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Introducing Plato P4P… CPR Technologies The Next Generation Tool for CMS/JCAHO Core Measure Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Plato P4P… CPR Technologies The Next Generation Tool for CMS/JCAHO Core Measure Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Plato P4P… CPR Technologies The Next Generation Tool for CMS/JCAHO Core Measure Reporting

2 Plato P4P… What can it do for you? Ensure accuracy of core measure data before sending to CMS Sophisticated analysis made easy… » Trend performance over months, quarters, years » Attractive, comprehensive reports » Unprecedented data analysis using the unique Plato Analyzer Make proactive decisions on how to best deal with future challenges How to Insert a Picture: Click the text Add photo of new displays here; you will see a square boundary box Go to your Drawing Toolbar and click the down arrow to the right of the Fill Bucket icon Select Fill Effects Click the last tab labeled Picture Click the Select Picture Button Locate your picture Click Insert then OK You should see your picture within the square Delete the text Add photo of new displays here How to Insert a Picture: Click the text Add photo of new displays here; you will see a square boundary box Go to your Drawing Toolbar and click the down arrow to the right of the Fill Bucket icon Select Fill Effects Click the last tab labeled Picture Click the Select Picture Button Locate your picture Click Insert then OK You should see your picture within the square Delete the text Add photo of new displays here

3 What does Pay for Performance mean to you? Payments for better care coordination between home, hospital and offices for patients with chronic illnesses. A set of hospital quality measures reported to CMS that will increase the payments hospitals receive for each discharge. Hospitals that do not meet a threshold on quality will be subject to reductions in payment. Rewards to physicians for improving health outcomes by the use of health information technology in the care of chronically ill Medicare information technology

4 To measure or not to measure… As a disincentive, CMS has proposed eliminating payments for negative consequences of care that result in injury, illness or death. This rule, effective October 2008, would reduce payments for medical complications such as "never events" as defined by the National Quality Forum, including hospital infectionsNational Quality Forum Wish you could know beforehand what challenges lay ahead?

5 How is performance measured? Current P4P programs rely on a limited set of performance measures. The dimensions of performance vary across P4P programs. For hospitals and physicians, the measure sets focus on: » preventive services (e.g., influenza and childhood vaccines), » a few common clinical conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart attack, congestive heart failure, pregnancy and newborns), and » complications (e.g., surgical infections). Some P4P programs provide financial rewards for investments in health information technology (e.g., computerized provider data entry systems) shown to have a beneficial effect on safety and quality. nter lato

6 How does Plato assist you? Uses Natural Language Understanding Technology to retrieve information from your transcribed documents, e.g. H&Ps, Operative and DS reports Automatically answers Platos core measure indicator questions for AMI, CHF, PN, and SCIP Via an interface with your core measure vendor product, the two systems are compared, checking for both presence of charts and congruence between charts Data from both Plato and your core measure product is now available for trending, tracking, and predictive analysis through reports, spreadsheets and graphs

7 Step 1: Natural Language Understanding Plato accepts transcribed documents and processes the document text, creating an understanding of the document in much the same way a human being does Plato then determines whether the document refers to a patient who is a core measure candidate, and if so, passes this information to the P4P module Plato/NLU P4P

8 Step 2: From NLU to Plato P4P From Platos understanding of the document comes the answers to the core measure indicator questions as seen in this CHF excerpt PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: Significant for coronary artery bypass grafting and hysterectomy. SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient has smoked one pack per day for 30 years. She denies alcohol. She lives with one of her daughters. She reports that her daughter consistently ignores her, does not offer her any help, and make it difficult for her to make her medical appointments… …3) The patient will be scheduled for lower extremity angiograms and follow up in Dr. Two's clinic for possible intervention. 4) Patient was advised to quit smoking and counseled on effective smoking cessation strategies. 5) Consult to Nutritionist for diet counseling for low sodium diet. 6) Consultation to smoking cessation clinic. 7) Prescription for Nicoderm provided. Allopurinol 100 mg p.o. q.d.; digoxin 0.125 mg p.o. q.d.; isosorbide dinitrate 40 mg p.o. b.i.d.; aspirin 325 mg p.o. b.i.d.; vitamin E 800

9 Step 3: From Plato P4P - Results Analyzers Charts Reports Plato P4P data and core measure vendor data are merged to create complete picture of organizations status Plato P4P Core Measure Vendor Product

10 Intuitive Microsoft Office 2007 like interface Single click reporting Data analyzer for sophisticated analysis, tracking and trending Produce stunning graphs of your selected data with ease Host Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents within program using Platos One Stop technology Uses the latest in Microsoft.NET technologies ensuring non intrusive installations Windows 2000, XP, Vista Compatible Uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 Interfaces with core measure vendor products using flat file or HL7 Interfaces Unique Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Engine for retrieving core measure indicators from unstructured text And for the user… Technical Information… Plato P4P is the answer Innovation taken a step further

11 Pre/Post Sales Technical Support Credentialed experts to assist you in assessing the needs of your organization and implementing the Plato solution quickly and efficiently Telephone support with a live person Eligibility for upgrades

12 Thank you for your time For more information please contact us at #714-508-7832 or Visit us on the web at With Plato P4P, our customers stand ready to meet the challenges of the future! Press Home Button to the left to return to first slide. There you may view another demonstration. To view the next demonstration, press the N key. To exit all demonstrations, press the Escape Key.

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