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Easter Quiz How eggs-citing!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Easter Quiz How eggs-citing!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easter Quiz How eggs-citing!!

2 Question 1 Name the Roman official who tried Jesus and sentenced him to death.

3 Question 2 What is the name given to the day we remember Jesus’ last meal with the disciples?

4 Question 3 Name the garden where Jesus was arrested.

5 Question 4 What is the traditional name given to the Tuesday, the day before Lent begins?

6 Question 5 On what animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?

7 Question 6 Name the first day of Holy Week.

8 Question 7 People waved branches from which tree to welcome Jesus?

9 Question 8 Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus.

10 Question 9 Name the first day of Lent.

11 Question 10 What is the name given to the day Jesus was arrested and put to death.

12 Question 11 What is the name given to the last week of Lent?

13 Question 12 What religious festival did Jesus come to Jerusalem to celebrate?

14 Question 13 Who was the first person the risen Jesus spoke to after the Resurrection?

15 Question 14 Why are eggs used as a symbol of Easter?

16 Question 15 Easter is a moveable feast. What determines the date of Easter Sunday?

17 Answers

18 Question 1 Name the Roman official who tried Jesus and sentenced him to death. Pontius Pilate

19 Question 2 What is the name given to the day we remember Jesus’ last meal with the disciples? Maundy Thursday

20 Question 3 Name the garden where Jesus was arrested.
Garden of Gethsemane

21 Question 4 What is the traditional name given to the Tuesday, the day before Lent begins? Shrove Tuesday

22 Question 5 On what animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? A donkey/colt

23 Question 6 Name the first day of Holy Week. Palm Sunday

24 Question 7 People waved branches from which tree to welcome Jesus?
Palm Tree

25 Question 8 Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus. Judas Iscariot

26 Question 9 Name the first day of Lent. Ash Wednesday

27 Question 10 What is the name given to the day Jesus was arrested and put to death. Good Friday

28 Question 11 What is the name given to the last week of Lent? Holy Week

29 Question 12 What religious festival did Jesus come to Jerusalem to celebrate? Passover

30 Question 13 Who was the first person the risen Jesus spoke to after the Resurrection? Mary Magdalene

31 Question 14 Why are eggs used as a symbol of Easter?
Eggs symbolise rebirth

32 Question 15 Easter is a moveable feast. What determines the date of Easter Sunday? Easter Sunday is the Sunday after the first full moon.


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