraged racism

22 Religion in an Urban Age
Christianity and Judaism at head of western civilization Pushed for reforms Tried to help poor Schools and hospitals in slums Social gospel-movement that urged Christians to social service

23 Arts in the Industrial Age
Romanticism-art style emphasizing imagination, freedom, and emotion Ludwig van Beethoven

24 The Call to Realism *Realism-attempt to represent the world as it was
Focused on harsh life in cities and villages Charles Dickens’ Oliver twist Les Miserables

25 Visual Arts Take a New Directions
Impressionism- impression of real life versus exactly real Vincent van Gogh

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