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Shenandoah Zeps Pre-Season Meeting

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1 Shenandoah Zeps Pre-Season Meeting
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2 Athletic Department Mission Statement Shenandoah Athletics will create a culture of continuous improvement where all student-athletes are provided opportunity for success. Vision Statement It is the vision of Shenandoah Athletic Department that we develop programs where every student-athlete can grow and every team continually improve.

3 Athletic Department Goals
Average student-athlete GPA of 3.5 Compete for PVC and OVAC championships Create well rounded student-athletes

4 Shenandoah High School Administration/ Shenandoah Middle School Administration
Superintendent – Dan Leffingwell SHS Principal – Justin Denius SMS Principal – Dan Wesson Athletic Director – Eric Sholtis Athletic / Transportation Administrative Assistant – Denise Wells

5 Shenandoah High School Varsity Head Coaches
Football – Jesse Wells Volleyball – Megan Grywalski Cheer – April Giesey Cross Country – Colleen Kasper Boys Basketball – Marc Smith Girls Basketball – Sami Schott Wrestling – Jesse Wells Track and Field – Dave Milliken Baseball – Matt Weddle Softball – Scott Davis

6 Shenandoah Zeps Athletics Improvements
Continuing to provide some of the best equipment for safety. Continuing to improve facilities SMS Gymnasium *Completed by start of school* SHS Gymnasium *Future Project* Updated Weight Room *Future Project* All School Deal for Varsity with BSN / Nike Continued partnership with SE Med for athletic trainer services

7 Communication It is our goal to communicate as effectively as possible with student- athletes, parents, and the community. We will use a variety of methods for communication. All Call Media Outlets Twitter School Website School Calendar

8 Athletic Training / Sports Medicine
We have a partnership to provide top notch athletic training services at every home contest and as needed. Kirby Moore ATC

9 Concussion Concussion Resources

10 Sudden Cardiac Arrest SCA Video

11 Required Paperwork for All Student Athletes
Physical Make sure it is current Signed in all required locations Insurance Information Insurance is required and if an athlete does not have insurance the school has arrangements made with Griffin Insurance. See your coach, Eric Sholtis, or Denise Wells for this paperwork. Concussion Form Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form Emergency Medical Authorization Form

12 •  General OHSAA Eligibility Standards
Eligibility rules exist to help maintain competitive balance in school sports and to promote the purpose of education-based athletics. As a student-athlete, YOU are responsible for your compliance. Besides OHSAA regulations, your school also has the authority to establish additional academic standards and codes of conduct.

13 •  General OHSAA Eligibility Standards
In order to maintain eligibility, you must be officially enrolled in an OHSAA member school, or participating in accordance with state law, and you must have a biological and/or adoptive parent who lives in Ohio. You may not be eligible if you are competing under a false name or have provided your school with an incorrect home address. You may not be eligible if you have been recruited to attend this school.

14 •  OHSAA Scholarship Standards
All incoming ninth graders must have received passing grades in a minimum of five subjects in the immediately preceding grading period. All grades must be recorded in a student’s academic record. To maintain eligibility, high school students must have received passing grades in a minimum of five one-credit courses, or the equivalent, in the immediately preceding grading period.

15 •  OHSAA Scholarship Standards
All incoming seventh graders are eligible insofar as the scholarship bylaw regardless of previous academic achievement. To maintain eligibility, 7th-8th grade students must have received passing grades in a minimum of five classes in the immediately preceding grading period.

16  OHSAA Scholarship Standards
Students taking College Credit Plus must comply with OHSAA scholarship standards. All students participating via state law that permits home educated, non-public, community and STEM school students to participate at public schools must also comply with OHSAA scholarship standards. Semester and yearly grades have no effect on OHSAA eligibility unless your school provides grades at the end of a semester or school year pursuant to Board of Education policy.

17 • OHSAA Scholarship Standards
To attempt to regain OHSAA eligibility, summer school grades, College Credit Plus and other educational options (e.g. work permitted after the conclusion of the grading period) shall not be used to bring a student into compliance with the OHSAA scholarship bylaws, nor can they be used to compensate for the lack of courses taken in the preceding grading period. If you drop a course or change your schedule, it is critically important that you contact your principal or athletic administrator to see if this affects your eligibility. The OHSAA has no minimum grade point (GPA) requirement, thus issues regarding eligibility when only the state-mandated GPA is of concern are strictly a local school district matter and not an OHSAA matter.

