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Digital Access Learning Grants

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1 Digital Access Learning Grants
OSPI Webinar – September 10, 2018

2 Agenda for Webinar Overview of Grant Program
Eligibility and Prioritization Who Should Apply? Application Process Accessing iGrants Form Package 863 Using the data spreadsheets Step-by-step directions to complete and submit Supporting Resources Questions and Answers (type in Chat Window anytime)

3 Overview of Grant Program
The purpose of this matching state grant program is to assist public school districts in improving student instruction and assessment through the use of information technology, including, but not limited to, broadband connectivity and enhanced information technology infrastructure (Wi-Fi). $900,000 in matching state funds are available to help schools leverage existing E-rate Category 1 or 2 discounts for one-time expenditures.

4 Allowable Expenditures
Because the grant monies are state general funds allocated for one fiscal year, ALL state portions of the matching funds must be for one- time expenditures, and must be expended by June 30, 2019. Selected districts can expect to spend 10% or less of the total non- recurring costs (after state match and E-rate reimbursement) for network infrastructure improvements such as: One-time Category 1 special construction costs One-time Category 2 installation of networking hardware costs

5 Timelines Date Milestone Oct. 24, 2018 Grant applications due at OSPI
Nov. 1, 2018 OSPI announces preliminary grant awards Nov-Dec, 2018 Districts release RFPs, file Form 470, award RFP by early Jan. Jan. 10, 2019 Districts file Form 471, finalize grant request Jan, 2019 OSPI finalizes state match for applicants Category 1 special construction (fiber install) can begin Apr. 1, 2019 Category 2 hardware purchase/installation (Wi-Fi) can begin Jun. 30, 2019 Construction/expenditures end for state reimbursement from OSPI After July 1, 2019 Districts file for E-rate reimbursement

6 Eligibility and Prioritization
All K-12 public school districts (including charter and tribal schools) are eligible to apply for grant funds. Districts applying for Category 2 funds must have a remaining balance in their 5-year E-rate Category 2 budget, as state funds are predicated upon receiving an E-rate match. Districts will need to complete a E-rate Form 470 and conduct an RFP during November-December, 2018, in order to file a Form 471 when the E-rate window opens on January 10, 2019.

7 Prioritizing Available Grant Funds
Priority will be given to applications that: Provide broadband connectivity for schools that currently lack access to adequate bandwidth (Category 1, highest priority for funding); Provide funding for schools with inadequate internal network infrastructure, particularly those with the highest poverty and in rural areas (Category 2).

8 Who Should Apply – Category 1?
Consider applying if: You have one or more buildings in your district that have less than a 100 Mbps connection to your Wide Area Network; or You have one or more buildings in your district that have an unreliable/unscalable connection to your Wide Area Network. Caveat: This state grant funding does not cover on-going or recurring costs, so if the building serves a very small number of students, 100 Mbps or more may not be needed, or may not be economically sustainable.

9 Who Should Apply – Category 2?
Consider applying if: You have instructional spaces in one or more buildings that are not completely covered by your current wireless network Your wireless infrastructure is more than 3-5 years old You are not able to support a guest/open network as well as a secured network for authorized users Your Access Points (APs) do not support at least n or higher (e.g., ac Wave 1 or 2) Your APs do not provide both 2.4 and 5 GHz bands (dual bands)

10 Who Should Apply – Category 2?
Consider applying if: You do not have managed Gigabit switches or they do not support Power over Ethernet (PoE) for your APs All of your data cabling for your wireless access points is not of Category 5e or higher specification Your firewall does not support throughput higher than 100 Mbps You are not able to centrally manage your wireless network Your Wi-Fi management solution lacks important features, e.g., that improve security, provide helpful reporting, or support troubleshooting.

11 What if my application is not funded?
Even if we are unable to fund all grant requests, the data on unmet need will be communicated back to the legislature, which may lead to future funding allocations. The data you put together for this application will help prepare you to apply for Category 2 funds in the upcoming E-rate cycle, if your district is able to come up with the matching funds not covered by your E-rate discount. All districts with remaining Category 2 funds are strongly encouraged to apply for , as the future of these modernization funds is uncertain.

