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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution
Chapter 6- Section 1 **Challenging Traditional Beliefs

2 Scientific Revolution
Geocentric theory-accepted by Aristotle, Ptolemy and the Church Earth is the center of the universe and everything moves around the earth This theory was based on the common sense idea that the sun appeared to be moving around the earth Claudius Ptolemy: Egyptian, leading authority on the universe in his era

3 Nicholas Copernicus Heliocentric Model
Sun is center of universe He knew this theory would not be widely accepted He did not publish his theory until the last year of his life Avoided persecution for his new ideas

4 Galileo Challenged the idea the stars and moon were made of a pure, perfect substance Sun is center of the universe Church made him recant his findings 1992: Catholic Church acknowledged he was correct

5 Johannes Kepler Added to the heliocentric theory
Discovered that mathematical laws governed the movements of the planets

6 Francis Bacon Believed in continuous experimentation
Observation is also a huge piece of Bacon’s work Helped create the idea of Scientific Method

7 Rene Descartes Doubt until prove by reason Becomes the basis of …
Scientific Method Famous quote: “I think, therefore I am”

8 Isaac Newton Universal law of Gravity
Single theory of motion “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” Explained how mathematical laws governed the movements of the planets and universe. Math governed all motion One of the men who created Calculus

9 Scientific Instruments
“Necessity is the mother of invention” Scientists began maker tools to make precise observations in their work

10 Zacharias Janssen Invented the Microscope in 1590

11 Anton van Leeuwenhoek Used a microscope to observe bacteria on tooth scrapings Observed red blood cells for the first time Grubs, maggots, etc through microscope proved tiny insects

12 Evangelista Torricelli
Invented the Mercury barometer What does a barometer measure? Atmospheric pressure How can this be used? Predict weather

13 Gabriel Fahrenheit Invented a Mercury thermometer
He set his temperature scale with 32 degrees as the freezing point of water Fahrenheit scale

14 Anders Celsius Invented a Mercury thermometer
He set his scale with 0 degrees as the freezing point of water Celsius scale

15 Andreas Vesalius Ancient Greek physician named Galen; only studied pigs Anatomy Dissected human corpses Illegal at the time “On the Structure of the Human Body” Detailed drawings of organs, muscles and bones.

16 William Harvey Heart is a pump to circulate blood throughout the body
Recognized the full circulation of the blood through the human body and provided proof of his theories

17 Edward Jenner Smallpox was a deadly disease that had plagued Europe for years Asian societies had used live smallpox germs as a vaccine: very dangerous Jenner discovered that cowpox germs would provide permanent protection from smallpox

18 Robert Boyle The father of modern chemistry
Boyle’s Law-relates temperature, volume and pressure. Published over 40 books on science and philosophy

19 Joseph Priestly Separated pure gases from air
Discovered the gas Oxygen in 1774

20 Antoine Lavoisier Discovered the water is a compound of Hydrogen and Oxygen Named Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen

21 Enlightenment Philosophers began to apply the scientific approach of reason and logic to other areas of life. This new movement is called the Enlightenment

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