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Consumer Trust Consumer Survey Results
Sharon Brant Head of Market Insights March 30, 2018
Online survey conducted with Socratic Technologies through an online consumer panel in March Consumers Ages 18+
Key Takeaways The iPad, Echo/Home, and Fitbit are the gadgets that most people own or have owned in the past Males and Millennials tend to own these devices to a higher degree than do Females and all other generations , Name, Address, and Birthday are among the pieces of information people are most OK sharing, while Social Security Number, access to their contacts, and their photo’s are the least likely to be shared Males and Females generally feel the same about types of information they are willing to share Retirees are the most sensitive generation overall, rating all the types of information they are willing to share the lowest When asked what offers may prompt people to share information, the most highly rated items are related to gift cards, reduced shipping, or better pricing. However, external verification from a service such as TRUSTe, VeriSign, or BBB is also rated highly as a motivator Millennials and Gen Z are much more influenced by discounts than are Gen X, Boomers, and Retirees Type of affiliated organization overall does not appear to have a significant affect on people’s willingness to share information However, Males are more likely to be influenced than are Females And the younger you are, the more likely you are to be influenced by an affiliated organization
Key Takeaways People in general see app or website customization based on personal information sharing as more helpful than creepy Data being shared between App’s or websites is ranked as the most creepy, though overall still fairly low What people view as helpful or creepy does not vary much by gender although Retirees and Boomers rate these activities as creepy far more than do younger generations Almost two-thirds of people are ok with companies collecting data about them to better understand their behavior and for marketing purposes Males tend to be more comfortable than are Females, and younger generations more so than older generations Almost two-thirds of people are unfamiliar with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Millennials are the most familiar with Retirees being the least Those who do know about GDPR are generally in favor of it When asked what role the government should play in directing what companies can do with your information, most people (84%) believe they should play a major or at least a limited role Retirees feel strongest of any generation that the government should play no role, while Millennials feel strongly the opposite
Gender Comparison
iPad, Amazon Echo/Google Home, and a Fitbit are the most commonly owned items
Mobile Wallet users overall adopt these technologies 2.5 times more often than non-mobile wallet users Device Ownership, Past Ownership Total Sample Total, n= 503 Apple iPad tablet (any model) Amazon Echo or Google Home Fitbit fitness tracker Apple Watch GoPro video camera (any model) Microsoft Surface tablet (any model) Nest home thermostat Android Watch Video doorbell (such as Ring) Occulus Rift Own or Have Owned Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M360. Do you own or have you heard of any of the following devices or products?
In almost every category Males mention owning or having owned technology products more often than Females Women rival male ownership in only Apple iPad’s and Fitbit fitness trackers Device Ownership, Past Ownership By Gender Total, n= 242, 261 Apple iPad tablet (any model) Amazon Echo or Google Home Fitbit fitness tracker Apple Watch GoPro video camera (any model) Microsoft Surface tablet (any model) Nest home thermostat Android Watch Video doorbell (such as Ring) Occulus Rift Male (a) Female (b) b b b b b b b Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M360. Do you own or have you heard of any of the following devices or products?
As might be expected people are most protective of their social security number and their personal contacts Among those items that people are most sensitive about sharing, Females are generally more sensitive than Males Overall Opinion About Sharing Sensitive Data Total Male (a) Female (b) Total, n= 503 242 261 Full name Address Birthday Device Information Location Services Credit Card, PayPal Permission to listen Photo/selfie Social network activity IP address Photos/Photo gallery Search of contacts SSN Totally OK, Probably Would a Less Sensitive b b More Sensitive b b b b b Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M361. Generally, how sensitive are you about sharing each type of information shown below?
Amazon gift card is the item that would most prompt people to share information
External verification from VeriSign, TRUSTe, BBB, etc. is also a strong motivator for half. It is the only non-price/discount item among the top 5 motivators What Prompts You To Share Sensitive Data Total Male (a) Female (b) Total, n= 503 242 261 $5 Amazon gift card Free shipping on next order External Verification Members-only pricing 10% discount Privacy policy Personalized offers/discounts $5 Starbucks gift card Favorable reviews Store browse/purchase history Customer Recommendations Much, Somewhat More Likely b b Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M362. What impact, if any, would each of the following have on your likelihood to share information?