12 Application Process: Accessing iGrants
Accessed through OSPI EDS Portal: Request access to Form Package 863 from District Security Manager:

13 Application Process: Spreadsheets
District E-rate discount eligibility based upon October, 2016 NSLP data Available Category 2 funding Form 471 worksheet

14 Application Process: Step-by-Step Demo
Log into iGrants Form Package 863 District: __________________________ Contact Name: _______________________ __________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Are you seeking funds for (check all that apply): ( ) One-time Category 1 special construction costs to provide broadband to district or school ( ) One-time Category 2 installation of networking hardware costs for internal wiring or Wi-Fi

15 Application Process: Step-by-Step
Category 1 funding requests If you checked Category 1, please list the name of the district or school building(s), and describe their current level of connectivity: If you checked Category 1, please provide an estimate of the overall cost to complete this project, and describe what this estimate is based upon:

16 Application Process: Step-by-Step
Category 2 funding requests If you checked Category 2, please list the name of the school building(s) that you will be seeking funds for, and the one-time improvements in internal wiring (e.g., cabling, switches, routers, hubs) or Wi-Fi infrastructure (e.g., Access Points, management tools) you hope to fund in each: Please provide an estimate of the overall cost to complete the project(s) in each building, and what this estimate is based upon:

17 Application Process: Step-by-Step
(Optional) If you completed the Form 471 Worksheet, upload it here. For each building, please also provide a brief summary of the need for funding (e.g., instructional spaces are not completely covered by your current wireless network, your wireless infrastructure is more than 3-5 years old, or technical issues to be addressed):

18 Application Process: Step-by-Step
Assurances: If funded, I understand that our district will need to complete a Form 470 and conduct an RFP during November-December, 2018, in order to file a Form 471 as soon as the E-rate window opens in January, I also understand that in order to receive state funds, all purchases and work will need to be completed by June 30, 2019 on those projects.

19 Supporting Resources Digital Learning Access Grant Program:
E-rate Category 2 Eligible Services: services-list.aspx E-rate Category 2 Budget Lookup Tool:

20 Supporting Resources (continued)
EducationSuperhighway E-rate Webinars: Basic background knowledge about Wi-Fi: Basic background knowledge about broadband: options/types-of-fiber-services-2/

21 EducationSuperHighway Wi-Fi Program Overview
1 2 3 Awareness: Know your available budget Support: Expertise to help you upgrade Driving Action: Run successful procurement Multi-channel, tailored outreach to all target districts to ensure they know about their available Cat 2 funding Webinars and conferences to raise awareness of E-rate fund availability Technical expertise, including free-of-charge on-site support as needed, to make sure upgrades happen E-rate & procurement support to overcome district concerns and challenges Simplified templates and tools for E-rate procurement support Work with large OEMs, VARs, and E-rate consultants to ensure they respond to district requests to upgrade EducationSuperHighway helps districts with Cat 2 upgrades by providing: Awareness campaigns: 1:1 calls, s, in-person Opt-in consulting: Technical, E-rate, procurement

22 Upcoming Webinars – Save the Dates
Form 470 Tips & Best Practices w/Joe Freddoso SEP 27 | OCT 11 | OCT 25 | NOV 8 E-rate Category 2 Masterclass Series: Optimize Your Internal Network Upgrade SEP 19 | OCT 24 How to Launch a Successful Procurement SEP 26 | OCT 31 Bid Evaluation Best Practices OCT 3 | NOV 7 Register at

23 Questions and Answers! If you have not already done so, please type questions into the Zoom Chat Window, to be answered during the webinar as time allows. All questions not answered during the webinar will be posted along with this Powerpoint to the website at

24 Contacts for More Information/Assistance
Grant Questions: Dennis Small, OSPI Fiber or Wi-Fi Infrastructure Questions: Christine Yoo, ESH E-rate Questions: Susan Tenkhoff

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