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Eschatology, a Broad Perspective

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1 Eschatology, a Broad Perspective
From Genesis to Revelation

2 Basic Outline Three major divisions; John was commanded to write concerning Things past, “the things which you have seen,” i.e. the Patmos vision (1:1-20) Things present, “the things which are,” i.e. the existing churches (2:1-3:22) Things future, “the things which shall take place after these things,” i.e. events after the Church Age ends (4:1-22:5). “Write therefore the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall take place after these things.” (Rev 1:19) NASB 10/23/16

3 Seven Churches 10/23/16

4 Pergamum Prominent city 16 mi inland from Aegean sea; modern-day Bergama, Turkey Very wealthy, center of emperor worship with many temples devoted to idolatry First temple of imperial cult built ~29B.C. in honor of Rome and Augustus; boasted a religious primacy in the province University town with 200,000 volume library Place “where Satan’s throne is” (v13) Complex of pagan cults (Zeus, Athena, Dionysus, Esculapius) Emperor worship – touchstone of civic loyalty under Domitian Inhabitants were known as the chief temple keepers of Asia Babylonian cult of Magians; title of Magian high priest was “Chief Bridge Builder” in Latin “Pontifex Maximus” 10/23/16

5 Acropolis of Pergamum 10/23/16

6 Amphitheater of Pergamum

7 Great Altar of Pergamum

8 To the Church in Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17)
Christ, the Author “The One who has the sharp two-edged sword” (v12b) (Rev 1:16) Irresistible authority & devastating force of Christ’s judgment (cf. Rev 19:15) Word of God proceeding out of Christ’s mouth Symbol of its truth, penetrating power & authority, severity – Christ judges men on the basis of the Word Note the Word of Christ Separates believers from condemnation & conformity with the world (Heb 4:12-13) But also guarantees judgment to the world on the basis of it’s absolute truth 10/23/16

9 To the Church in Pergamum (cont)
Sufficiency of Christ in His capacity to meet our needs & deal with our failures Pergamum was a church married to the world; they were in compromise with the world BUT it is the Word of Christ which transforms us from the world “I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Rom 12:1-2 10/23/16

10 The Commendation & Approval (v13)
“where you dwell” katoikew  to settle down, dwell permanently Perhaps note of warning…as believers we should view ourselves as sojourners, aliens, ambassadors with citizenship in heaven But also note of exhortation & comfort God knows our pressures/temptations/problems – He is always there to help us if we want it “you hold fast My name,” “did not deny My faith” Evidence of this faithfulness was the martyrdom of Antipas “My witness, My faithful one” Suggests persecution/attack by Satan to destroy this church 10/23/16

11 Commendation & Admonition (vv14,15)
You tolerate those who corrupt you The teaching of Balaam  compromise in the realm of morals The Way of Balaam (II Pet 2:15) – one who hires himself out to do religious work merely for personal gain “prophet for profit” The Error of Balaam (Jude 11) – thinking he could get God to curse His covenant people and bypass His covenant promises because of their evil The Doctrine of Balaam (Rev 2:14) – taught/advised Balak to tempt Israel leading them to defile their separation from the world Nicolaitans teaching compromise with the world Church loses its pilgrim perspective & adopts viewpoint, values, priorities, pursuits of the world 10/23/16

12 The Counsel & Appeal (v16)
Repent! Greek aorist imperative…element of urgency; calls for an immediate response Judgment based on the truth of His Word Two-fold ability of the Word to separate believers from the world while simultaneously condemning the world for its sin Repentance used three ways in Scripture Change of mind with real result but nothing to do w/salvation Repentance that is unto salvation Confession of specific sins with a view to spiritual change, pursuing the path of godliness – this is the usage here Repent of our worldliness or face divine discipline & loss of our “light” bearing capacity – our very purpose for existence as a church 10/23/16

13 Challenge & Assurance (v17)
“He who has an ear” – an appeal to the individual for spiritual change Spiritual change in a church must begin with the individual “To him who overcomes” – continuation of an active faith Living in the Word, feeding on the things of Christ…this allows us to overcome & leads us into the abundance & sufficiency of Christ’s life “The hidden manna” – two-fold meaning Present: Sufficiency of the person & work of Christ Future: Greater capacity to enjoy manifold blessings & glories of the Kingdom in the presence of Christ 10/23/16

14 Assurance (cont) “I will give” repeated – emphasis on the Savior’s grace Although rewards are promised for faithfulness, they are still a matter of God’s grace It’s by His grace & strength that we experience the capacity for faithfulness “A white stone” – symbolizes special blessing & privilege for the believers who overcome the world “A new name which no one knows” – those who are personally known and loved by God 10/23/16

15 The Prophetic Nature of the Letters?
Location Church Time Frame Characteristic Ephesus The Apostolic Church AD Lost first love Smyrna The Persecuted Church AD Persecuted Church Pergamum The State Church AD Faithful, but tolerates false teachers Thyatira The Papal Church AD Church dominated by a powerful false teacher Sardis The Reformed Church AD Spiritually dying church Philadelphia The Missionary Church AD Faithful witnessing church Laodicea The Apostate Church 1900- Lukewarm church 10/23/16

16 Take-aways Repent of our worldliness (not so much overt acts as viewpoint or attitude) Acknowledge its presence & evil Compromise with the world neutralizes the church Commit to moving in a Godly direction It is the Word of Christ that transforms us from the world “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” I Pet 1:14-16 10/23/16

17 The Next Several Weeks Oct 30 Thyatira Jon Nov 6 IBC Band (No Morning Song) Nov 13 Sardis Jim Nov 20 Philadelphia Clint Nov 27 Laodicea Chris Dec 4 IBC Band (No Morning Song) Dec 11 TBD (Concerts) Dec 18 TBD 10/23/16

18 See you NEXT week! 11/10/2018

19 When will the end come? 11/10/2018

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