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Sustainable Transport in Aberdeenshire

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1 Sustainable Transport in Aberdeenshire
Crathie Community Ward Forum 13 September 2018

2 Aberdeenshire Council Profile
2,437 square miles in area Population of 261,960 6 administrative areas (Banff & Buchan, Buchan, Formartine, Garioch, Kincardine & Mearns, Marr) 3,300 miles of roads (10% of national stock) 100 supported bus services 6 railway stations

3 Some of our projects Carbon Budget EV charger network
Integrated Travel Towns Public Transport Education Council Fleet Health & Transport Action Plan Getabout partnership

4 Carbon Budget Implemented for financial year 2017-18
An allowance of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2E) emissions is allocated. Each Council Directorate is responsible for their own emissions and keeping them within the specified allowance. Figures collected and reported annually. Overall target is to reduce emissions to 44% of the 2010/11 baseline by 2025 First Local Authority in Scotland to adopt this

5 EV Chargers Primarily funded via Scottish Government, but some funding from Council and also looking at ways to leverage funding from Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) Number of charges delivered continues to increase. 1,596 in 2015 14,109 in 2017 Public chargers in off street car parks Currently adding chargers to Council depots for fleet vehicle use Public chargers part of Charge Place Scotland network (

6 Integrated Travel Towns
Peterhead Cycling Demonstration Town In 2008 Peterhead was designated as a pilot Cycle Demonstration Town (CDT). Objective – to focus investment in cycling infrastructure and support investment with a campaign of ‘softer’ interventions underpinned by local community support. Over £1 million has been invested in Peterhead, a large part of which was match funded. Peterhead now has over 20km of routes and paths. Also benefited from events such as a family bike ride and supporting information such as maps of walking and cycling routes in the town. This has provided the model for our Integrated Travel Towns (ITTs)

7 Integrated Travel Towns
Using lessons learned from Peterhead CDT, in 2015 Aberdeenshire Council embarked on the ITT programme. A number of key towns were chosen to focus investment on infrastructure and ‘softer’ measures. Phase 1 ITTs: Community consultation events held, Masterplans drawn up, development work currently in progress Ellon Inverurie Fraserburgh Huntly Portlethen

8 Integrated Travel Towns
Phase 2 ITTs - Research into current travel patterns, assessment of needs / desires, promotion of existing infrastructure Banchory Banff and Macduff Oldmeldrum Stonehaven Westhill

9 Integrated Travel Towns
Projects already delivered Ellon – shared use foot and cycle bridge over Ythan, and upgrade of surrounding path network, facilitating travel to Ellon Academy Community Campus. Huntly – shared use path along Deveron Road, improving links to Gordon Schools and Deveron Park. Used innovative ‘no-dig’ construction technique. Inverurie to Kintore shared use path: links both towns along A96, avoids crossing busy east-west traffic. In Progress Ellon Riverside path – upgrade of existing network alongside river Ythan and improving links to Formartine and Buchan Way

10 Integrated Travel Towns
Future Projects Portlethen: Muirend Road to Badentoy business park (also linking to NCN1). Will provide safer crossing over A90 junction, link centre of town with industrial park and National Cycle Network (design) Cookston Road. Will link existing shared use paths at Hillside development to Portlethen Primary school and railway station (design) Inverurie – Academy to south. Will link south of town and hospital to academy and centre via shared use path (design) Fraserburgh – Maconochie Road to town centre. Shared use path linking employers on south of town, with seafront and town centre (design)

11 Strategic Cycling Routes
In addition to routes within towns, we are working on projects to improve connections between our towns. Sauchen to Cluny (design completed) Kintore to Blackburn shared use path (design) Meldrum Meg Way (design – subject to committee approval to progress further) Balmedie to Ellon (feasibility study) Stonehaven to Aberdeen (feasibility study)

12 Public Transport Passenger transport in
Aberdeenshire is focused on six key corridors, radiating to and from Aberdeen, as shown on the map, although there are also many routes outside of these corridors.

