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Lívia Vasas, PhD 2018 About the prestige of the journals and articles start from Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome Lívia Vasas,

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Presentation on theme: "Lívia Vasas, PhD 2018 About the prestige of the journals and articles start from Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome Lívia Vasas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lívia Vasas, PhD 2018
About the prestige of the journals and articles start from Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome Lívia Vasas, PhD 2018

2 Important resources Journal Citation Reports - JCR Scimago - SJR, Scopus - compare journals Altmetric

3 To evaluate and compare journals using citation data - JCR
Contain: scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings 3 300 publishers in over 60 countries in the areas of science, technology, and social sciences

4 IF value – calculation quotient
numerator denominator

5 Impact factor calculation - Leukemia

6 InCite Journal Citation Reports

7 Search Journal titles The Master Search page enables you to search for journal titles using the JCR abbreviated journal title, the full journal title, ISSN or eISSN number


9 Question What was the „Lancet” journal IF value in 2008? 5.440 28.331
28.409 32.220

10 The title: Nature Photonics
What is the IF quotient in 2015? 1100/ / /269 What is the proper ISSN of this journal?

What is the official JCR Abrevation? POR PATHOL ONCOL RES PATHOL ONCOL RESEARCH What is the proper value of IF without self cites in 2013? 2, , , 332

12 Categories

13 Category: Oncology

14 Inside the categories….immunology

15 In the category of „Immunology”what was the lowest IF value in 2014?
0.200 1.230 2.110 0.280

16 Questions How many journals were in 2015 in „Surgery” category?
In this category in 2015 what was the lowest IF value? 0, , ,022

17 Category: Dermatology, year 2015 In this category
how many journals are? how many open access journals? in Quartile 2 how many journals are from Germany?

18 About the Quartile of the Journal
In its subject category - Q1 denotes the top 25% of the IF distribution, - Q2 for middle-high position (between top 50% and top 25%), - Q3 middle-low position (top 75% to top 50%), - Q4 the lowest position (bottom 25% of the IF distribution)

19 The place of the selected journal/s only in its category „Quartile”

20 Question Analyse the following journals in 2014 Annals of Surgery
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry American Journal of Transplantation - In the „Surgery” category which journals belong to the Q1? all - Which has the highest IF value? Annals of surgery




24 The SSCI ed, the year: 2015, the category: ethics In this category
how many journals are? how many journals are in the Q2? how many journals are in the Q3 with open access?

25 The category: Cell Biology in 2013- 2016, compare the trends of the following journals
Acta Histochemica Tissue Antigens Stem Cell Research Trends in Molecular Medicine


27 Questions How many Hungarian journals can be found in Science Citation Index Expanded in 2014? (SCIE) How many Hungarian periodicals are in 2015 in Q3? (SCIE and SSCI) How many Hungarian periodicals are in 2014 in Q2? (SCIE and SSCI) How many German periodicals are in in Q1? (SCIE and SSCI) 6

28 Questions Which journal has the highest IF in 2016 from Hungary in both ed.s? Orvosi Hetilap Journal of Behavioral Addictions Find the title changing at this journal: Physiology International ISSN: X Acta Physiol Hung

29 Questions How many journals are?
- year: 2015, from England, SCIE ed, Q1 and open access - year: 2011 from England, SCIE and SSCI eds, IF between 8-10

30 Title Suppressions significant distortion of the Journal Impact Factor Transparency and Accountability In the interest of fairness and accuracy for all journals, the distortion of the Journal Impact Factor by an excessive concentration of citations gives rise to the need for suppression. Titles are suppressed for one year and are reevaluated annually.

31 Problem

32 Problem

33 Official citation for JRC
The JCR data year that you are referencing. The full name, Journal Citation Reports. Include the registered trademark symbol.  Name of the publisher: Thomson Reuters Copyright year: The copyright year appears at the bottom of every page in JCR. Examples: 2015 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2015) 2015 Journal Citation Reports® Social Sciences Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2015) 2015 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2015)

34 Scimago

35 Scimago The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.). These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains. This indicator shows the visibility of the journals contained in the Scopus® database from 1996.







42 Title: Nanomedicine (United Kingdom) ISSN: 17486963, 17435889
What was the SJR value of this journal in 2010? 2,223 2,277 3,552

43 About International Collaboration
The journal title is: CELL The % of International collaboration in 2014 10,00 20,18 31,96 40,00

44 Scimago – about the countries


46 Scimago Germany, 2015 The subject: „Dentistry” Category: „Oral surgery” How many publications are? Category: „Periodontics”


48 SCOPUS compare sources


50 CiteScore 2016 CiteScore metrics from Scopus are comprehensive, transparent, current and free metrics for serial titles in Scopus


52 Metrics



55 Journal profile: Acta Diabetologica

56 Lancet - find these details

57 Altmetric - article level

58 Altmetric of the articles…


60 Older article...

61 How is the Altmetric Attention Score calculated?

62 Mentions and articles discussed via Social Media platforms – 2016
Additional research-impact indices, known as alternative metrics, are offering new evaluation alternatives One of those is a researchers‚ reputation made via their footprint on the social web The social media statistics are provided by Altmetric They monitor article mentions on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Reddit, Blogs, News articles, Policy documents and Faculty of 1000 reviews


64 Altmetric https://www. nature
Altmetric score Altmetric calculates a score based on the online attention an article receives. Each coloured thread in the circle represents a different type of online attention and the number in the centre is the Altmetric score. The score is calculated based on two main sources of online attention: social media and mainstream news media. Altmetric also tracks usage in online reference managers such as Mendeley and CiteULike, but these do not contribute to the score. Older articles will typically score higher because they have had more time to get noticed. To account for this, Altmetric has included the context data for articles of a "similar age" (published within 6 weeks of either side of the publication date of this article). For a more detailed description of Altmetric, the Altmetric score, and sources used, please see Altmetric's information page. Twitter demographics Provides the number of tweets broken down by country of origin for the Twitter account. The geographic breakdown for the twitter sources is provided by Altmetric and is updated hourly.

65 Thank you!

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