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Human or Animal?.

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Presentation on theme: "Human or Animal?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human or Animal?

2 Differences –Bone Cells
Human- very round Animal- rectangular, linear

3 Differences -Ribs Human- C-shaped, <12 Animals- linear/straight,
>12 (sheep=13)

4 Limbs Human-Child arm and leg bones have unfused epiphyses regions
Animal- fused epiphyses regions

5 Upper Limbs Human- smaller tubercle region on the upper part of the bone and fewer projections, arms are linear/straight Animal- bones are curved

6 Lower Limbs Human- Femur has large trochanter at its upper head portion, angular Animal – Flat upper head portion of femur

7 Lower Limbs Animal tibia have multiple notches upon upper portion

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