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2 WR/TE’s Drill Library ***Also See OL Drills for TE Blocking 1
WR Drills 1 Stance & Postion 22 Quick Feet Drill 2 Tip Drill 23 Spot Blaster Drill 3 Hand Position & Loose Ball Drill 24 2 Bag Contact Drill 4 Catch & Tuck Drill (1) 25 WR Tunnel Drill 5 Catch, Tuck & Catch & Tuck Drill 26 Karaoke Line w/Catch & React 6 Distraction Drill 27 2 Man 1 Catch Drill 7 4 Cone Distraction Drill 28  Post Play 8 Hang Them High 29  3 Ball Drill 9 Set Up Drill 30  Slalom Pole Drill 10 Throw at Shoulders Drill 31  Miami Concentration Drill 11 Bind Throw Drill 32  WR Chutes Drill 12 Spot Toss Drill 33  Cow Hoop Drill 13 TE Releases 34  China 3 Man Drill 14 Tug of War 35 15 Stalk Block Drill 36 16 Elude Stalk Block Drill 37 17 Bag Attack Drill 38 18 Catch w/Bags 39 19 Explode & Cut Bag Balance Drill 40 20 WR/TE Strip Drill 41 21 Cruise Drill & Turn Drill 42 ***Also See OL Drills for TE Blocking

3 Stance “Proper Stance” Curl from foot. Inside leg up.
75% to 25% front foot to back foot ration. Bent at the waist in an athletic position. Hands up and in front.

4 Tip Drill

5 Hand Position & Loose Ball
Hand Position Drill Loose Ball Drill

6 Catch & Tuck drill

7 Catch & Tuck Drill and Off Balance drill

8 Distraction Drill

9 4 Cone Distraction Drill

10 Hang Them High

11 Set Up Drill

12 Throw At Shoulders Drill

13 Blind Throw Drill “Blind Throw”
Players stand with their backs facing the coach. Coach calls out a number and that player must turn around, find the ball and catch it. Coach “Ball”

14 Spot Toss Drill “Spot Toss”
Place a black spot on a football. Players play catch and verbally call SPOT or NO SPOT. This helps them to focus on the ball as it arrives.

15 TE Releases “TE Releases”
Work TE clean releases vs. different defensive fronts. Use dummy bag or player. 6i 6 9

16 Tug of War “Tug of War” Players grip ball on its end cylinder. When coach starts the drill they tug back in forth to see which player can draw the ball away. Great for competition and hand/finger strength.

17 Stalk Block Drill Stalk Drill 1. Use cones or towels to make a five-yard by five-yard box. 2. Have a RB 10 yards away run inside the box, cutting inside or outside of the WR’s block. 3. On command, the DB attacks to block off of the WR closing the distance quickly. 4. The DB approaches square, with a lower pad level than the WR and his hands inside the WR’s hands. 5. The DBs hands should strike the breast pad of the WR violently while hitting at an angle up, knocking the WR into an upright position. 6. Simultaneously, increase the leg drive putting the WR into an ‘uncontrollable backpedal.’ *Keep in mind the WR is trying to do the same thing to the DB. 7. The object is to knock the WR into the RB and slide off and execute proper tackling technique. *Point of emphasis is to teach DB to escape to the ball without delay which would allow the WR to re-establish a blocking position.

18 Elude Stalk Block Drill

19 Bag Attack Drill Bag Attack Drill Drill: Receiver will run end of route and catch ball thrown as he is being hit with bags or has to split bags. Technique: 1. Head and eyes on football. 2. Proper body position. 3. Pull ball down and tuck it away. 4. Relax your hands. Purpose: Teach concentration, catching in a crowd, running after the catch, proper ball maintenance (fumble drill also). Note – Players holding the bags will make contact on the receiver high, not low, just as he is catching the ball.

20 Catch w/Bags Catch w/Agility Bags
Drill: Jump over bags – sideways; hop over bags – sideways and facing front also; running in and around bags. Purpose: Teaching proper balance and developing quick feet. Jump & Catch w/Bag Drill: Jump over bag, making good concentration catch. Purpose: Teach concentration – catching in a crowd over the middle.

21 Explode/Cut & Bag Balance Drill
Explode and Cut Drill Drill: Catch, tuck, turn, explode and cut maintaining proper running form and technique. Purpose: To teach concentration, ball maintenance and running with your head and eyes up. Bag Balance Drill Drill: C, T and T drill to stay in bounds. Purpose: Working to stay in bounds and keeping shoulders square and moving forward.

22 Strip Drill Strip Drill Drill: Line up two receivers on an angle about arm’s distance apart. On coach’s command they both take off. Throw the ball to the lead receiver and then have the chaser strip him of the ball. Grab arms; pull down over the top, etc. Technique: 1. Use your body between ball and defender. 2. Catch it away from your body. 3. Tuck it away tightly. 4. Separate from defender. Purpose: To increase concentration, toughness and ball maintenance.

