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Myth 4 Daniel Shirk.

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1 Myth 4 Daniel Shirk

2 What We are going to Learn
Chomsky debunking of the myth that Immigrants don’t pay taxes There will be examples of how immigrants do pay taxes The connection Myth 4 has to the article “In the Strawberry Fields”

3 Summary of Myth 4 Chomsky is trying that Immigrants do pay taxes in the form of sales taxes, real estate taxes, and gasoline taxes. She says the myth is based around that immigrants are all paid through the informal sphere. We as U.S citizens do this as well. She then goes on to say that in reality many immigrants work in the formal sphere therefore disproving this notion that they don’t pay taxes.

4 Main Claim “Immigrants, no matter what their status, pay the same taxes that citizens do.” – Chomsky. They pay taxes through sales taxes, real estate taxes, and gasoline taxes.

5 Summarized main claim The main claim is to disprove the Myth that Immigrants don’t pay taxes They work in the informal sphere so most of the money they earn is under the table money, not reported to the government. They do pay taxes though when it comes to sales taxes, real estate taxes, and gasoline taxes

6 Supporting Claims #1 Claim of Fact: “Much of the service sector operates in the informal sphere.” – Chomsky. Examples- Babysitters and most maid services are paid under the table and their earnings are not reported to the Government Second hand because she gets the information from The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo

7 Supporting claims #2 Claim of Fact: “Many Immigrants work in the formal economy, in which case they have all the same tax deductions from their paychecks as citizens do.” – Chomsky. They do this by presenting false security numbers and it is estimated that about ¾’s of undocumented workers do this. This hurts the immigrants because they pay for benefits that they can not receive because they are undocumented. This is second hand evidence from the New York Times

8 My stance Claim of Policy: The U.S. Government Should make it easier to become a legal Citizen.

9 Article - Eric Scholosser

10 Connection to article They both talk about the Market
Government is not doing anything about the issues The system is broke

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