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Presentation on theme: " Canadian Forest Service Activities in Support of Growth & Yield Research in North-Central B.C. Phil Burton UNBC, 29 June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Forest Service Activities in Support of Growth & Yield Research in North-Central B.C. Phil Burton UNBC, 29 June 2005

2 The CFS does not have a G&Y program. … but …

3 G&Y expertise; Data/models on stand dynamics associated with insects and diseases; Long-term silvicultural trials; National Forest Inventory (NFI); Strong emphasis on carbon stocks and carbon dynamics. We do have:

4 Expertise: E.g., Steen Magnussen 2005. A variance estimator for constrained estimates of change in relative categorical frequencies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 105: 391-410. 2002. An inverse gaussian distribution of tree frequencies based on tree size. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 9: 27-42. 2002. Evaluation of probability proportional to predictions estimators of total stem volume. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 92-102. 1999. Effect of plot size on estimates of top height in Douglas-fir. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 14(1): 17-27.

5 Stand Dynamics Associated With Insects and Diseases: E.g., The Root Rot Tracker Fred Peet

6 Stand Dynamics Associated With Insects and Diseases: E.g., Armillaria impacts on stand development and productivity Mike Cruickshank

7 Stand Dynamics Associated With Insects and Diseases: Terry Shore, Brad Hawkes & Steve Taylor E.g., Chilcotin, pre-MPB, post- MPB, and 18-yrs post-MPB

8 Long-Term Silvicultural Trials: Especially for lodgepole pine, mostly Southern Interior -- Roger Whitehead

9 Long-Term Silvicultural Trials: Especially for lodgepole pine, in Alberta -- Site Quality: -------------- Established: LowMediumHigh 1940sKananaskis K-57 1950sMacKayStrachan 1960s Gregg 63 Clearwater Gregg 63 Teepee Pole Gregg 63 1970sRicinusSwan Lake 1980s Gregg 84 Takyi 7009 Gregg 84 McCardell Takyi 7008 Jim Stewart & Richard Yang, NoFC

10 Long-Term Silvicultural Trials: More recently for mixedwood, especially in Alberta – EMEND, Hotchkiss River, Alcott Creek Derek Sidders & Dan MacIsaac, NoFC

11 National Forest Inventory (NFI): Designed for 10-yr monitoring interval photo-plot and ground-plot components 20-km grid for 2 km x 2 km photo- plots Ground plots at 8% of sites, in support of CCFM C&I, C budget monitoring, etc. Mark Gillis

12 Forest Carbon Accounting, Modelling & Climate Change: Werner Kurz m 3 wood kg dry wt biomass kg C

13 CFS Summary Support, but not lead, G&Y research Facilitate continuity and collaboration within the region Link to national interests in C&I reporting, risk analysis, carbon accounting & climate change

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