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International Skills Diploma Seal

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1 International Skills Diploma Seal
SFHS 11/9/2018


3 Global Competence is a Job Soft Skill
11/9/2018 Global Competence is a Job Soft Skill

4 Teaching Cultural Competence
11/9/2018 Teaching Cultural Competence

5 World Languages = a Critical Need
Excerpts from ACTFL’s Global Competence Position Statement: Language learning contributes an important means to communicate and interact in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. Developing global competence is at the heart of the motivation to learn languages.

6 11/9/2018 Objectives In today’s global marketplace, it is important for students to acquire the interdisciplinary skills they need to be globally competent and competitive.

7 Requirements Coursework in the following areas (8 credits total)
11/9/2018 Requirements Coursework in the following areas (8 credits total) World Languages (at least three credits in the same world language and/or ESOL) International Focus (at least four credits in courses determined to have an international focus, such as international economics, world/non—U.S. history, world geography, etc.) At least four extracurricular activities and experiences with global themes and/or in global contexts (e.g. exchange programs, international and language clubs, travel abroad) Twenty hours of community service involving a global/cross-cultural public service project Capstone presentation on the knowledge gained in the courses and activities listed above.

8 World Languages Coursework
11/9/2018 World Languages Coursework 3 courses in sequence of the same World Language 4th course: same or different WL

9 International Focus Courses
11/9/2018 International Focus Courses Published list on GADOE website Criteria: Learn about international issues/regulations, other countries and cultures

10 Extracurricular Activities
11/9/2018 Extracurricular Activities Each student seeking this certificate shall demonstrate interest in global citizenship through active participation and leadership in at least four (4) extracurricular and other school-sponsored or endorsed activities in grades These may include participating in: International exchange program as exchange student and/or host an exchange student Travel abroad program/educational tour/study abroad Regular, direct engagement with individuals from other countries/cultures (e.g., pen pals, Skype) Language and other internationally focused clubs, honor societies Internationally themed programs/competitions for high school students (e.g., Model UN or DECA international competitions) International programs offered by colleges/universities or other institutions (e.g., French/Spanish Immersion Weekends, State German Convention, etc.) Language immersion programs (e.g., Concordia Language Villages) Organizing and running internationally themed events (e.g., International Fairs, Language Days) Lectures on international topics and/or speakers in the community or at a college/university Activities comparable to those listed above in collaboration with other individuals or organizations within the student’s school and/or from other schools.

11 Community Service Hours
11/9/2018 Community Service Hours Each student shall complete a global/cross-cultural public service project, involving at least twenty (20) hours of work, connected to a global community (different from his/her own) or to a global issue. This project may include raising awareness about a global issue, fundraising for an international non-profit service agency/organization, working on an international project with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, Rotary, or other Service Clubs, tutoring a child who is an English language learner, or volunteering with a cultural/linguistic group in the community. The service hours may be split over several activities.

12 Contact Information Michaela Claus-Nix, FCS World Language Content Specialist Dr. Priscilla Pizarro, ISDS Coordinator SFHS Nelly Castillo, ISDS Assistant Coordinator SFHS Agnieszka Ergun, ISDS Assistant Coordinator SFHS

13 Thank you for your time! 11/9/201811/9/2018

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