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A Study Of Bible Authority Authority and Evangelism

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1 A Study Of Bible Authority Authority and Evangelism
A Study of Authority Lesson 7 Authority and Evangelism Title Page for every Lesson on Authority A. Christ Saves Us B. Christ’s Words Judge Us C. If we want to be saved by the Savior, we must conform to the standard of Judgment! (Presentations are basically an adaptation of material found in Billy W. Moore’s classbook, A Study of Authority) Lesson 7 - Authority And Evangelism

2 Introduction We have learned in past lessons the need for authority (Matthew 21:23-27) Two kinds of authority (Generic & Specific) Means of establishing authority (Command, Example, Inference) With this lesson we seek to make application, recognizing our need for authority in the realm of evangelism.

3 The Church is to Engage in the Work of Evangelism
There is authority for such a work While not in dispute, the fact remains that authority must be established Approved by Direct Statement 1 Timothy 3:15

4 The Church is to Engage in the Work of Evangelism
Approved by Direct Statement 1 Timothy 3:15 Approved by Apostolic Example Jerusalem church (Acts 11:22) Philippian church (Philippians 1:3-5) Thessalonian church (1 Thessalonians 1:8)

5 Autonomous Churches This: Not This:
The work of evangelism. 1 Timothy 3:15; 1 Corinthians 9:14; Acts 11:22; Acts 13:3; Philippians 4:15; 2 Corinthians 11:8-9; 2 Corinthians 12:13 This: Not This: Ch. Ch. preacher M.S. Or S.Ch. Ch. preacher Ch. preacher Ch. Ch. Ch.

6 The Bible Pattern of Evangelism
Divine Authority… Bible Pattern Hebrews 8:5 Scriptural church cooperation in evangelism

7 Not The Bible Pattern of Evangelism
Human Authority… Proverbs 14:12; 2 John 9 Unscriptural church cooperation in evangelism

8 Violations of the Pattern
Missionary Society Perversion of organization Sponsoring Church Perversion of function Violates autonomy (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2) Autonomy is God’s safeguard to apostasy.

9 Not The Bible Pattern of Evangelism
Human Authority … Proverbs 14:12; 2 John 9 Unscriptural church cooperation in evangelism

10 Authority and Evangelism
Questions ? Authority and Evangelism

11 Question 1 Describe the principle established by 1 Timothy 3:15 regarding the part the church plays in the spreading of the gospel of our Lord. The church is the foundation and support of the truth; she holds up and displays the gospel to the world. This is the major work of the church.

12 Question 2 Do individuals have a responsibility to preach the gospel? What verses teach this principle? Certainly they do, and the first century Christians did so. (Jews persecuted, Acts 8; Barnabas, Saul, Timothy, Philip, Aquila and Priscilla, the Macedonians, etc.) cf. (Acts 8:4; 5:42; 8:5; 9:22,29)

13 Question 3 Is there any example in the New Testament of churches sending monies to a central (Sponsoring) church which then coordinates the support of preaching? Does this violate any principle of truth? No, churches sent support directly to the preacher (ex: Philippians support of Paul) The practice violates the concept of silence “speak as the oracles of God,” and autonomy (oversight of elders).

14 Question 4 Is it scriptural for several churches to support a single man in preaching? If so, how is this to be done? (What is the pattern)? Certainly, Paul “robbed other churches” while preaching in Corinth (cf. 2 Corinthians 11:8-9). He received the support directly from these congregations. No “sponsoring church” was necessary.

15 Question 5 One institution is human, one is divine.
Explain the similarities and differences between a Human Missionary Society and a Sponsoring church arrangement. Is there authority for either? One institution is human, one is divine. However, both violate: 1) Pattern of evangelism; 2) Local autonomy; 3) Principle of silence; 4) Limit of elder’s authority There is no authority for either.

16 Colossians 3:17; 2 John 9; 2 Timothy 1:13
Respect God’s Silence Colossians 3:17; 2 John 9; 2 Timothy 1:13 Do not add to what God has said Abide in the doctrine of Christ Hold fast the pattern of sound words Salvation & fellowship with God hangs in the balance!

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