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Judaism and the Nation of Israel

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Presentation on theme: "Judaism and the Nation of Israel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaism and the Nation of Israel

2 Judaism Monotheistic Follow the teachings of the Torah
Founded by Abraham (1700s BC )Left the land of Ur and traveled to Canaan (Israel) Grandson Jacob formed the 12 tribes of Israel Tested by God

3 From Canaan and Back… Because of famine Israelites migrated from Canaan to Egypt Held in slavery Not mentioned in Egyptian history Moses led the Jews out of Egypt 12 tribes fight the Philistines and Canaanites for control of Canaan King Saul 1st king to unify the 12 tribes King David Made Jerusalem the capitol Messiah would come from David’s bloodline

4 1st temple destroyed by Babylonian invaders
Solomon Built the Great Temple in Jerusalem. 1st temple destroyed by Babylonian invaders 2nd temple built by King Herod Roman Control Palestine All that is left of the temple is the Wailing Wall. It was destroyed by Romans in 70 A.D. Romans dispersed Jews across their empire.

5 Modern History European Anti-Semitism Collapse of the Ottoman Empire
British Mandate of Palestine after WWI Law of Return Any Jewish person could move to Palestine WWII, Holocaust 6 million Jewish people die Zionism

6 1948 creation of a Jewish State War for Independence 1948-1949
Attacked by Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria Arab-Israelis, Palestinians Arab-Israeli Wars Palestinian refugees


8 Jerusalem: The Holy City
The Temple Mount The Western Wall Mount Zion

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