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The Judiciary Revision.

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1 The Judiciary Revision

2 Complete the following statements:
Judiciary is a branch of government whose task is ________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. Conflicts brought before the judiciary are embodied in cases involving litigants, who may be _________________________________________________________. Conflicts that allege personal or financial harm resulting from violations of law or binding legal agreements between litigants produce ________________________. Criminal cases are officially defined as conflicts between the ____________ and the _____________________. Judicial decisions in criminal cases determine whether the accused is __________ or ______________________. Judicial proceedings involve the participation of a number of people, but ___________________ is the central figure. Some national supreme courts exercise their power of ______________________ to hold laws or major government actions unconstitutional. After a court decision has been made, it may or may not require _________________.

3 Match the adjectives in the left column with the nouns in the right column:
binding adjudication public legal agreement judicial case authoritative compensation executive agreements legal review financial branch civil policy

4 binding legal agreement
public policy judicial review authoritative adjudication executive branch legal agreements financial compensation civil case

5 Complete the paragraph with the appropriate verb from the list below
Complete the paragraph with the appropriate verb from the list below. Put the verb in the correct tense: depend, conform, order, make, require, carry out After a court decision has been made, it may or may not ___________ enforcement. In many cases the parties accept the judgment of the court and ___________ their behaviour to it. In other cases a court must __________ a party to cease a particular activity. The enforcement of such orders is ___________________ by the executive branch and may require funding from the legislative branch. The enforcement of the orders of any government institution ______________ on the enforcing institution’s acceptance of the issuing institution’s right to _____________ the ruling and to have it enforced.

6 Answer key After a court decision has been made, it may or may not REQUIRE enforcement. In many cases the parties accept the judgment of the court and CONFORM their behaviour to it. In other cases a court must ORDER a party to cease a particular activity. The enforcement of such orders is CARRIED OUT by the executive branch and may require funding from the legislative branch. The enforcement of the orders of any government institution DEPENDS on the enforcing institution’s acceptance of the issuing institution’s right to MAKE the ruling and to have it enforced.

7 Complete the table with words from the text and their related forms:
VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE application allege administrative enforcement punishment arbitrary acceptance require trial

8 Translate the paragraph into Croatian:
The courts decide on disputes concerning basic human and civil rights and obligations, the rights and obligations of the state and units of local self-government, and impose criminal and other measures upon perpetrators of criminal offences established by law.

9 Translate into English:
U Republici Hrvatskoj državna je vlast ustrojena na načelu diobe vlasti na zakonodavnu, izvršnu i sudbenu. Sudbenu vlast obavljaju sudovi. Sudbena vlast je samostalna i neovisna. Sudovi sude na temelju Ustava i zakona. Sudovi sude i na osnovi međunarodnih ugovora koji su dio pravnog poretka Republike Hrvatske.

10 Suggested translation
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia is based on the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches. Judicial power is exercised by the courts. The judiciary is to be autonomous and independent. The courts administer justice according to the Constitution and the law, as well as the international agreements and treaties, which make an integral part of the legal system of the Republic of Croatia.

11 Translate into English:
U Republici Hrvatskoj sudbenu vlast obavljaju prekršajni sudovi, općinski sudovi, županijski sudovi, trgovački sudovi, upravni sudovi, Visoki prekršajni sud Republike Hrvatske, Visoki trgovački sud Republike Hrvatske, Visoki upravni sud Republike Hrvatske i Vrhovni sud Republike Hrvatske.

12 Courts in the Republic of Croatia

13 Complete the following paragraph:
The Supreme Court is the _________ court in the Republic of Croatia and it ensures the ____________ application of the law and the ____________ of all citizens. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia comprises the __________ Department and the _________ Department employing 42 judges, the President of the Supreme Court included.

14 Which c-words are missing?
The Constitutional Court decides on the c of law with the C , and on c c against individual rulings of state bodies, bodies of units of local and regional self-government and legal persons vested with public authority. It is s c of 13 judges who are elected by the C Parliament for a period of 8 years.

15 Match the verbs in the left column with the nouns and nominal phrases in the right column:
administer measures protect justice pronounce the Constitution and laws impose uniform application of law guarantee disputes decide on rulings

16 Translate the collocations:
administer justice guarantee uniform application of law protect the constitution and law decide on disputes impose measures pronounce rulings

17 Thank you for your attention!

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