23 Cruise & Turn Drill Cruise Drill Drill: One hand catches while running at X speed. Line up receivers and have them run about ten yards and make extended catch. Purpose: To make the great catch and develop good concentration Five Yard Turn Drill Drill: Receiver stands five yards away with his back to coach. Coach will yell ‘ball’ and throw over the right or left shoulder. Receiver will turn only his head; he must keep his shoulders up field. Locate ball with eyes and hands. Technique: 1. Thumbs out, elbows in, little fingers together. 2. Snap head around. 3. Bring ball down to tuck position. 4. Adjust body to ball if needed. Purpose: To develop hand and eye coordination finding the football.

24 Quick Feet Drill Quick Feet Drill Drill: Put six cones about two feet apart (tighter as you get better). Have receivers run in and out of the cones at full speed. When all receivers have gone through, repeat the other way. Have the receivers carry a ball and emphasize proper ball position and running form. Purpose: Emphasis on quick feet, proper running form and ball control.

25 Rapid Fire Gauntlet drill
PASS Rapid Fire Gauntlet Drill X on side = Player w/ball. Drill takes 5 balls Player turns make catch, secures ball & drops off to side. Players rotate from 2 side down to 3 side up. Player X X X X X

26 X X Spot Blaster Drill Player Coach Spot Blaster Drill
Player runs any variety of route. Catches the ball form the coach and instantly turns around. Sprint threw two players holding bags. Player Bags Bags X X

27 X X 2 Bag Contact Drill Player Player
Coach 2 Bag Contact Drill Drill: Catch Ball from coach. Drop ball off and quickly turn and catch 2nd ball from player. Come through bags each time to make catch. System: Catch, Left bag, Right bag than 2nd player. Bags Bags Player X X Player

28 WR Tunnel Drill

29 Karaoke Line w/Catch & React
Explanation: Opening up hips and making the catch. Then reacting to the defender. Drill: Karaoke Line Catch & React. Technique: Start on command of coaches cure. Catch ball and prep for bag read. React to the opposite side of the bags direction. Note: Drop ball back with QB and get back in line. Coach BAG 10-12 Yards QB “Karaoke” 5-8 Yards WR WR

30 2 Man 1 Hand Catch Drill WR WR Explanation: Hand eye coordination.
Drill: 2 man 1 hand catch drill Technique: Press hands together at one time. Time it out. Note: Flip ball back to coach to repeat. WR WR Coach

31 Post Play TE LB LB QB LB Explanation: Getting open in space.
7 Yards Explanation: Getting open in space. Drill: Post Play Defense starts with back facing the ball. TE can not use lob move. Technique: Get open by any means necessary TE has 5 seconds to get open. Note: Defense, Offense and out TE “Get open” LB “Defend” LB Coach QB LB

32 3 Ball Drill WR WR WR WR Explanation: Catching the ball
Drill: 3 Ball Drill Technique: WR takes off and catches ball in middle. After catch flip to WR behind cones and repeated. Catch 2nd ball and flip to WR. Catch 3rd and rotate out. Coach: Wait for ball to be flipped before throwing next. Note: 1st Line, WR to 2nd line. WR 3 Coach 1 2 5-8 Yards WR WR WR

33 Slalom Pole Drill Explanation: Catching the ball wile now allowing it to get to our body. Drill: Slalom Pole Drill Technique: WR is knees at about 5-8 yards away from Coach/other WR. Run hands to simulate running a route. Straddle the Slalom pole. Coach: Can participate if needed. Note: Can go with as many slalom poles as you have. W R Coach 5-8 Yards

34 Miami Concentration Drill
Coach Explanation: Everything a back needs to work on after the catch. Drill: Miami Concentration Drill Note: Coaches or extra players with in the rotation can be used. End: Offense, Cutter, Passer, Whacker & Out. Make a cut on the coach BAG BAG BAG Coach B Whack back! Pass ball! Coach O

35 WR Chutes Drill WR WR WR Chutes Drill
Explanation: Teach WR to sink hips with low center of gravity. Come to balance before making the cut. Note: Explode out of your stance but stay low. Come to pause after coming under the shoot. Player who are out of balance after this can not make an effective cut. Coach: Best when done with 1-2 at a time. Technique: WR/TE dictates their stance. WR WR Blue Roof Coach

36 Cow Hoop Drill WR WR Cow Hoop Drill
Explanation: Working the comeback outside needed for the “Cow” Route.. Note: Cow Route adjusted 8-10, Make break once CB turns and runs. Work back to the ball and the sideline. Can also use cones if hoop is not useable. Coach: Use the big DL/OL hoop & gives sideline. Big Hoop WR WR Coach

37 China 3 Man Drill WR WR WR WR WR WR China 3 Man Drill
Explanation: Working the China route with 2-3 players at a time. Drill: Set up 3 players in 3 lines, 3 cones and work the expanded hitch route for the china concept. Expand the zone 6 yards and back to 5 at a 45 degree angle. Off set cones 2-3 yards. Come back to the ball on the inside. Coach: Use the big DL/OL hoop & gives sideline. WR WR WR WR WR WR Coach

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