Affiliated volunteer organizations are the most influential types of organizations that people would trust, but by only 2 in 5 overall Males overall are more influenced by organizations than are Females Much, Somewhat More Likely Does Organization Type Prompts You To Share Sensitive Data Total Male (a) Female (b) Total, n= 503 242 261 Volunteer organization you belong to Locally owned/independent store in your area Religious organization you belong to Charitable organization Social club you belong to (fitness group, sports club) Large national retailer Chain restaurant (fast food, casual dining, etc.) Professional sports team in your area Social networks (facebook, Instagram) Search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing) Youth group/team b b b b b b b b b b Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M363. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
Helpful or Creepy? How Is Your Information Used – Helpful, Somewhat Helpful Total Total, n= 503 You receive offers/coupons for products at a retailer during your visit at the store You receive price comparison information on products in your online shopping cart Site/app remembers your payment and shipping information or future purchases You receive offers/discounts when you are located close to selected retailers or restaurants You receive offers/discounts to other store and restaurants that may be affiliated with the company you shared your information with Single sign-on/Using your login for one site/app to access other sites/apps Site/app you are using makes recommendations based on your shopping/browsing history You receive a thank you or text for your purchase You receive text messages to your phone about promotions at stores and restaurants you recently visited Single sign-on/If your login for one site/app shares personal information with other sites/apps about shopping interests, payment and shipping information Creepy Helpful Overall people generally view these activities as more helpful than creepy. In the moment coupons and price comparisons rank as the most helpful Location based discounts may be more risky as they are noted as helpful by half, but also creepy by a quarter of people Cross App/Website SSO is viewed as the least helpful and most creepy activity ! ! Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M364. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
There is little variation in what people rate as helpful between Males and Females
How Is Your Information Used – Helpful, Somewhat Helpful Total Male (a) Female (b) Total, n= 503 242 261 You receive offers/coupons for products at a retailer during your visit at the store 64% 63% 66% You receive price comparison information on products in your online shopping cart 60% 57% Site/app remembers your payment and shipping information or future purchases 55% 58% 52% You receive offers/discounts when you are located close to selected retailers or restaurants 50% 47% You receive offers/discounts to other store and restaurants that may be affiliated with the company you shared your information with 48% 53% 45% Single sign-on/Using your login for one site/app to access other sites/apps 51% Site/app you are using makes recommendations based on your shopping/browsing history 43% You receive a thank you or text for your purchase 49% 41% You receive text messages to your phone about promotions at stores and restaurants you recently visited 44% 46% 42% Single sign-on/If your login for one site/app shares personal information with other sites/apps about shopping interests, payment and shipping information 39% b 35% Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M364. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
Cross website/app data sharing ranks as the creepiest of all ways peoples’ information can be used
Males and Females are in general agreement on what they rank as creepy How Is Your Information Used – Just Creepy, Somewhat Creepy Total Male (a) Female (b) Total, n= 503 242 261 Single sign-on/If your login for one site/app shares personal information with other sites/apps about shopping interests, payment and shipping information 33% 30% 36% You receive text messages to your phone about promotions at stores and restaurants you recently visited 27% 26% 28% You receive offers/discounts when you are located close to selected retailers or restaurants 25% 24% Site/app you are using makes recommendations based on your shopping/browsing history 22% 19% Single sign-on/Using your login for one site/app to access other sites/apps 20% You receive offers/discounts to other store and restaurants that may be affiliated with the company you shared your information with 21% 17% Site/app remembers your payment and shipping information or future purchases 18% 16% You receive a thank you or text for your purchase 14% 12% You receive price comparison information on products in your online shopping cart 13% You receive offers/coupons for products at a retailer during your visit at the store 11% Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M364. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
Most people, Males and Females, are at least probably ok with sharing information without giving access to PII, 64% overall Familiarity with GDPR is low, but higher among Males over Females Ok, Familiar, In Favor Total Male (a) Female (b) Total, n= 104 108 92 Assume companies collect data through your computer or phone to better understand you for marketing purposes, but have no access to PII. How familiar are you with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Generally, what do you think of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) What role should government agencies have in telling companies how they can use PII Probably, Know a little, Undecided Probably not, Does not matter No, Never heard, Not in favor b 59% 64% a 69% b b a More Government Role Less Government Role a b Major Limited None Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M365-M368. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
Generation Comparison
Millennials have the highest penetration of ownership with Retirees the lowest at only 8%
iPad has the highest penetration across all generations 20% 28% 20% 15% 8% Own or Have Owned Overall Opinion About Sharing Sensitive Data Gen Z (a) Millennials (b) Gen X (c) Boomers (d) Retirees (e) Total, n= 96 103 104 108 92 Apple iPad tablet Amazon Echo/Google Home Fitbit fitness tracker Apple Watch GoPro video camera Microsoft Surface tablet Nest home thermostat Android Watch Occulus Rift Video doorbell de de ade ade e e e e de de de e e de e e e cde e e e ce e e e cde e cde cd Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M360. Do you own or have you heard of any of the following devices or products?
Overall, Retirees are the most sensitive generation with Millennials being the least.
