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Understand Lighting (Photons, Lumens, Foot Candles and More)

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Presentation on theme: "Understand Lighting (Photons, Lumens, Foot Candles and More)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understand Lighting (Photons, Lumens, Foot Candles and More)

2 Introduction to Lighting
Define terms What is light Why LEDs are the future What is an LED Know how lighting is designed Platformatics Confidential 2

3 Terms Photons: A type of elementary particle, the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force (Light) Lumens: the SI unit of luminous flux, equal to the amount of light emitted per second in a unit solid angle of one steradian from a uniform source of one candela. (Measure of Light) Foot Candle: a unit of illumination (now little used) equal to that given by a source of one candela at a distance of one foot (equivalent to one lumen per square foot or lux). (Another measure of light) Troffer: A light fixture that fits in a modular ceiling grid Platformatics Confidential 3

4 Understand Terms Troffer Lumens Photons Foot Candles
Platformatics Confidential 4

5 Energy wave that you can “see”
What is Light? Energy wave that you can “see” Platformatics Confidential 5

6 Why LEDs are the Future: They’re Efficient
Platformatics Confidential 6

7 Why LEDs are the Future: They Produce Richer Light
Platformatics Confidential 7

8 Key Parts of an LED LED Chip: Determines brightness and efficacy
Phosphor system: Determines color point and stability Package: Protects the chip and phosphor; Helps with light and heat extraction Platformatics Confidential 8

9 How Lighting is Specified
Place fixtures in a Reflected Ceiling Plan (the blue print for lights) Shows troffer type & location Provides a fixture schedule Reflected Ceiling Plan Platformatics Confidential 9

10 Confirm Light Level Determine photometric requirements
How many foot candles are required? Platformatics Confidential 10

11 PoE LED Lighting Advantages vs AC
Platformatics Confidential 11

12 Platformatics Compared
to AC Lighting System Features Platformatics 277V AC Support for White Tunable “Circadian Rhythm Playlists” Safe Class II low voltage wiring Clean, stable, regulated electricity to lights ensure long node life Emergency Exit Lights powered by low volt wiring—and easy to add/move/change Emergency exit light automated testing and compliance reporting—no clipboards Supports high end/low end power levels (set light output to match user preference) Easy to create control zones to “right size” lighting to match user group sizes Create Zoned “hours of operation”. Max savings plus right light for the right tasks. Each light is individually addressable/controllable/dimmable Supports ASHRAE/CA24—Daylight harvesting, motion, time of day use YES NO WITH ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT Platformatics Confidential 1

13 Platformatics Compared
to AC Lighting System Features Platformatics 277V AC Supports multiple sensor inputs (temp, light level, motion etc.) Provides a platform for future room level and occupant monitoring (CO2, RH, etc.) Supports multiple 0-10, 4-20ma, dry contact and other sensors Flexible IoT platform to ensure the building is future proofed for new innovation Enables rapid and low cost Adds/Moves/Changes Provides real time energy consumption of lights (and other attached systems) Contains a programming API to enable integration with building BMS—enables users to manage building energy consumption while maximizing tenant comfort Supports color beacons for future applications (like security alerts, etc.) Enables flexible scene controls for conference rooms and other spaces YES NO WITH ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT Platformatics Confidential 2

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