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User profiles and personal in the design and development of consumer health technologies Sweta Sneha, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "User profiles and personal in the design and development of consumer health technologies Sweta Sneha, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 User profiles and personal in the design and development of consumer health technologies
Sweta Sneha, PhD

2 Graying of the globe

3 Rising expenses in healthcare across the globe

4 Consumer Health Technologies (CHTs)

5 Problems with Adoption and Frustration among Chronic ill aging population with CHTs

6 User Centered Design - apotentil way to mitigate design issues

7 User Profile and Persona - Study participants

8  User Profile and Persona - Study participants

9  User Profile and Persona - Study participants

10 Result an Application reflecting user needs

11 high adoption and usage

12 Thank you!

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