While there is a difference across generations in how sensitive people are, there is general agreement about what they are sensitive about 47% 53% 44% 40% 28% Least Sensitive Most Sensitive Totally OK, Probably Would Overall Opinion About Sharing Sensitive Data Gen Z (a) Millennials (b) Gen X (c) Boomers (d) Retirees (e) Total, n= 96 103 104 108 92 e Full name Address Birthday de Device Information Location Services Credit Card, PayPal Permission to listen Photo/selfie Social network activity IP address acde Photos/Photo gallery cde Search of contacts SSN Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M361. Generally, how sensitive are you about sharing each type of information shown below?
Retirees are also the least influenced group based on promotions and personalization with the Millennials being the most influenced 56% 58% 45% 36% 26% Much, Somewhat More Likely Most Influenced Least Influenced What Prompts You To Share Sensitive Data Gen Z (a) Millennials (b) Gen X (c) Boomers (d) Retirees (e) Total, n= 96 103 104 108 92 $5 Amazon gift card e cde Free shipping on next order External Verification (TRUSTe, VeriSign, etc.) de Members-only pricing 10% discount d Privacy policy Personalized offers/discounts $5 Starbucks gift card Favorable reviews Store browse/purchase history Customer Recommendations Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M362. What impact, if any, would each of the following have on your likelihood to share information?
Again Retirees are the least influenced by the type of organization collecting and using personal data 50% 46% 27% 20% 16% Much, Somewhat More Likely Most Influenced Least Influenced Does Organization Type Prompts You To Share Sensitive Data Gen Z (a) Millennials (b) Gen X (c) Boomers (d) Retirees (e) Total, n= 96 103 104 108 92 Volunteer organization you belong to cde e Locally owned/independent store in your area de Religious organization you belong to cd d Charitable organization Social club you belong to (fitness group, sports club) Large national retailer Chain restaurant (fast food, casual dining, etc.) Professional sports team in your area Social networks (facebook, Instagram) Search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing) Youth group/team Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M363. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
Retirees and Boomers in general see these services to be less helpful than do Gen Z, Gen X, and Millennials Much, Somewhat More Likely How Is Your Information Used – Helpful, Somewhat Helpful Gen Z (a) Millennial (b) Gen X (c) Boomers (d) Retirees (e) Total, n= 96 103 104 108 92 You receive offers/coupons for products at a retailer during your visit at the store 69% e 74% de 56% 48% You receive price comparison information on products in your online shopping cart 73% 76% 71% 46% 38% Site/app remembers your payment and shipping information or future purchases 67% 72% cde 53% 49% 36% You receive offers/discounts when you are located close to selected retailers or restaurants 70% 65% 51% 42% 28% You receive offers/discounts to other store and restaurants that may be affiliated with the company you shared your information with 61% 64% 40% 26% Single sign-on/Using your login for one site/app to access other sites/apps 57% 17% Site/app you are using makes recommendations based on your shopping/browsing history 58% 55% 39% You receive a thank you or text for your purchase 45% 30% You receive text messages to your phone about promotions at stores and restaurants you recently visited 23% Single sign-on/If your login for one site/app shares personal information with other sites/apps about shopping interests, payment and shipping information 60% 29% 14% Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M364. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
Retirees are much more likely to find these services to be creepy as compared to Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen Xers Much, Somewhat More Likely How Is Your Information Used – Just Creepy, Somewhat Creepy Gen Z (a) Millennial (b) Gen X (c) Boomers (d) Retirees (e) Total, n= 96 103 104 108 92 Single sign-on/If your login for one site/app shares personal information with other sites/apps about shopping interests, payment and shipping information 16% 18% 29% 39% ab 61% abcd You receive text messages to your phone about promotions at stores and restaurants you recently visited 23% 17% 24% 30% b 43% You receive offers/discounts when you are located close to selected retailers or restaurants 11% 15% 31% 38% abc Site/app you are using makes recommendations based on your shopping/browsing history Single sign-on/Using your login for one site/app to access other sites/apps 14% 13% 12% You receive offers/discounts to other store and restaurants that may be affiliated with the company you shared your information with 28% Site/app remembers your payment and shipping information or future purchases 9% 21% You receive a thank you or text for your purchase 10% 22% You receive price comparison information on products in your online shopping cart 7% 8% c You receive offers/coupons for products at a retailer during your visit at the store 19% bc Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M364. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
Millennials are the most comfortable with information being shared, the most familiar with GDPR, the most in favor of it, and they believe most in having the government play a major role in overseeing companies that collect that data Ok, Familiar, In Favor Gen Z (a) Millennials (b) Gen X (c) Boomers (d) Retirees (e) Total, n= 96 103 104 108 92 Assume companies collect data through your computer or phone to better understand you for marketing purposes, but have no access to PII. How familiar are you with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Generally, what do you think of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) What role should government agencies have in telling companies how they can use PII Probably, Know a little, Undecided Probably not, Does not matter No, Never heard, Not in favor 59% 42% 74% 63% 79% Major Limited None Letters denote significant differences at the 95% confidence level. M365-M368. What impact, if any, would it have if each of the following companies is asking for your information?
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