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SP-041 Incident Response Procedures

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1 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures
Rust-Oleum Corporation Pleasant Prairie Manufacturing and R&D Facility

2 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures - EVACUATION PLAN
If it is safe to do so, shut down the equipment/machine that you are working on. In the event of a facility evacuation, all associates who are not IRT (Incident Response Team) members are to leave the building immediately and go to their department assembly area. All assembly locations are marked by number and are at the furthest point in the Southeast employee parking lot way from the building. Groups must not congregate in fire lanes or in the street. No running is allowed unless an associate is in immediate danger. There is no smoking allowed in the evacuation points. The head counter will take attendance and compare the attendance at the evacuation point with the master fire list. All missing associates will be reported to the Incident Commander. The fire department will let the Incident Commander know when it is safe for associates to re-enter the building.

3 Southeast area of the employee parking lot.
EVAC SITE: Southeast area of the employee parking lot.

4 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures - EVACUATION PLAN
Assembly areas are located at the furthest point away from the building and in the southeast employee parking lot. Associates gather by their department’s site number. # 1 R&D # 2 P220 / P250 # 3 P230 # 4 P240 / P300 / and Tech Services # 5 Open # 6 P150 / G101 / P420 / L200 / K100 / Visitors / Contractors # 7 P510 # 8 P840 # 9 Open #10 Incident Response Team (if not involved in remediation)

5 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures - EVACUATION PLAN
Emergency Equipment Alarm system Fire sprinkler system Fire extinguishers – Class ABC Spill containment kits - mops, squeegees, boots, protective suits, absorbent materials, explosion proof 55 gallon air vacuum. Eye wash/safety showers First aid kits Two-way radios Air purifying respirators (half mask and full face. Combustible gas/oxygen air monitor All roll-up fire doors and tank bottom valves are equipped with fusible link auto-closers. Colorimetric indicator tube air monitor. Explosion suppression system in both gas houses.

6 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures - EVACUATION PLAN
Zone 1 - Salvage & Components, Maintenance 1/1/1/1/1/1 and R&D Concrete Lab, Product Support Group Zone 2 - Filling & Packaging (Includes Sierra) 2/2/2/2/2/2 Zone 3 - Milling & Shading/Mfg. Support Labs 3/3/3/3/3/3 Zone 4 - Receiving & Utilities 4/4/4/4/4/4 Zone 5 - Front Offices, first and second floor 5/5/5/5/5/5 Zone 6 - Pump House Water Flow 2/3/2/3/2/3 Zone 7 - Fire Pump Running 1/2/1/2/1/2

7 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures IRT – Incident Response Team
The IRT receives special training in: Fire Fighting – Incipient stage only/Early stage, when fire is small. Spill Clean Up First Aid / CPR - Certified by Red Cross for Adults.

8 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures SPILLS
Associates in the immediate vicinity who observes the spill will first check the area for immediate hazards (i.e. fire, reaction, severe splashing). Know how to recognize Potential Spill Hazards by referring to HAZCOM Training (SP-005). Manufacturer’s Label HMIS, or NFPA Diamond System, HMCIS, HMIG Batch cards and fill tickets Material Safety Data Sheets

9 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures SPILLS
The associate will then decide the size of the spill and decide what further actions are needed. If in doubt, ask the Supervisor. Small spill (< 5 gallons) – Usually don’t require IRT involvement. Hazardous Spill – Notify IRT. Large Spill (> 5 gallons) – Notify IRT. If spill is over 5 gallons or hazardous, then the IRT must be notified. Call for any gas leak or for any spill involving: Battery Electrolyte Hazardous Waste Caustic Ammonia Biocide Water Scavenger Blood or other Bodily Fluids

10 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures SMALL SPILLS, not requiring IRT involvement
Department Associates may clean up spills that: Can be cleaned up while wearing existing PPE. Can be cleaned with mops and buckets and with help from other associates in the immediate area. Use of SRS is acceptable only if clean-up area is less than 10 square feet. For example, area to be cleaned is not larger than 2 ft x 5 ft. Spill can be cleaned up without over-exposing the associate or causing irritation to the eyes, nose or throat.

11 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures LARGE SPILLS (>5 gallons) or HAZARDOUS SPILLS
Notify Supervisor & IRT. Pull alarm if necessary. IRT responds & if required, calls outside emergency clean-up services. Notify internal managers. Production Manager EHS Manager

12 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures FIRES:
Use fire extinguisher if: Fire can be put out immediately and Fire is in incipient stage Associate is trained & is confident in safely using fire extinguisher Pull alarm if fire cannot be immediately extinguished. Evacuate. IRT responds. If needed, call outside Emergency Services.

13 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures TORNADO SAFETY
Tornado WATCH: Weather conditions are such that tornados or severe thunder storms are possible. Tornado WARNING: Tornados have been spotted in area. Senior Associate or Incident Commander is on alert and will manually activate the internal tornado alarm if necessary.

14 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures TORNADO SAFETY
What does the Manufacturing and R&D Facility Tornado Alarm sound like? Three (3) long continuous alarms, each sounding about 15 seconds in duration.

15 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures TORNADO SAFETY
Equipment will be shut down per emergency shutdown procedures. Proceed to Tornado Shelter for the Manufacturing and R&D Facility. All associates and visitors will gather in the Men’s Locker Room. Take care of your visitors. If someone is signed in under your name, you are responsible to advise them of our tornado safety procedures. Associates are asked to gather by department near where their designated area # signs are posted in the locker room. At no time should associates leave the shelter until the Senior Associate or Incident Commander gives the “all clear”. Headcounters will gather accountability reports from each department and report missing personnel to Senior Associate or Incident Commander. Once the “all clear” is given by the local news station, the senior associate or incident commander will alert all associates and allow them to return to their work areas.

16 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures POWER OUTAGES
Power outages will take the entire facility to a “DOWN” status. Emergency power is provided to the computer room via a UPS system and emergency lights will function on battery power.

17 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures POWER OUTAGES
During a power outage, take the following actions: Close valves to prevent paint from leaking or overflowing fill boxes. Turn equipment to OFF position if safe to do so. Ensure that all dock doors and outside doors are closed. Have employees move slowly to the cafeteria. A maintenance associate or supervisor should periodically walk through the plant with a flashlight to ensure that all equipment is left in the safe status. When Power Returns: All associates should return to their work sites. Check all equipment to ensure that it is operational and in the correct power status. Report all problems to Maintenance.

18 SP-041 Incident Response Procedures

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