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Jeff Jiangfeng Zhang PhD, Senior Lecturer, CEng

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1 Mathematical modelling for the impact of social network on energy savings
Jeff Jiangfeng Zhang PhD, Senior Lecturer, CEng Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde Tel:

2 Agenda Motivation Modelling Case study

3 I. Motivation Important impact of human behaviour to the progress of energy efficiency (EE) technology mass rollout (CFL/LED lighting, heat pump, solar water heater, electric vehicles, smart meters,…) Forecast the progress of EE programme Control the progress of EE programme: advertisement other customer engagement: communications 3

4 II Modelling Social network (small world)

5 Information transfer along a social network
Social impact means the changes in physiological states and subjective feelings, motives and emotions, cognitions and beliefs, values and behaviour, that occur in a human as a result of the actions of others.

6 Energy saving modelling
Expected energy savings = Direct savings + Indirect savings Direct savings: savings from installed EE technologies Indirect savings: mathematical expectations of savings through information propagation from people with installed EE technologies Calculations of information propagation: Identify initial information source nodes (people): people installed EE technologies directly connected nodes: information dissipation (represented by a probability) depends on strength of connections between the two nodes/people indirectly connected nodes: product of the information dissipation probabilities of directly connected paths needs the help of concept of entropy to quantify information propagation

7 III. Case study: a network with 56 people
node 3 has highest number of connections (17) free solar water geysers to be dispatched

8 With 3 source nodes: Node 3 does not appear in the best 10 combinations!

9 Further studies References:
Not limited to energy savings calculation: Smart meters Advertisement/Customer engagement Global models to be developed: Do not rely on particular network connections References: UE Ekpenyong, J Zhang and X Xia, Mathematical modelling for the social impact to energy efficiency savings, Energy and Buildings, vol. 84, 2014, pp UE Ekpenyong, J Zhang and X Xia, How information propagation in social networks can improve energy savings based on time of use tariff, Sustainable CitiesandSociety, vol. 19, 2015, pp. 26–33

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