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How to Enhance your Publication Impact

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1 How to Enhance your Publication Impact
How to Enhance your Publication Impact? – A Library Workshop on Citations, Journal Impact Factors, H-Index, ORCID and More 13 Mar 2018

2 Outline How to identify high impact journals for submitting your paper? How to enhance the visibility and accessibility of your published works? How can the Library help? Q&A

3 How to Identify High Impact Journals for Submitting your Paper?

4 How to Find High Impact Journals
Check out the following resources for determining impact factors and the best journals in your subject discipline: InCites Journal Citation Reports SCImago Journal & Country Rank 4

5 Journal Ranking Tools 5

6 InCites Journal Citation Reports
InCites Journal Citation Reports includes citation data drawn from approximately 12,000 scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries. It covers almost all specialties in science, technology, and the social sciences and enables the evaluation and comparison of journals to identify the top ranked and highest impact journals in a particular field. It provides dynamic, interactive features supported by visualizations of JCR indicators that allow researchers to compare, evaluate and inform their decisions on published research in varying fields. 6

7 Finding a Journal in JCR
Enter your requested journal in the search box, e.g. Early Childhood Research Quarterly Select the JCR year and the edition(s) of SCIE / SSCI or other fields 7


9 Key Indicators Provided by JCR
Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Cited Half-Life Citing Half-Life Eigenfactor Score Article Influence Score and more …… Impact Factor has been the most widely used JCR indicator for journal ranking. 9

10 What is Journal Impact Factor?
Journal Impact Factor is a simple statistics intended to reflect the “impact” of a journal. Basically it indicates the average number of times an article published in the particular journal during the past two years was being cited. Journal Impact Factor is based on the InCites Journal Citation Reports which is updated on annual basis. Impact factors for each year are usually published in the summer of the following year. For example, the 2017 impact factors will be available in the summer of 2018. 10

11 Below is only a simplified explanation of the metrics
Below is only a simplified explanation of the metrics. For definitions and details, click the help in the JCR journal report pages Total Cites Total number of citations for this journal in the JCR year Impact Factor On average, how many times an article in this journal is being cited – based on articles published in the two previous years 5-Year Impact Factor On average, how many times an article in this journal is being cited – based on articles published in the five previous years Immediacy Index On average, how many times an article in this journal is being cited in the same year – based on last year's data (reflects more about the nature of the subject than journal quality) Cited Half-Life Indicates how far back the older articles in this journal are still being cited (reflects more about the nature of the subject than journal quality) 11

12 Article Influence Score
Below is only a simplified explanation of the metrics. For definitions and details, click the help in the JCR journal report pages Citing Half-Life Indicates how recent or how old the bibliography referred by articles in this journal are (reflects more about the nature of the subject than journal quality) Eigenfactor Score The Eigenfactor Score is some kinds of enhanced 5-year impact factor – by giving higher score for getting cited in more influential journals and eliminates self-citation Article Influence Score The Article Influence Score is derived from the Eigenfactor Score based on matching the share of the journal's influence against the share of the journal's share of articles. The neutral influence score is 1.00 – thus a journal with article influence score greater than 1.00 indicates that each article in the journal has above-average influence and vice versa 12

13 Impact Factor for Different JCR Years

14 No. of items published in 2014 or 2015
Working Example: Impact Factor of Early Childhood Research Quarterly (JCR SSCI 2016) = 2.436 Impact Factor = No. of Cites to 2014 or 2015 items in 2016 No. of items published in 2014 or 2015 14

15 Calculation: Journal Impact Factor (2.436) = The articles published in this journal in 2014 and 2015 were cited in 2016, on average, times. Numerator (324) = 2016 citations captured from journals and proceedings in any/all items published to a journal in the 2014 and 2015 Denominator (133) = Number of Articles and Reviews (citable items) published in the journal in 2014 and 2015

16 Impact Factor Trend of a Journal

17 Journal Ranking by Impact Factor by JCR Subject Category
By default, journals are ranked by its current impact factor by subject NOTE: A journal can belong to more than one subject category; and therefore it is possible for a journal to have different ranks

18 The Meaning of Quartiles in JCR

19 Journal Ranking by Impact Factor by JCR Subject Category

20 e.g. 235 journals under the category of “Education & Educational Research”

21 Ranked 17th out of 235 journals in “Education & Educational Research”

22 To Save the Journal Data of a List of Journals
Export the report to excel for analysis

23 Journal Title Change Covers title changes occurring in the past two years (that is, the JCR year and the preceding year).

24 Additional Information
About InCites Journal Citation Reports Journal Citation Reports: Learn the Basics What's New in Journal Citation Reports? InCites Journal Citation Reports Help Journal Selection Process 24

25 More about Impact Factor
Generally, journals with a higher impact factor have greater visibility. However, what about those high impact journals that are not listed in JCR? Are there any other commonly accepted alternatives? 25

26 SJR (SCImago Journal Rank)
The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database.  Journals can be grouped by subject area (27 major thematic areas), subject category (313 specific subject categories) or by country.  Citation data is drawn from over 21,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers and country performance metrics from 239 countries worldwide.  26

27 SCImago: Journal Search
Find a specific journal, e.g. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27

28 SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) Indicator
Below is only a simplified explanation of the metrics. For definitions and details, click the help page of SJR. H Index It expresses the journal's number of articles (h) that have received at least h citations. It quantifies both journal scientific productivity and scientific impact and it is also applicable to scientists, countries, etc. SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) Indicator It expresses the average number of weighted citations received in the selected year by the documents published in the selected journal in the three previous years, --i.e. weighted citations received in year X to documents published in the journal in years X-1, X-2 and X-3.  See detailed description of SJR (PDF). 28

29 Journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

30 Citation data will be provided in chart & table format

31 View the Subject Category Full List
Ranked 64th out of 276 journals in “Developmental and Educational Psychology”, based on the SJR (1.221)

32 Users can change the sorting order by SJR, H index, total cites or other metrics and download option is also provided.