13 Public Transport Projects
Did You Know? Although the buses are run by commercial operators (two of the biggest being First and Stagecoach) bus stops, shelters, signs and information systems are all maintained by Aberdeenshire Council. Not just in Aberdeenshire, but in Aberdeen City too!

14 Real Time Bus Information
Real time departure information from any stop in Aberdeen City or Aberdeenshire is available from: Or on your smartphone by scanning the QR code on the timetable

15 Grasshopper Pass Daily or weekly tickets allowing unlimited travel on all buses in Aberdeen City or Shire Zones radiating out from Aberdeen City Now available in form of smart card which can be reloaded Management of scheme carried out by Aberdeenshire Council

16 A 2 B Dial A Bus Service open to: People with mobility difficulties
People who don’t live near a bus stop or route Fares similar to other local bus services National Entitlement Card holders free Operates during specific hours on specific days Booked in advance through A2B Dial-a-bus hotline ( )

17 Rail Upgrade works planned for Inverurie Station (more car parking, improved access for buses) New rail halt planned for Kintore Dualling of line between Inverurie and Aberdeen – works progressing summer 2018 and summer 2019 (Scotrail) Hoped to lead to higher frequency commuter rail services between Inverurie and Montrose Further detailed study to be commissioned to look into links between Aberdeen, Ellon, Fraserburgh and Peterhead

18 Education EASTiE (Embedding Active and Sustainable Travel into Education) Resource pack for schools – provides resources and plans to help link smarter travel into learning outcomes.

19 Education Partnership working with: Sustrans Living Streets
I-Bike Officer works intensively with schools in our ITTs. Projects have included: cycle training, led rides, active breakfasts, maintenance sessions. Also trains school staff and volunteers to help further embed cycle projects into school’s activities. I-Bike in its second year in Aberdeenshire, 14 schools involved so far. Living Streets Walk Once a Week (WOW) project uses an online travel tracker tool to record journeys to / from school, with rewards for active journeys. Dedicated WOW Officer working with 25 Aberdeenshire schools to encourage pupils to travel actively.

20 Staff E-Bike Loans 4 electric bikes purchased early 2017
Council staff can borrow a bike, free of charge, for 4 weeks at a time Over 900 miles switched from car to e-bike Represents a saving of 175 kg CO2 equivalent

21 Council Fleet Electric Vehicles Hydrogen
9 fully electric vehicles on fleet 42,000 miles so far converted from diesel to electric propulsion Chargers at depots will help to support greater uptake Hydrogen Trialling use of hybrid van – battery EV with Hydrogen fuel cell on-board to top up battery Partnership project with Aberdeen City Council EU funding Trial will inform development of such vehicles

22 Health and Transport Action Plan (HTAP)
Partnership between Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeen City Council, The Moray Council, NHS Grampian, Nestrans, Community Planning Partnerships and voluntary organisations. Two strands: Transport and public health Access to health and social care

23 Health and Transport Action Plan (HTAP)
Some Transport and Public Health projects: GetAbout brand (sustainable travel brand for Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City areas Travel Planning pilot (joint working between Aberdeenshire and NHS Grampian to develop a travel plan for the new Inverurie Health & Care Hub) Access to Health & Social Care: THInC (Travel to Health & Social Care Information Centre) Provision of travel advice for people attending health and social care appointments.

24 The Getabout partnership
Aberdeenshire Council works in partnership with: Aberdeen City Council Nestrans NHS Grampian University of Aberdeen Robert Gordons University The Hutton Institute … plus a number of other organisations, to promote sustainable travel throughout the area.

25 The Getabout partnership
Promotions include Roadshows centred around cycling and electric vehicles Walking and cycling maps of towns Branded safety equipment (eg hi-viz, lights etc) All with distinctive logo and design aimed at raising awareness

26 Anthony Robertson Strategy Development Officer Infrastructure Services
Thank you Anthony Robertson Strategy Development Officer Infrastructure Services

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