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Saving water is always a good idea.

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1 Saving water is always a good idea.
Water Conservation Saving water is always a good idea.

2 Overview Much of Nebraska sits on top of the High Plains Aquifer, which has an estimated 690 trillion gallons of groundwater in storage This water may not be economically feasible to access or available where it’s needed most Water quantity in Nebraska can seem confusing. On one hand, much of the state sits on top of the High Plains Aquifer, which has an estimated 690 trillion gallons of groundwater in storage. On the other hand, during times of drought much crop irrigation is curtailed, lawn watering is restricted, and we are all asked to conserve water. Nebraska is very fortunate to be located over the High Plains Aquifer. But just because there is a huge amount of groundwater right underneath us doesn’t mean it’s economically feasible to access it or that it’s available where it’s needed. Good Water. Good Health. Good Choices.

3 Did You Know? Water Use Explosion in irrigated acres in the last five decades Of all uses in Nebraska, irrigation uses the greatest amount of water Various water uses throughout the state (agricultural, municipal, private well owners) continue to make efficiency improvements Nebraska has increased its demands for water over the years, partly through population growth, but primarily through an explosion of irrigated acres in the last five decades. The demand for water is not going to decrease, so whether drought conditions exist or not, water conservation is extremely important. Good Water. Good Health. Good Choices.

4 Did You Know? Why should I conserve water? Municipal water users
Economic incentive Help protect water quality Private well/septic system owners System overload prevention For municipal water users, the incentive to conserve water should be primarily economic. If a community can reduce its water consumption, it can save on expensive water and wastewater infrastructure development. In addition, reducing runoff from lawn watering can help protect water quality. For individuals with private wells and septic systems, their interest in water conservation is in reducing the amount of wastewater put into their septic systems, preventing system overload. For example, a water-conserving washing machine might allow a homeowner to wash two loads of laundry in a day, where before only one load was possible without overloading the system. Good Water. Good Health. Good Choices.

5 Did You Know? The link between water quality and quantity
As quantity is reduced, the likelihood that quality will also be reduced increases As quality is reduced, the quantity available for use is also reduced Though it may not seem likely, water quality and quantity are closely linked. It’s common for people to believe there’s little or no link between the two. As quantity is reduced, the likelihood that quality will also be reduced increases because there is less water to dilute contaminants. Similarly, as quality is reduced, the quantity of water available for some uses, such as drinking, is also reduced. Good Water. Good Health. Good Choices.

6 What You Can Do Find out if your area is considered “water short” and what steps are being taken to conserve water. Look for ways you can conserve water on a daily basis in your home. Start a water conservation education program in your community or area. Purchase water efficient appliances. Conserving water in your home can really add up. For example, shut off the faucet while brushing your teeth, fix any leaky faucets, and take shorter showers. These may seem like small things, but they can save a great deal of water. Spread the word about the importance of water conservation. Water efficient appliances can include low flow toilets, low flow showerheads, and front loading clothes washers. Good Water. Good Health. Good Choices.

7 Contacts Insert local contact information The Groundwater Foundation P.O. Box 22558 Lincoln, NE Insert your local contact information. Good Water. Good Health. Good Choices.

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