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Relations Between Statistical Systems and National Institutions in Charge of Development: An Analysis Based on Ten West and Central African Countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Relations Between Statistical Systems and National Institutions in Charge of Development: An Analysis Based on Ten West and Central African Countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relations Between Statistical Systems and National Institutions in Charge of Development: An Analysis Based on Ten West and Central African Countries AFRISTAT-PARIS21 Bamako June 2014 BKO June 2014 JLN

2 Outline 1 - An Historical Perspective 2 - Characteristics of the NSS 3 - The SNDS 4 -The Users' Place 5 - The Point of View of National Development Institutions 6 - The Post-2015 MGDs 7 – The Main Lessons BKO June 2014 JLN

3 1 - An Historical Perspective
Independence and the triumph of planning. Structural adjustment. Construction of a new consensus The PRSPs and the MDGs. Emergence of new requests for the NSS. BKO June 2014 JLN

4 2 – Characteristics of the NSS (1)
Widely varying means. Strong dependence on donors for financing of surveys and housing surveys. Stagnating or regressing resources since 2010. BKO June 2014 JLN

5 2 – Characteristics of the NSS (2)
Three main constraints: (i) insufficiency of equipment and operating means; (ii) little or no employee motivation; (iii) lack of qualified human resources. Communication: Websites. National Accounting. BKO June 2014 JLN

6 3 - The SNDS The NSDS: a common promotional instrument of the NSS.
Low performance rates. Statistics recognised as a priority. Formal partnerships with development structures. No financial programming in five out of the ten countries. BKO June 2014 JLN

7 4 – The Users' Place Systematically excluded from NSDS preparation;
Voluntary initiatives with the press in several countries; Little involvement by civil society and the private sector. BKO June 2014 JLN

8 5 - The Point of View of National Development Institutions (1)
All the countries are committed to medium- term development strategies. All the countries have adopted target development figures and prepared indicators for M/E. Close or less close cooperation with the NSS. Annual M/E reports on development strategy requiring data. BKO June 2014 JLN

9 5 - The Point of View of National Development Institutions (2)
Uncertain availability of indicators. Insufficiently satisfactory expectations of the NSS for timely data production. Strong collaboration for the M/E. Few M/E Websites. BKO June 2014 JLN

10 6 - The Post-2015 MGDs A very demanding timetable for the statistical and development institutions Little internal mobilisation for the timetable in the NSIs Process of reflection undertaken by decision-makers in all countries BKO June 2014 JLN

11 7 – Four Main Lessons (1) 1 - Acknowledgement of the priority of statistics in development: important advances, but a limited impact 2 – An NSI priority: qualitative strengthening of human resources BKO June 2014 JLN

12 7 – Four Main Lessons (2) 3- Persistence of limited user role in the NSS, 4- Necessity to improve the NSS image. BKO June 2014 JLN

13 Thank You BKO June 2014 JLN

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