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Wave Properties.

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1 Wave Properties

2 Objectives Content: SW describe the five parts of a wave. Language:
SW take notes on waves and participate in wave examples.

3 Wave Wave - Rhythmic disturbance that carries energy through matter and space ALL WAVES CARRY ENERGY Pulse – one wave that travels through a medium Continuous waves – waves that repeatedly move up and down

4 Transverse Waves Transverse waves – matter in the medium moves back and forth at right angles to the direction that the wave travels.

5 Parts of a Transverse Wave
Crest – top of a wave Trough – bottom of a wave

6 Parts of a Transverse Wave
Amplitude – ½ the height of a wave Relates to the amount of energy carried by the wave

7 Parts of a Transverse Wave

8 Parts of a Transverse Wave
Wavelength – the length of one cycle of a wave Abbreviated by using the symbol, λ

9 Transverse Wave Frequency – how many cycles (waves) are completed in a second

10 Compression/ Longitudinal Waves
Compressional waves – matter in the medium moves in the same direction that the wave travels. Example: Sound waves

11 Parts of a compression wave
Compression – the area where the particles are more dense

12 Parts of a compression wave
Rarefaction – The less dense area of the wave

13 Parts of a compression wave
Wavelength – One complete cycle of a wave λ

14 Surface Waves both transverse & compressional;
examples: water waves, seismic waves

15 Medium Most waves need something to travel on (or through)
The substance through which a wave travels is a medium

16 Standing Waves Appear to be standing still
Standing waves are caused by two waves continuously interfering with each other.

17 Types of Waves… A B C D

18 Reflection The angle at which a ray strikes a surface is equal to the angle at which it is reflected

19 Reflection (line drawn perpendicular to the reflecting surface)
normal line

20 Reflection (ray that bounces off of a surface) Reflected ray

21 Period and Frequency Period (P) – time it takes for one wave to pass
The unit of a period is the second (s) Frequency (F) – the number of waves that pass each second The unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz)

22 Formula 1 Frequency = 1/ period f = 1/T Write this down 1 P F

23 Formula 2 V F λ Velocity = frequency x wavelength V = F x λ
Write this down V F λ

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