33 How to Enhance the Visibility and Accessibility of your Published Works?

34 Have a Google Scholar Profile
Google Scholar is a research platform that is commonly used by researchers. When you set up the Google Scholar profile and make it public, It will be more easier for yourself and others to quickly: Showcase your research papers Locate your publications by others Keep track of your research papers and the citations history Check who has cited your publications 34

35 Set up the Google Scholar Profile
Go to Google Scholar and sign in with your Google account, or create one if you do not have a Google account.  Then click on "My profile“ and complete the steps to set up your profile. For details, please visit Remember to make your public so that it is searchable via Google Scholar. 35

36 Co-authorship Network
Other than updating your publications, adding co-authors in your profile is a good way to let other researchers know you are now on Google Scholar. 36

37 Google Scholar Metrics

38 Google Scholar Metrics
Google Scholar has three major metrics - h-index, i10-index and the total number of citations. The h-index of a publication is the largest number h such that at least h articles in that publication were cited at least h times each. i10 index refers to the number of paper with at least 10 citations. It is created by Google Scholar.  38

39 Higher Citation Counts in Google Scholar?
Compared to Web of Science and Scopus, Google Scholar counts citations from anywhere and it covers more books, book chapters, theses, conference proceedings, etc. No list of all publications provided See the “Inclusion Guidelines for Webmasters” in Google Scholar 39

40 Times Cited Count in Google Scholar
For example, citation count in Prof Kennedy’s article includes citations from scholarly journals, theses, Chinese paper, etc. Citation counts are much higher than that of Scopus and Web of Science.

41 Common Citation Analysis Tools
Check out the following resources which provide research evaluation metrics like times cited, h-index, etc.: Web of Science (Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index) Scopus Looking at Prof Kennedy’s article, try to compare citation count result from Google Scholar, Web of Science and Scopus. 41

42 The paper has been cited 24 times in Web of Science

43 The paper has been cited 28 times in Scopus

44 Open Access Publishing
Consider publishing a work in an open access journal. Open access allows access for anyone like researchers, teachers, journalists, and the general public, etc. without a subscription. 44

45 Benefits of Open Access
Compared with traditional publishing, open access publishing has a number of advantages to enhance your publication impact: Accessibility: Readers have free online access to the content  Wider readership: An author has the right to have the work disseminated to the widest possible audience Increase visibility and citations for research outputs They can be indexed by Google and other search engines increasing impact of the research. And more ... 45

46 Useful Resources Websites about open access journals:
A–Z Directory of Open Access Journals in Elsevier Open Journals in Taylor & Francis Wiley Open Access Directory of Open Access Journals Open Access Directory (OAD) 46

47 Other Academic Social Networks
Try to publicize your work more widely through other commonly used academic social networking sites: ResearchGate Mendeley And more … 47

48 How can the Library help?

49 Use ORCID Create an ORCID iD in order to make it easy for other researchers to get your publication. Open Researcher and Contributor iD Life-long Unique Connect researchers to their outputs and affiliations 49

50 Why ORCID? Reduce form filling Improve recognition and discoverability
Research activities outputs Publishers Funders Institutions Easy connections and interoperable Reduce form filling Improve recognition and discoverability Persistent 50

51 Who should register? All EdUHK researchers
ORCID iD may be required by RGC for grants applications from 2019/20 onward, and by UGC for RAE 2020 51

52 ORCID Registration Service
EdUHK researchers who register their ORCID iDs with the EdUHK Library ORCID Registration Service will have their research outputs in their ORCID profile automatically updated by the Library.  In return, ORCID iDs will allow the new EdUHK Research Repository on Pure platform to harvest EdUHK colleagues’ research outputs more accurately and comprehensively.  In addition, there will be a new Pure-RICH interface for EdUHK researchers to upload their Pure data easily onto RICH for CDCF and RAE submissions. Started and Please Act Now: 52

53 New EdUHK Research Repository

54 Research Repository Contribution to the Research Repository will help you promote the research by making the content accessible, searchable, and discoverable by the global research community. 54

55 Research Repository What is New Cloud-Based Platform
Researcher Profiles Collaboration Network Research Outputs Fingerprint ORCID connection RICH Interface

56 Research Repository Researcher Profiles

57 Research Repository Fingerprint Researcher Profiles

58 Research Repository Research Outputs Researcher Profiles

59 Research Repository Collaboration Network Researcher Profiles

60 Research Repository ORCID connection RICH Interface

61 Preprints - Speed Up Dissemination
Many publishers have copyright regulations specifying which version(s) of a journal article (like pre-print, post-print, final published article after an embargo period) can be deposited in a repository. For example, Elsevier allows author who publish in Elsevier journals by posting a free draft copy of their article to a repository. You may refer to the “Article Sharing” page at Additional information: Ten simple rules to consider regarding preprint submission 61

62 Preprints

63 Preprints The SHERPA/RoMEO database provides a summary of copyright and archiving policies adopted by major publishers in the world. You may check with the original source of sharing policy.  63

64 Thank You Library Information Counter G/F, Mong Man Wai Library

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