18 •  OHSAA Semester Standards
No high school student will be eligible if he or she has been enrolled in high school for more than eight semesters. No 7th-8th grade student will be eligible if he or she has been enrolled in 7th-8th grade for more than four semesters.

19 •  OHSAA Age Standards High school students will be ineligible whenever they turn 20 years old. Seventh- and eighth-grade students who turn 15 before August 1st are also ineligible for 7th and 8th grade sports but MAY BE eligible to participate in high school athletics.

20 •  OHSAA Non-School Team and Program &
Out-of-Season Standards You will be ineligible if you are a member of a school team competing on a non-school team in the same sport during your school team’s season (example: club soccer team during school’s soccer season). Coaches and schools cannot require that you participate in an open gym/open facility OR in a conditioning or instructional program. Violations of this regulation will result in penalties.

21 • OHSAA Transfer Standards
Once eligibility has been established at a member high school, a transfer to a different high school may mean you will lose eligibility for interscholastic athletics for a period of time at your new school. For specifics on the period of ineligibility, visit This regulation has several exceptions, most of which require a ruling from the OHSAA Executive Director’s Office. IF YOU ARE A TRANSFER WHO IS OPEN ENROLLMENT…COME SEE ME!

22 Eligibility Requirements
High School Middle School Passing 5 Credits or equivalency Physical Education is .5 Previous grading period. 1.5 GPA Ineligible as soon as you turn 20 Transfer eligibility Passing 5 Classes

23 Academic Supports / Eligibility
On Target Retakes Missing Assignment Lists Constant communication

24 Athletic Code of Conduct

25 Your Responsibility as a Zep Athlete
You are representing your family, community, school, and team. Playing a sport is not a right, it is a privilege. We want to read about you on the sports page, and not on the front page. – Steve Hall Social Media

26 Shenandoah Athletic Boosters
Boosters need help with concessions and also with other functions. Next Booster Meeting is August 7 5:00 Night at the Races September 15

27 High Quality Coaching 5 different courses that are required and have to be renewed from 1- 3 years. Coaching Evaluation in Place We have high expectations for our coaches, who have high expectations for your sons and daughters because they are worth it.

28 Chain of Communication
Coach involved Head Varsity Coach Athletic Director Principal Superintendent There should never be any meeting with a coach before, during, or immediately after a game.

29 Stadium Rules During Games
No Tents, Canopies, or Umbrellas in the stadium bleachers. Gates open at 5:00 – No one will be admitted before No one other than athletic teams, coaches, and approved game personnel are allowed on the track or field before, during, and after contests. Please treat players, officials, and spectators with respect. Please use trash cans around stadium, we have better facilities than we have ever had and we need to keep them nice.

30 Shenandoah Sports Passes
All Season Sports Pass - $100 Adult $50 Student/Sr. Citizen (Add a reserve football seat for $10) *Value of $612* Season Sports Pass - Fall, Winter, or Spring - $50 for each season (Add a reserve football seat for $10) Football Only with Reserved Seat - $56 for 7 home games  Family All Sports Pass - $225 for a family of 2 adults and up to 3 school age children *value of $1166* *Passes include all Varsity, Junior Varsity, Freshmen, and Junior High Games* Passes including the price of parking.

31 Parking Noble Local School District is going to charge parking at Varsity Football Games and Varsity Basketball Games. Parking is included with a pass. This is an excellent opportunity for each sport to generate revenue % of parking revenue is going to the team who works the event. This can be used for a variety of needs such as equipment, camp dues, or any other need of the program.

32 Media Day / Pictures Media Day / Spring Sports Pictures Thursday August 9. Pictures are no longer going to be contracted to an outside provider. SHS offers a photography class and pictures will be taken by school. Link to Zenfolio site is on athletic website.

33 Questions or Concerns Eric Sholtis Twitter @EJSholtis
HS Phone

34 This is an exciting time at Shenandoah
We have top notch coaches and support from administration / board We believe that the student-athletes at Shenandoah are capable of achieving as much as they want to achieve.

35 Sport Meeting Locations
High School / Junior High Football - High School / Junior High Cross Country - High School / Junior High Cheer -

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